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Forum Post: (The free people model) Do we serve the market? Or do we serve humanity?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 4:17 p.m. EST by Heylo (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I propose a system of mutuality, transparency and equality. A system in which every participant is given access to the means of survival (comfortable shelter, clean water, nutritious food, education, clothing) without having to compete for labor, simply because they are human beings. We have the technology to set the world free from starvation, and homelessness, To set the world free from dependence on corrupt governments and international corporations. This freedom does not come from Capitalism, or communism, or any "ism" because these and just theories that, for the most part, have never been fully realized. This freedom comes from standing together and building something together for the common good. whether its building a school, a community, a vertical farm, or a home, if we build it so that it is independent and self sustaining , so that it is an efficient and cohesive part of whole that is a sustainable human civilization , than it itself becomes free, Than We ourselves become free. It is time to end parasitic relationships, stop the leeching from the poor to the rich, stop the leeching from nature to corporations, and start rebuilding the community. The money already has no value, its backed by nothing. we can fight for gold for silver, but what is that backed by if no one cares for you has a human being, if are no one's brother of sister, if no no one will work with you. No man is an island. We are one tribe. One human race. We the people The Free People



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[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Somewhat agreed, but what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves at $500 apiece. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

who are you ? why are you asking for money?

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

I'm not asking for money for myself but for all of you to pool your financial resources to create your own banks, which is the most effective way to defeat Wall Street. Read the link, it's only a one page explanation of what I'm about in relation to you. I'm trying to agree with you logically, not fight you emotionally.

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

collecting a poll if you would like to participate http://blog.richardkentgates.com

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

I minimally want everyone to have the knowledge of how to support themselves without relying on a governing body or power broker. We don't have to go back to the stone age, but just having that option available is enough to prevent a totalitarian turn for the worse just because everything is so centralized and abstracted from the population at large that we are at its mercy.

And I like that you are considering the empathy needed to actually make a sustained and realistic change. This is a huge step, but I don't think it's impossible to take...

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

So what are your proposals for actual change? What path can you see, from the current position, to the ideal one?

[-] 1 points by cheeseus (109) 13 years ago

You and like minded individuals can group and do this without forcing other individuals to participate using government. You can build and give away homes. Feed people. Create a free college.

The question is not wether it can be done. Its a question of why you aren't doing it but want to force me to.

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

Who said I want to force you to do anything? And who says i'm not "doing it" ? The point is the choice, so you are correct about having the options before you.

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago
  • Homes: Habitat for Humanity (good model - continues to reinvest in expansion, can do this via volunteer labor - I loved doing this one, too [carpenter's daughter, felt like my childhood revisited :D])
  • Food: Oh man, can't wait to setup my own site for this. I just convinced my company to use part of their lawn so that volunteers from my company could grow a vegetable garden, and donate 2/3 or more to the local food shelf. This year was rough (no funding, just space), but we've already donated a lot - they loved it :) Fresh organic vegetables. We helped families hit by the hurricane, too, so perfect timing. I'm going to do a corporate garden program, set up a model, after baselining our own experiment, and invite all businesses to join in.
  • Education: Khan Academy, iUniversity... I've been loving www.khanacademy.org - finally getting that higher math, and it's so cool :D The organizer has an open invitation for others to donate materials and instructional videos.

Just had to add real world solutions, since you mentioned them. I invite everyone to join in!

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

This is awesome! A very constructive comment, Thanks so much. There is this other "Home" option that I love called Earthships. Its a volunteer program and construction method that is sustainable and beautifully innovative. http://www.earthship.org/

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

Oh wow, those are awesome! I love innovative, artful structures... thanks for sharing back! :) I'm going to start collecting all of these. We should have a collective site for everything like this, and start working together.

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

Money keeps us away from achieving things as a species and for the common good at this point. Its an unsustainable practice because it always separates itself from the actually thing it represents and how those resources and products effect the environment and people. We have to begin to understand productions effect on the environment and our bodies and create products that the most efficient at meeting our needs, not at facilitating cyclical consumption and a marginal monetary profit. At the end of the day the most profitable things in a monetary paradigm ( whether or not its based on gold or paper) are problems... (The military industrial complex for example) End the profit motive BS Free life supporting infrastructure for the world!

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

Monetarism is dead. No currency can keep up with the level technical development and efficiency we can create! What do you charge for something that can be created at little to no loss to any individual? and there are so many people willing to work towards a common good without monetary reward. people should Not have compete for labor or care about unemployment in 2011, Their basic needs (Education, nutritious food, shelter, medical care, electrical power) could be provided Once we build a new energy infrastructure on and localize food growing with hydroponics and urban farming, In the transistion into this kind of system of open source living, we could create labor by allowing volunteer services to build towards having a better infrastructure and educate people to create a new value system of mutuality for our generation and the next. We have to work together FULLY on the local level, and stop competing for labor

[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

control currency>control value> control price = control market End the fed the People have to control currency not private banks

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

The fed should be ended, I agree. But, what will our currency be based on once we have no more fiat currency? gold? who owns most of the gold? I know that I don't have any, and i know the people who have most of it will not allow it to be redistributed. I believe that if we build sustainable infrastructure and create real communities, like the one that has emerged at Liberty plaza in NYC, we wont need a currency for exchange. The concept of Money controls us now, it controls the patterns of our behavior, and destroys communities because we have to compete with each other for labor.

[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

i'm not saying destroy the dollar I'm saying take control of the dollar

[-] 1 points by Heylo (14) 13 years ago

The current global market system limits innovation, because a highly efficient product eliminates cyclical consumption, which is the key to economic growth. For Example, if a company produces a cellphone that can be upgraded and is made with parts that are long lasting and efficiently manufactured, there will be no need for people to purchase a new cell phone in the market for very long time or perhaps ever. This inherently causes the market to suffer, but actually is better for people and the environment. It is more cost effective in terms of physical resources, and allows people access to best technology available. Another example; if a person creates a sustainable energy generator efficient enough to power an entire city, not only will they not be able to gain market leverage based on cyclical consumption , and thus not be rewarded by the ceaseless growth paradigm created by "monetarism" (or market economies in general) , but said person will undoubtably be sabotaged by the oil tycoon oligarchs, fearful of losing the group monopoly on a unsustainable energy source. A great example of a similar situation to this was The War of Currents between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison.

Our economic culture is lagging behind our technology. We live in a culture based on gaining leverage on your fellow man or woman, competing with one another in order to survive. This is highly inefficient, being that the technology exist to provide the entire earths population with a high standard of living with minimal labor input.

For example, a construction method called Contour Crafting, which is a method that utilizes an automated robotic construction tool latched onto a scaffold above the construction site to place layer by layer of the construction material with little to no manpower at all. This system can even place electrical wiring as well as plumbing itself. The best thing about this technology is that it can construct a 2000 square foot home in under 24 hours at a lower material cost than normal modern construction methods require.

Another example of these sort of paradigm shifting technologies, is the vertical farm. The United States of America has some of the most depleted topsoil in the world. This is in large part do to the practices of industrial farming and the fact that most of our food products are processed using Soy Beans and Corn. Because the same plants are grown year after year, the soil naturally loses the specific nutrients these plants need to survive. This is why there are so many fertilizers in use today in The U.S. This is a huge problem for the ecosystem of all of North America, but our large population centers do need to be fed. What if we could allow our arable land to restore itself and naturally replenish its nutrients, and at the same time grow organic, diverse foods for all the people of the world? Well we can, using a farming method known as hydroponics. Hydroponics is basically a form of farming that can be done indoors without the use of soil. The system utilizes water packed with the specific nutrients plants need as they grow. While artificial nutrients can be used in hydroponics, a more sustainable method would be to use local garbage to compost and then extract specific nutrients to be reused in the hydroponic systems. The undeniably great thing about hydroponics is that it can literally be done anywhere in the world using far less water than modern industrial farming. This is most efficiently implemented by building Vertical Farms, which are basically skyscrapers filled with indoor hydroponic systems. The implications of this technique of food production are of themselves a paradigm changing realization. Not only can organic food be grown locally and efficiently anywhere, but one could even begin see the possibility of living in a building that produces its own food, a modern sustainable community within the urban centers of our nation, and the world. There is a problem though, all of these innovations cannot function if we continue to measure success as nations in the GDP, or in the amount of currency floating around in the system. We need a new value system if we are ever to become a sustainable and flourishing member of our global ecosystem.