Forum Post: The Fool (0)
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 11:02 p.m. EST by metapolitik
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'The Fool' is the Jester who's job it is to tell the King the truth - that which the King does not want to hear.
'The Fool' is the child who screams: "the Emperor has no clothes"
'The Fool' cuts through illusions with the clarity of his insight.
'The Fool' is the wisdom of innocence and the bravery and fortitude required to call out the thieves and the money changers from the temple.
'The Fool' is embodied in the spirits of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. and J.F.K. and all the others out there who were 'foolish' enough to try and make the world a better place.
And while Obi Wan might ask: "Who's the bigger fool - the fool or the fool who follows him?"...Others have noted that: "Everybody plays the fool sometimes".
The truth of the matter is that were it not for 'Fools' like Tesla, Fuller, Einstein, Jesus... And the lady that figured out how to bake bread... Without FOOLS, our society would never have left the caves or figured out how to harness fire.
Why do you think Prometheus was chained to a rock?
Why do you think they nailed Christ to that tree?
Why do you think there's a Burning Man?
'The Fool' may be a fool, but he is the wisest of us all.
Long live The Fool!
Viva le fool! :)
Moi Bien!
Your post is in the "crazy wisdom" vein that I've always liked... :) Does "the fool" sometimes remind you of "the anarchist" - a word which is constantly bandied around in this forum, especially by OWS-hating trolls.
WHO are the REAL ANARCHISTS in today's America, I sometimes wonder : the Patriots of OWS or the Suit-and-Tie Mafia that has covertly taken over the country?
Isn't it "kinda ironic" that all over this troll-infested forum, OWS haters are accusing the Movement of being "just a bunch of ANARCHISTS"?
Actually, America and a great many other pseudo-democracies, are NOT the law-and-order countries that they claim to be, but are basically GLORIFIED ANARCHIES where "MIGHT TRUMPS RIGHT".
Isn't that why Wall Street got away with clearly immoral AND illegal practices that plunged the country - and the world - into a catastrophic crisis?
And isn't that why Congress has just decided to basically scrap our "Bill of Rights" and "Magna Carta" protections dating back to 1215?
WHO is currently governing this country, if not a mafia of SUIT-AND-TIE ANARCHISTS? "OBAMA IS SURROUNDED BY MAFIA!" recently exclaimed spiritual teacher and physician Deepak Chopra.
As Chris Hedges pointed out months ago, the Great Patriots of OWS are actually fighting to uphold the Constitution and "restore the rule of Law". They are, in a word, the POLAR OPPOSITE of the suit-and-tie anarchists who have staged a covert and gradual COUP D'ETAT against our democracy.
You make my heart soar with that insightful response. And who says there's just Trolls around here? First response and it kicked ass.
Great that you touch on Anarchists. What with the anarcho-capitalists running the show these days. Telling everyone we need to shrink government, privatize everything and convert the world into a kind of feudal state not seen since before the French Revolution. And then they actually have the gall to wonder why we protest.
I have known anarchists and I have sympathized with them. I understand that when the system seems wrong, the first inclination is to blame government. After all, when you look at history, government has traditionally been the cause of oppression and loss of liberty when it occurs.
But a story just as old is that of systematic economic oppression. We see it in the Judeo-Christian Bible and in the various other stories that come to us from antiquity.
In this country, we've been told for as long as we can remember that "Capitalsim is Economic Freedom". But "Economic Freedom" means nothing when you are truly poor. It only means "free to starve".
Thus government is the only thing that the poor can rely-on to protect their interests. And it's not just the poor and downtrodden. The middle class, the entire public-sector from firefighters to librarians, judges to administrators, any kind of civil servant...
Everyone relies on a certain degree of government, a certain degree of "socialism" (can you say roads?).
I remember a Bill Hick routine from years back when he said:
"I think no matter who you are as a candidate and whatever kinds of big promises you make on the campaign trail... Once you get in office, the 12 richest industrialist scum-fucks that run the world bring you into a room and show you a film of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before... Then they ask: Any questions?"
As usual, the US says one thing on paper then does something else. If we do not fight to save our government from the hands of these anarcho-capitalists and put it back in the hands of people who understand sustainability, systems, equality and liberty...
We are basically fucked as a country.
Bill Hicks may be very well right but then one day the candidate turned out to be Clint Eastwood. Are ya feeling lucky industrialist scum-fuck punk?
Awesome :)
"Peaceable Kingdom"
A wave toward the clearing the sky
All this time we're talking and sharing our rational view A billion other voices are spreading other news All this time we're living and trying to understand Why a billion other choices are making their demands
Talk of a peaceable kingdom Talk of a time without fear The ones we wish would listen Are never going to hear
Justice against the hanged man Knight of Wands against the hour Swords against the kingdom Time against the tower
All this time we're shuffling and laying out all our cards While a billion other dealers are slipping past our guards All this time we're hoping and praying we all might learn While a billion other teachers are teaching them how to burn
Dream of a peaceable kingdom Dream of a time without war The ones we wish would hear us Have heard it all before
A wave toward the clearing sky A wave toward the clearing sky
The hermit against the lovers Or the devil against the fool Swords against the kingdom The wheel against the rules
All this time we're burning like bonfires in the dark A billion other blazes are shooting off their sparks Every spark a drifting ember of desire To fall upon the earth and spark another fire
A homeward angel on the fly A wave toward the clearing sky