Forum Post: The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 10:59 p.m. EST by Scout
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
these are the seeds of the future that we used to see in science fiction movies where the world was dominated by one or two mega corporations
I believe this was based on work on complex systems by a Swiss think tank. I corresponded with them. They did the original exercise to test their mathematical model and to apply it to a case that most people could understand. Don't think they anticipated the attention that it would get when they published their results.
I don't think that you've uncovered the Illuminati here.
why does it have to be the Illuminati ? It is still socially undesirable to have all the wealth concentrated in such few hands it doesn't matter what you call them.
Death is socially undesirable no matter what you call it. What's your point?
OWS can't do anything about dying eventually but they can stop these Zionist scumbags controlling the global economy if enough people make the effort
Zionist scumbags. Wow. I guess that I should have seen that one coming.
Did you read the article? You get that by "control" the article was talking about indexing algorithms performed mostly by computers? Do Jews secretly control all of the computers too?
does being dumb come naturally to you? The cancer in the system is political control of the money
If you had anything useful to say then you wouldn't need to resort to trollish ad-hominem attacks. It's very hypocritical for so many Occupiers to refer to me as a "troll" when your behavior is pretty much par for the course.
Did you even read the article? There is not much "political control of the money" going on when the computers do indexing. Even the author of the article admitted that the influence of the people designing the indices is pretty marginal. His example was a company that was #502 getting bumped into the S&P 500. So we're talking about 0.2% of the S&P 500.
Perhaps they should start by PROVING that "zionist scumbags" are "controlling the global economy" to the majority of American citizens who believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Hint-screaming, yelling, endless rhetoric, camping out, being incredibly annoying does not prove it. Quoting endless statistics and facts-that no one can refute while pretending that the argument and conclusion they arrive at is not completely ridiculous and illogical doesn't fool anyone either. It also does not prove what OWS keeps demanding that it proves.
well if they removed all the layers of secrecy we could start with the US Federal reserve which the Zionists do control! abolish the Federal reserve and end fractional reserve banking!
Nothing but a junk article.
Essentially, the whole "story" is based on an untitled internal study from an unnamed company which was made aware to the author by an unnamed chief of hedge funs. A whole lot of nothing.
" A whole lot of nothing. " your opinion only
The opinion of anyone who cares for the scientific method. If the author cannot provide sources for his claims, nothing can be verified and we can only believe him on his words. It thus becomes nothing more than blind faith on our part.
If you are satisfied in this type of reporting, then so be it. I demand a more rigorous research, and I demand that authors provide evidence and their sources so others can check them.