Forum Post: The Final Solution
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10 p.m. EST by glickster
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is only ONE way to bring this deceit to its knees.
Absolute Financial Transfer Meltdown.
Stop ALL Financial transactions via Electronic means, and the whole thing COLLAPSES............( stop ALL Internet Banking ).....Simple ?????
Ultimate goal will be acheived, and will not be difficult to do.
What cost ? ... How to? ... Who will ? ( I,M NO HACKER so find one !!! ) ( Just make sure he cant be bought for a higher bid ?)
Be assured that there are many out there who will fund this operation, but who are not out to Starve us all to death ....GO FIND THEM !!...Yes You !
This is another troll. You can tell by the poor punctuation and the attempt to incite violence and introduction of ideas meant to discredit the movement. We are not so ignorant to not know what the Final Solution was.
Sorry Bannick... Not a troll...... just someone with a good idea wot cant spell .........
I agreed that this measure will stop partially the banking system, but at least they wont profit from our moneis because when you have your money in the bank, your pay check, they have all pay checks and they are able to make any more money from the interest of our deposits since they wont have it. But the best measure is to force the banks to refinance all homeowners with slow rates, as they are been financed by our goverment. the way to do it, is like this. Any pewrson who has a mortgage goes to the bank, and the bank simple change the interest rate to 3% to their balances. If the bank does not agree to have that loan modification, then the goverment will create a tax on mortgages that have not been refinanced. So we will have 7 millions owners happy with a mortgage modifiocation ready to spend the money and consequently the economy will pick up from that in a matters of weeks, and once people are ready to spend that money companies will start hring
I agreed that this measure will stop partially the banking system, but at least they wont profit from our moneis because when you have your money in the bank, your pay check, they have all pay checks and they are able to make any more money from the interest of our deposits since they wont have it. But the best measure is to force the banks to refinance all homeowners with slow rates, as they are been financed by our goverment. the way to do it, is like this. Any pewrson who has a mortgage goes to the bank, and the bank simple change the interest rate to 3% to their balances. If the bank does not agree to have that loan modification, then the goverment will create a tax on mortgages that have not been refinanced. So we will have 7 millions owners happy with a mortgage modifiocation ready to spend the money and consequently the economy will pick up from that in a matters of weeks, and once people are ready to spend that money companies will start hring
Nice reference to the Holocaust there. Not helping your cause out, buddy.
I believe I have a less destructive solution - I thought you would be interested in the electronic petition that has been created on We the People, a new feature on Warren Buffet himself outlined this petition to stop the corruption in Congress. If this petition gets 5,000 signatures by October 22, 2011, the White House will review it and respond! If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here:
Even if we stop paying our bills and let everything fail, there is still the price discovery mechanism. Under a crisis like the one you are proposing all goods and services will sy rocket, negating any possible gains. What we need is to attack wealth at the source through a land tax.
The theory of economic rent has been around for some time, but land taxation has seldom been implemented throughout history. It is well known that the factors of production are composed of land, labor and capital. Land, in the economic sense, can be explained as anything with a productive capacity that has not been created by men or women, but has value created by the community. Labor is any human energy spent , whether by the mind or through brute force, that contributes to a means of production. Capital is mainly what is spent from savings for future production. Under the current system, mainly labor and capital are taxed, while the landed elite make out like bandits with the rents that are created by the community! It is no surprise that civilizations have suffered from vast inequalities since the founding of the first governments.
What we need to fight for is a redistribution of these economic rents for the sake of the people, while at the same time reducing the tax rates on labor and capital. These rents from land are the source of all wealth and are presently held by a small number of wealthy people who will speculate and slow there productive capacity in order to increase profits.
This demand goes out to the people of OWS! If there is one thing we need to change in order to promote equality, environmental protection and job creation through increased productive capacity, this is the solution we need. Please read about economic rent and land taxation in order to fully grasp the concept.
This is something proven in theory and not based on anyone's personal opinion or ideology. While we are divided on many things, it's time to come together with some real demands to benefit the majority of unrepresented individuals of the world. Lets show the top 1% that we know where their unearned wealth is coming from and that we know exactly what is needed in order to bring them back to the real world!
This is not a good idea because it's disruptive to everyone's lives. Instead, let's start the war against Injustice by starting our own banks to double the income of the Bottom 99% of Workers, for many more people will come to your side when you are proactive (for “new” Business & Government solutions), instead of reactive (against “old” Business & Government solutions), which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive “new” strategy that implements all our various socioeconomic demands at the same time, regardless of party, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 1% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves, and thus doubling our income from Bank Profits which are 40% of all Corporate Profits; that is, using a Focused Direct Democracy organized according to our current Occupations & Generations. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategically Weighted Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
Join because we need 100,000 “support clicks” at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Most importantly, remember, as cited in the first link, that as Bank Owner-Voters in your 1 of 48 "new" Business Investment Groups (or "new" Congressional Committees) you become the "new" Online Congress, and related “new” Businesses, REPLACING the "old" Congress, and related “old” Businesses, according to your current Occupations & Generations, called a Focused Direct Democracy.
Therefore, any Candidate (or Leader) therein, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet, a political opportunist, just like today; what's important is the STRATEGY – the sequence of steps – that the people organize themselves under in Military Internet Formation of their Individual Purchasing Power & Group Investment Power. In this, sequence is key, and if the correct mathematical sequence is followed then it results in doubling the income of the Bottom 99% of Workers from today's Bank Profits, which are 40% of all Corporate Profits.
Why? Because there are Natural Social Laws – in mathematical sequence – that are just like Natural Physical Laws, such as the Law of Gravity. You must follow those Natural Social Laws or the result will be Injustice, War, etc.
The FIRST step in Natural Social Law is to CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters. If you do not, you will inevitably be UNJUSTLY EXPLOITED by the Top 1% Management System of Business & Government who have a Legitimate Profit Motive, just like you, to do so.
Consequently, you have no choice but to become Candidates (or Leaders) yourselves as Bank Owner-Voters according to your current Occupations & Generations.
So JOIN the 2nd link, and spread the word, so we can make 100,000 support clicks at when called for, at exactly the right time, by an e-mail from that group, in support of the above the bank-focused platform. If so, then you will see and feel how your goals can be accomplished within the above strategy as a “new” Candidate (or Leader) of your current Occupation & Generation.
Hi atki4564
Your long winded diatribe sounds like a sales pitch.
We are all sick of being sold something.
Give a short pitch, and dont overdo it and someone might actually pay attention.
We are the 99....if you want to sell? ...the 1% have all the dough, and if you want to help, then dont do it ion my face ..OK ...good advice matey.
Agreed, but first, Einstein said that we must have a higher level of thinking (or complexity) in solving today's problems than the lower level of thinking (or simplicity) that created those problems in the first place, so I can't shorten the message any further even though I have been trying, as you rightly suggested, to do so for the last 27 years in doing this Business Analysis as a Marine, Certified Public Accountant, Computer Programmer, and Socioeconomic Analyst, so please forgive me if I am not talented enough to further condense it.
Second, everyone has the right to reply -- once -- to a new thread, and then again to anyone who responds therein again. That's called free speech; to do otherwise is to walk down the slippery slope toward dictatorship, and I know dictatorship isn't what you really want.
Third, put yourself in my shoes, it's very tough when you need to get 100,000 people to join a group web site so that, at exactly the right time, you can email them to give 100,000 support clicks at in support of the above bank-focused platform. And those people are gathering, the more I post, so I continue posting because it works, but only to new threads that seem to want a new solution.
Fourth, OWS needs to be about ACTIONS that WORK, not mere words, like so many other groups in the past, or it will fail, like so many other groups in the past.
you guys are killing yourselves.. critical thinkers have already come up with a far more hollistic solution RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY..
please take the time to do the due diligence... it is in everyone's best interest
What a comprehensive, cohesive, critical thinking & global solution. I will read the books. This aligns all the energy of OWS and now there is an understanding of where it can go from here. Thanks for sharing! Brilliant!
oh actually i've been doing battle on a different thread which i posted titled Resource Based Economy.. thanks, take care. kevin
thank you.. yes i thought it would have been slightly more embraced.. however if you look at this thread i've had to do battle for the last 3 hours!! ;-) my contribution to humanity if you will ;-) nothing compared to the years of work theses people have been putting into the Zeitgeist Movement, and the Venus Project.. Please help spread awareness!!
I've already sent the viewing to two others on this forum who are vague on their explanations of goals for OWS. I will continue to pass to the mass!
for now... lets just call it destiny.. im typed out.. its a great story as to how..but i've spent the better part of 3 hours defending the concept from debunkers throwing chairs and whatever other objects they could find at me lol ;-) can't type anymore.. going to dinner!! keep it up.. i'll be back tomorrow.. its important more people grasp this concept and we can begin phased implementation.. best, kevin
A resource-based economy is ultimately the best solution, but first you must control the existing system as Bank Owner-Voters before you can switch to a resource-based system, agreed?
actually not totally agreed as outlined in this brief video released yesterday.. we can start a parallel "government" if you will ... which overtime could supersede the existing one.. check this out
Exactly, you must start a "parallel" Government, but it must be consistent with the "old" Government while overriding it at the same time, and THEN, with control of the "old" Government, you can much more easily switch to a better resource-based economy, agreed?
did you watch the link i gave you? its only 8 minutes..
I've watched that one, and more importantly, read detailed explanations of a resource-based economy, such as the VenusProject,org.
great.. my question..what im trying to accomplish is to help spread awareness.. i believe more people should know about this and more dialogue sparked leading to concrete action.. are you game?? lets make waves
it seems you don't want to let go of the "existing" system.. i keep wanting to agree with you.. but can not completely, because of this one sticking point...let me disclaim first, i am by no means a conspiracy theorist.. im hardly political... per se.. and i'm not "against the man".. but i do see that the current paradigm is UNSUSTAINABLE.. and that we need to break through, if you will.. I DO AGREE that the concept is well above many people's current level of understanding... can you help me in helping them to understand??
Yes, the current system is unsustainable, and ultimately will destroy the planet and our species if continued. But your solutions must first fit within a technical (or mathematical) framework which people can understand before you advance their understanding to a higher level.
For example, there is an immediately practical solution to global warming, and the related "UNSUSTAINABLE" system that's creating it. If the 99%, as Home Town Banks of 65,000 Members, divide themselves into 16,384 Vehicle Investment Groups of 4 Members, with each group of 4 Members purchasing a hybrid-diesel-hummer-limo Cab which they then put into their Town Cab Fleet of 16,384 Cabs, then this would reduce their Individual Transportation Costs by 75% (Cost of 1 Cab / 4 Members = 75% less cost per member), and yet they would have a Luxury Limo Cab available to them, out of 16,000 cabs in their Town, five minutes after calling for one, but not necessarily the specific luxury cab in which they own 25%. And most importantly, let's not forget the lessening of Mother Nature's burden from having 75% fewer cars with no traffic jams, and thus 75% less CO2. Furthermore, the list of simple productivity improvements like this one -- which the 99% want but the 1% don't want -- are endless. But first, the 99% must control the banks as Bank Owner-Voters before they can control their Town (and National) design in this manner which is less costly (in terms of the worker hours to maintain it by 75% too) and yet have 75% greater luxury (such as a limo cab) at the same time. Consequently, to decentralize banking into a Focused Direct Democracy by Occupation & Generation is to lower cost 75% is to lower price 75% is to lower work 75% is to increase luxury by 75%.
And that's just 1 of 48 Tactical Investment Procedures at the 1st link above, starting from where they are now, and then you can take them even deeper mathematically into the better resource-based system.
So you see, once you get people thinking technically (or mathematically) like this in a way they can understand, THEN you can move them to the next level, a resource-based economy, which they are not technically (or mathematically) prepared to understand at this time, but that can change as you improve their technical (or mathematical) capabilities in ways they do understand first, agreed?
agreed.. except i need to do more homework on the concept of bank owner-voters..
so you are proposing this as a phased approach toward rbe?
in the meantime... we should be advocating for more people to familiarize themselves with the concept of so we can grow an even larger concensus for the concept.... so that people can begin to understand THERE IS AN ANSWER, THERE IS A VIABLE SOLUTION... i am by no means suggesting this is an easily attainable solution btw.. yet important to work toward
i want to agree... but what do you mean by "consistent" .. with the "old" ... no this would be a departure..
I've seen the video, but you are speaking at a technical (or mathematical) level that's well above people's understanding of their "existing" system -- the banks -- let alone a completely "new", if better system, such as a resource-based economy. Consequently, you must must educate the people in how to take control of their existing system, which is technical (or mathematical) enough, but still familiar enough to them that they understand it, and then, when you've elevated their technical (or mathematical) abilities to that level, you can take them to the next higher technical (or mathematical) level of an even better resource-based economy, agreed?
The title for the post has some bad connotations.
The title for the post has some bad connotations.
Yes of course it does ! And it does make one pay attention does it not .?
However, as you may or not agree, the major problem is the ease in which "our funds" can be transferred from one base to another within seconds.
How can anyone be accountable in a system so rapid. ??
Add a 48 hour delay between sending and receiving might work, but lets be honest about this ? wer are attempting to bring the major players back into line, and it wont be done when the INTERNET is wide open.
oh we're not talking about that Final Solution eh.
no not at all that particular final solution. Although we are possibly/ probably talking about the same people, I am pretty sure that denial of Internet Service, is not a War Crime ?
IS there something perverse or underhand in what i have stated. ?
Surely , killing off electronic financial transactions is the way forward, or alternatively agreeing with the INTERNET (as it stands ) not to allow financial transactions to occur online, would force all the wheeler deelers to take serious note ?
how bout ... either take back all the stolen capital... or... wait til it collapses and start a new currency... I prefer the first one
hi bradb
yes i concur...on both points, but while they can do business they will. Starve them of oxygen is what i,m saying ?
hmmm... well ... getting ALL money out of the abusive banks is really better... all electronic transactions ... would put a hurting on many charities and a lot of really good other things like this site for one ;)
it could work, and is better than any other idea i have heard of ! the charities would survive, and so would we !
There is only ONE way to bring this deceit to its knees.
Absolute Financial Transfer Meltdown.
Stop ALL Financial transactions via Electronic means, and the whole thing COLLAPSES...... ( stop ALL Internet Banking ).....Simple ?????
Ultimate goal will be acheived, and will not be difficult to do.
What cost ? ... How to? ... Who will ?...... ( I,M NO HACKER so find one !!! ) ( Just make sure he cant be bought for a higher bid ?)
Be assure that there are many out there who will fund this operation, but who are not out to Starve us all to death ....GO FIND THEM !!
Great idea, then when you collapse the system, mommy would not be able to go to the store to get food for you because store shelves would be empty. And then you would starve in your basement.
The banksters make something like 4% off of every credit card transaction. Making cash transactions is definitely a show of support for this cause.
But destroying the current system doesn't sound like a great way to proceed.
I think that those supporting a transition into a resource-based economy may be right. Although, I don't see that happening in the immediate future.
I loove the idea of RBE, but I never see anyone give any ideas for a transition. Read my post above about a land tax. I think basing our tax structure on land and resources is a good place to start for a transition.