Forum Post: The fat cats are laughing at you guys as the stock market puts in the best month ever 40 years.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:50 p.m. EST by esebille
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Stocks are soaring and to show you guys are not accomplishing anything Europe just laughed at you and coordinated another bank bailout just last night by leveraging up taxpayer money to bail out the banks. Look at the stocks of the Bank compays today Goldman was up big Morgan Stanley was up 17% Deutche Bank was up 18%. I am telling you they are laughing at you guys. Markets are soaring and the rich have been getting richer ever since the protests started.
I don't think the purpose of this movement is to crash the stock market. So calling a rise in the market a failure of ows is a non sequitur.
I know, but they won't be for long:
Good should be easier to prove the point!
yay! the problem is just as big as always!
you're just fanning the flames of peaceful protest.
The middle class do not have 401ks they are living paycheck to paycheck to pay for the inflation in food and energy prices being passed down by the easy monetary policy to enrich wall st.
Not laughing at me, cuz I'm in the stock market, and I watch my money like a hawk.
If you are a real American you take full advantage of every opportunity. Protest is much better if you have resources and influence.
dont worry they will get short and then drop the market on you just like they did in August and make you puke your stocks out at the lows.
Guys at Goldman are sitting up there laughing there butts off as their share price is soaring this month along with Morgan Stanley and all the other traders.
We've already won. Everyone knows it. The 1% are in denial.
They're sweating their asses off because we occupy their minds.
They're cheating their asses off because they know they can't win fairly.
There is only one possible outcome but we love seeing them spin and gnash their teeth.
Good day Sir. ;p
How did you win the markets have put in the best month in history since the protests started and Europe just enacted a trillion dollar bank bailout last nite, they are laughing at the protests trust me. I wish you guys the best of luck but if you were winning Govts would still not be risking taxpayer dollars to enrich bank shareholders.
We live rent free in your mind, bucko
Sleep tight.