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Forum Post: The FEDERAL RESERVE is the problem - NOT Capitalism!! End The Fed!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 9:38 p.m. EST by EndtheFedNOW (2)
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The Federal Reserve is the problem behind ALL OF THIS!! There's absolutely nothing wrong with Capitalism.. It is nothing more then a tool that they use. Just as there is nothing wrong with guns, It's the people who shoot up schools and kill innocent people with them that are bad.

We must not be divided on this. The Federal Reserve is the head of the snake, and we must ALL focus our power on this monster first. Once they are gone, and ONLY then, can we discuss other problems and opinions, but first we must get rid of the fed.

Spread the message.. End The Fed.



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[-] 2 points by EndtheFedNOW (2) 13 years ago

I see where you're coming from, but the point I'm trying to make is that we can debate about capitalism, socialism, ANYTHING-ism, AFTER the Federal Reserve has been abolished.

I agree with it being a combination of things, including bad leaders, but ALL of our recent bad leaders are in place only because the Federal Reserve wants them there. People who own the Federal Reserve, also own the monopoly of mainstream media, so they only push the presidents and leaders that will submit and be their puppet. That's an entirely different issue though.

What people need to realize is that the Federal Reserve is the head of the snake. It is the BIGGEST problem, and once it's destroyed, we can move on to other issues.

[-] 1 points by IndenturedNation (118) 13 years ago

Abolishing the Federal Reserve is...uh...well...a little naive. It does have an essential purpose, even if it's purpose has been corrupted, intentionally or unintentionally.

[-] 2 points by c0lex (40) 13 years ago

I don't entirely disagree, but I do warn against any form of extreme thought. To say "absolutely nothing wrong with Capitalism" and "The Federal REserve is the problem behind ALL OF THIS!!" is too extreme, too closed minded.

I am of the mind that capitalism is the best system that has been tried on a large scale thus far. However, we also have to accept that even if capitalism existed in its purest form, it would still not be perfect. There would still be crime and corruption and pollution and war, etc. There is no solution where people stop disagreeing with each other.

As for the fed, I think they are a HUGE cause of the economic collapse, but I also think there are a lot of other factors including poor leadership, a complacent and uneducated public, and most importantly the nature of life. When in history has sh!t NOT hit the fan after a long enough stretch? The dinosaurs went friggin extinct, ya know? Even if you do everything right you can't win all the time. ( The dinosaurs were pure capitalists, by the way. )

[-] 1 points by IndenturedNation (118) 13 years ago

The Federal Reserve from the Great Depression through the 1970s was concerned primarily about unemployment and productivity. The fed's role was to keep unemployment at 5% to guard against the stagnancy that led to the Great Depression. After the hyper-inflation of the 1970's, the Federal Reserve came under political pressure to change it's focus not to protecting us from stagnancy, but to controlling inflation. This was in effect the popularization of Fed monetary as a tool to manipulate markets. Previously the Fed was expected specifically to not be concerned with prices. In the late 1990's, a new basis to manipulate markets was popularized and implemented, "Bubble Busting". The Fed has engaged in setting policy per it's stated it's goal of bubble busting several times since then, and for the first time in US history we have spend most of the time since then in recession and recovery instead of growth. We need to get the Fed back to being concerned about productivity. If unemployment is too high then add liquidity until it is 5%, market prices be damned. The Federal Reserve needs to get back to it's roots. Instead the Fed is more concerned about inflation, just to protect the value of the safest assets of the richest people, in spite of a liquidity crisis and unemployment at over 9%, and in spite of a dollar that is so strong that net jobs are still going overseas as they have been for so many decades.

[-] 1 points by cynical1 (8) from Cambria, WI 13 years ago

Along with ending the Fed, grant individual States the right to press litigation against predatory practices. Remove Preemption by Federal agencies that put a stranglehold on a State's right to protect their citizens.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

The Fed is a huge part of the problem but regulation written and paid for by the corporations is the other monster in the closet. Both need to be eliminated.