Forum Post: The Federal Reserve is the problem
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 1 a.m. EST by didimaxx
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Federal Reserve (Bank) is not really a bank, it's an insurance company for the major banks. It is supposed to insure OUR deposits. Instead the money in the reserve is actually used to bail out the banks when they default. It's time the banks found another insurer. It's time to close the Federal Reserve as it is in the hands of corrupt politicians who have illegally withdrawn money and used it for purposes for which it was NEVER intended. With profits over the last couple of years, the banks have enough money to institute their own reserve bank.
You Sir, are correct!!!!
before i watch this video, i must say that a part of this issue is the ideal of a centralized banking system....and the fact that it is on a global scale now.....i mean the federal reserve was proposed in order to bring stability in 1913. But it has been everything but that since. the rabbit hole goes deep....the control of currency is a game that has been played for centuries by oligarchs in many civilizations.
It runs very deep. But we can change it if we push for laws that give the issuing of currency to the government.
thank you. I'm watching it now.
so is IMF, world bank, big oil and pharma, food and drug administration and just about every politician, to name a few...
reclaim the earth
If you are still confused as to what this movement is about, I stumbled upon this documentary. And i have to say it is the most "to the point" documentary i've seen so far that explains everything in a way that anybody can understand what's going on.
The title is "the end of poverty", it links the economic and social infrastructure that's been set in place since colonial times until now to the poverty and wars we see today. It shows what this 1% is doing to the world in a global scale. What I've been trying to get across is that people are not seeing/understanding the full picture. You have too see everything as the whole world, not just localizing it as a movement in the U.S. It's a global movement/reformation.
All the people on the streets marching right now, whether they know it or not, they are marching for the world as one. The reasons as to why there are so many ideas on change and not just one unified idea when you ask any one of the protesters, it's because of an accumulation of everything wrong in the world. They represent all. That is why many people are confused as to what these protesters are marching for, the "what" is the system we live in.
Please watch this video, it is free on Hulu. Just click on the link. It will clarify things about the world we live in.
check this docu out......same sentiment....