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Forum Post: The First Thing America Needs is Campaign Finance Reform!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:45 p.m. EST by concernedinutah (102)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If I could only choose one good thing that could come out of these protests it would be this: true, iron clad, loop-hole free Campaign Finance Reform! Right now what we have is a system of legalized bribery, and it is only going to get worse until we break the cycle. We have allowed special interests to use their vast wealth to buy votes and political influence. This is not a problem belonging to Democrats or Republicans - both parties have been bought and paid for. The first and most important goal of these protest should be creating a grassroots movement to get these reforms made into into law (the current politicians we have won't do it won't do it on their own). Only then will there be an atmosphere where our policies and laws can be made and upheld for the good of the country instead of for the enrichment of the few.



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[-] 1 points by Trlstanc (3) 13 years ago

I'm surprised to not see more comments like this one. If the 99% feel like their interests aren't being protected in this country we have to ask why? They have 99% of the votes, so why aren't 99% of the politicians more interested in their concerns then the concerns of the richest 1% of the country?

It's because everyone believes that money buys votes, so the people with the most money get the most representation in government. We need to change the system so that money doesn't buy you more influence. Then the 99% can just go vote for the changes they want, that's the way our country is supposed to be governed.

[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 13 years ago

You hit it right on the head - and believe me the politicians are not going to do it. The current system is their bread and butter (this is why the incumbents retain power for the most part). The American people have not been vigilant in keeping this sort of thing from creeping in. It will require a massive groundswell of grassroots support overcome the status quo. Please bring this up with people when you talk to them - it amazes me how many people expect us to have a just a fair system when we have a corrupt system of electing out officials.