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Forum Post: The Frog Has Jumped!

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 29, 2011, 10:05 a.m. EST by woodfoe (25)
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No longer content to slow cook in the pot, the frog has jumped out and awaken the sleeping giant at precisely 11:11 AM. It's time to wake up America. As an interesting historical note, at the turn of the century, L Frank Baum wrote a cleaver book entitled " The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". On the outside one would conclude is a children's fairy tale. However, Baum meant his book to be an allegory about the banking system of his day and the difference between the gold standard and the great advantage of going to silver. You see unlike the movie where Dorthy's shoes are ruby, the book has her shoes as being silver. An important fact to consider in being able to analyze the book. I think Baum would be very proud to have seen this day come when the populist would finally rise up against the powerful banking interest. If your interested in reading some analysis of the book you can go here for a short read: http://webofdebt.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/whats-the-wizard-of-oz-got-to-do-with-money-reform/



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