Forum Post: The filibuster
Posted 12 years ago on March 6, 2013, 9:02 p.m. EST by TimetoStop
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Still going on at present. What do you think? Obama/Holder want to have the power to kill Americans, in America, without due process. Should they have this power?
Do they care? No.
Do the people care? No.
Will they? Yes.
Will it probably be too late? Most likely.
Is there a small chance still that all of these very likely scenarios can be reversed? Have stranger things happened? Yes.
Is that enough reason to keep being active? Yes.
Ended about 12:45. He made so many good points that all should agree with, but the Obama trolls who have ruined this forum will downplay. Good thing they don;t represent OWS. Check out #standwithrand. Occupycongress (or dc) and codepink standwithrand.
I liked his statement that we have engaged in 3 wars since 9/11. The third is this endless drone war where the battlefield is the world.