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Forum Post: The first demand that MUST be met

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 a.m. EST by TakethePark (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

For over two weeks, we have used Zuccotti Park in an unprecedented manner. It has been a successful experiment in horizontal structure and communal living. It has been a place to strategize and network with some of the most amazing activists in the world. Most of all, behind all the differing viewpoints, there has been an unwavering sense of concern for what this country will look like in the near future.

We are an ever-evolving entity that is inclusive to all groups. Anarchists, socialists, communists, Green Party reps, Union reps, and even Ron Paul supporters are all united by our message of getting the government closer to its citizens. Before we can start to actually organize demands, we must demand from Mayor Bloomberg FULL OWNERSHIP OF THE PARK INDEFINITELY. The park will be used as a much-needed free space where we can show the rest of the world that horizontal political organzing DOES WORK. We will also be in the center of the financial district...providing a much-needed alternative to the business suits and large corporate establishments. We have the ability to self-sustain ourselves, and we could continue to exist as an autonomous colony of sorts. With power in numbers, this is possible.

Whose Park? OUR PARK. Let's start a working group dedicated to officially claiming ownership of Liberty Plaza FOREVER.



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[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

Why not wait till the use of the park is a issue ... much bigger issues to deal with first ... When they come to kick the people out of the park that would be a better time to react with a counter demand like WE OWN OF THE PARK INDEFINITELY

[-] 1 points by loanslave (19) 13 years ago

The park is privately owned - Bloomberg has nothing to do with it. I suggest you contact the reps of the park owners if needed. However, they have been gracious so far in not taking evacuation actions (would be bad PR for SURE) so I don't see what the problem is. I think that, as long as people can stay at the park and continuing working toward important goals of changing our country, demanding park ownership is a waste of energy and a shift of focus in the wrong direction.

Asking for some porta-potties, though, is not a bad idea.

[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

What i mean by ownership of the park is the ability to pitch tents, improve sanitation, and stay there indefinitely. None of these are sure things right now and yet it seems everyone wants to see these things happen. We have to start somewhere. Once the park becomes an official organizing space, we will see much more activity.

[-] 1 points by loanslave (19) 13 years ago

I see. In that case, definitely get in touch with the park ownership - in some ways, it's in their best interest to have better/ mainstreamed sanitation in the park so that it's condition does not deteriorate. The park is owned by Brookfield Office Properties Inc. From a google search, this seems to be their website: http://www.brookfieldofficeproperties.com/Default.aspx and they are based in Toronto, Canada.


[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

nazis and white nationalists base much of their premise on violence and/or exclusion. We should be inclusive, but we shouldn't forget our founding pillars. Non-violence and inclusion are ideals that need to be shared by all groups.

So, yes, you're right, not ALL groups are included because some groups are, by definition, exclusionary. Why is this turning into the focus of the post? Perhaps, instead of nitpicking word choice when it is obvious what I mean, we should focus on the demand itself. TAKE THE PARK.


[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

I agree that communists/socialists are uncompromising to the point of endangering innocent people (Stalin). Communism as an ideology, however, is by definition inclusive and non-violent. We can't be supporting ideologies that are exclusionary.

Also, I think you're kind of an idiot maybe? Have you ever been to 90 percent of American suburbs? All-white communities are everywhere.


[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

I'm not sure if I should keep legitimizing your statements with a response...but white people had their era of dominance...Being a white person, I could care less if we are 'driven to the shores.' We fucking deserve it.

[-] 1 points by glooskap (64) 13 years ago

"ALL" groups? "...all groups. Anarchists, socialists, communists, Green Party reps, Union reps...". Im impressed by the ...uh... Well-roundedness and inclusiveness of that list. How bout some 1%-ers? Maybe theyd have some ideas. Many of them got there by means other than inheritence and crime...

[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

not sure what you're trying to say. The one percent is welcome to voice their opinion as well. Of course, since they are the one percent, chances are their opinion will not be the majority opinion (unlike how it is now). If direct democracy and horizontal power structure are our goals, we can't be exclusive. That sort of, uh, defeats the purpose of both of those ideas.

Though I agree with you that the majority of support for the movement is coming from the political left...I think the general feeling at the plaza is that the movement transcends the left-right political spectrum. The Ron Paul people, who you cleverly edited out of my post, are evidence of this.

[-] 1 points by KnowFear (2) 13 years ago

Right on bro.

In addition to demanding full ownership of the park, we should demand on-site sanitation facilities, feeding stations, and environmentally sensitive personal (or communal) habitat and shelter space.

Once we get everyone on board with providing us with free land, free food and free shelter, then we can REALLY show the world how self-sustaining our anarchists, socialists, communists, Green Party reps, Union reps are!

[-] 1 points by TerryRex (5) 13 years ago


Sorry, but I have lots of friends who live in the neighborhood -- and no, none of them work in finance. They are just normal people, but use the park as part of a neighborhood amenity.

Before we simply steal it from the residents of this neighborhood, we need to actually pay for it. Bloomberg is a transient politician. He does not have the moral authority to take the park away from local residents and give it to us.

We must pay for it!

[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

That's fine. If we start a working group around the idea, we can find out how much it would take to actually buy the park. I also take issue with this idea that we would be 'stealing' the park from local residents. It would continue to function as a public space. Anyone is welcome, as always.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

people's park :)

[-] 1 points by Claire (6) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by TakethePark (13) 13 years ago

The biggest issue with demands is that we can't seem to find common ground between those who want to propose congressional action and those who want to dismantle the whole system entirely. Neither of these two viewpoints are wrong and neither should be excluded from discussion. With this ONE demand, everyone can be in agreement that the park is integral for strategy and organizing.