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Forum Post: The fascists are worried

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 3:55 p.m. EST by IWideShut (12)
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[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

For too long American government has been lowering the taxes for the wealthy and the corporations. They have been giving tax loopholes to most of the corporations of America and corporations from other countries that supply their goods to America. The problem is the more the American government gives to the corporations and the wealthy people the less they have been given back to America. An example is looking at the stock market most of the corporations of America and in other countries were rising when most of Americans were our work or working at jobs at low salaries. It shows when America gives to the corporations and the wealthy they want more and they will take more. The evidence was worth General Electric The American government gave them billions of dollars to build jobs in America instead them build jobs in China. The reason is most of the corporations and wealthy do not respect America's government they take from us Americans and they give nothing back. Most of the corporations are moving overseas so they can build their products cheaply by paying their workers pennies a hour. While other corporations in America are outsourcing their jobs to people that live in other countries and pay them pennies an hour. Ladies and gentlemen it is time that we stop fighting with each other for a little bit of money and start fighting corporations and the wealthy for all the money that they have been stealing from America's government and from the American citizens. It was funny that in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made people get angry at teachers that were making $30,000 a year because they had retirement pensions. So many people were away all outraged while the same people do not care about the billions and billions of dollars thees corporations cheated the government out of tax money. For too many years corporations have been using loopholes to screw Americans out of as much money as they possibly can without any help from American politicians to stop these illegal actions. It is time for Americans to take their country back. It is time that Americans need to stand up shout, yell,scream, and fight the government so they can spend the government's money the way the American people want it to be spent and not how the corrupt politicians want it to be spent. If we the people do not fight for our country someday it will not be our country, but it will be the corporations country and the wealthiest people's country. America will be more like a Monarchy where only a few have everything while most people will be living like peasants. Ladies and gentlemen it is up to you to stand up and fight for your freedoms before most of them will be taken away from us Americans.
Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The American Citizens' Vote Is Needed For Thees Reasons The American government wants to get rid of Medicare and Social Security. The funny part is American people have been paying for these two funds for most of their lives. The government wants to get rid of that program and steel the money that the American people put into these two programs. While the American government pays a large interest to all the money it was borrowed. The amount of money it pays in interest is more than the America spends on its education. America has given trillions of dollars to corporations in the last few years or most of it has not been paid back and no interest has been given back to the American government. America has given trillions and trillions of dollars to countries around the world. We have used used are military to fight wars and to keep piece in other countries around the world. The wars we fight to keep the peace has cost America more than trillions and trillions of dollars of American taxpayers hard earned money. Problem is that everybody wants to take money from the American government. Organizations, people and other groups who steal money from America on a daily basis (Other countries, corporations in America, corporations in another country, millionaires and billionaires in America, world leaders, dictators in America, dictators in other countries, companies that sell military weapons, and politicians) all of them have taken trillions and trillions of dollars from America. While politicians from our own government wants to steal the money that hard-working Americans have put into the government to pay for their Social Security and Medicare when they grow older. The politicians wants to stop the American people from receiving the money that they paid into the government while they do not care for all the money they throw needlessly to all these other groups that I have named above. Can you imagine how is this right that every corporation that is called a multinational corporation do not have to pay any taxes to America. That is trillions of dollars yearly that our American government does not receive. The politicians thinks that's okay because they are paid off by those corporations. While America pays many of these corporations billions and billions of dollars yearly to make new jobs that they don't make. America has paid oil companies billions and billions of dollars to make new jobs. They don't make new jobs in America and they don't pay taxes, what America does pay them billions and billions of dollars and you can think the dirty politicians who take payoffs for the. Look at general electorate we paid them billions of dollars to make new jobs and they made new jobs in China and basically told America to fuck off, but thank you for the money. I am one American who is tired and stack of all of the politicians who want to steal hard working Americans tax money. While all the politicians want to do with the government's money is to throw it away to all other corporations and other groups I have talked about above as long as they get their daily payoffs.
Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

We will set up voting ares all around the states the political candidates in The American Citizens' Vote are elected from. The main purpose for this party is to have majority of the American citizens to choose the types of bills, laws, procedures, or policies they want passed or they want rejected. This is why we will Have the American citizens vote on every bill political candidate needs to vote on. Basically our political candidates are empty shells and they need people living their states to vote on a bill to tell them how he or she must vote. This way the majority of the people can choose to pass or reject the bills, laws, procedures, or policies that affects their lives, their loved ones lives and their family's lives so they can all live a better life. When one our Political candidate have a right to create a bill, law, procedure, or policy the people living in his or her state will have the right to create four of them and our political candidate can create one. Our party will ask people from our state what bills, laws, procedures, or policies would they like to create. The people must right letters to us on what bills, laws, procedures, or policies they would like to create and they must have an address that shows they are a resident of a state our political candidate represents. Our staff will take four ideas that are most like by the people living in the state where our candidate represents. Then our staff will create four bills, laws, procedures, or policies that represent what the people want to be implement in to our countries laws. Then the people can vote on the five laws to see which one of them they like the most. Then our political representative must try to create the bill, law, procedure, or policy that the people living in his or her state chooses. This will allow the American citizens to create laws that can help their lives, their loved ones lives and their family's lives. This way American citizens truly can feel that their opinion on how to run their country really matters. Before our candidate takes office our party will set up balloting for the most important issues that come up in politics all the time. It will test what what types of bills, policies, and procedures majority of the American citizens in a state prefers or are against. We will have thees types of balloting couple of times a year. Thees votes will tell the politician how to vote if he or she does not have time to have the American citizens to vote on a bill. Our party will use thees votes to match bills similar to their opinion we got from the people who voted on multiple types of bills they like and dislike. This way our political representative can vote on or against a bill, law, procedure, or policy that the American citizens want him or her to do even though there may not been time to get the American citizens vote on a bill, law, procedure, or policy.
Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The reason American Citizens' Vote was created because our political party believes that no man or woman should have enough power to control a country because that would make him or her a king or queen. The problem is there a too many people who were being placed in situations where they are given too much power and that power corrupts them. No matter how good the person is the power of total control better politicians have at the moment can change the most honest man or woman into an evil power-hungry dictator. This is why our political party believes that no man or woman should have the power to control how American citizens lived there everyday life. This is why our political party is best for America and the world. Our political party takes the power away from a few individuals trying to control a country or even the world and gives the power back to the citizens that live in that country.  People around the world believe America is full of freedom, but if that was true American citizens would be able to choose and decide on every bill, law, policy, and procedure that effect their everyday life. This is the time now that Americans should fight against the corrupt politicians and take back their country and truly become the free country that everybody believes it is. Our political party is going to allow the American citizens to vote on deciding what bills, policies, and procedures should be created or voted for or against. We will do this by having political candidates in our party that will sign a contract with our party that will state that that any political candidate running under The American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens chooses. If any of our Political candidates break that main law (by not voting or creating bills the majority of American citizens chooses) they will be financially punished, thrown out of The American Citizens' Vote political party and singed signatures from American citizens will be kept with our party to impeach that political candidate from political office. We will test potential political candidates for our party by using back round checks and lie detector tests to determine if he or she will be honorable and honest fowling the the rules of our political party has for them. They will also be tested to see if they are able to debate for any issue pro or con even if they are against that opinion. The reason is our party needs to know that our political representative will fight for any bill that the majority of the American citizens chooses. Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by jet16 (22) 13 years ago

The Message 99% Are Trying To Tell The Public

My political party The American Citizens' Vote has a clear message How to fix Americas problems. This message is very similar to what the 99% want. The 99% wants most of the American citizens to be represented when bills and laws are voted on. The American Citizens' Vote wants the American public to vote on every bill, law, policy and procedure. This way the American public will truly be represented and finally the people in America will be given true Democracy and not the fake Democracy our politicians say we have right now.

The American Citizens' Vote political party The American Citizen’s Vote is different then any other political party because our political candidates do not make their own choices on the bills, laws, and procedures they create or vote for or against. The American citizens chooses the laws, bills, policies, and procedures that our political candidates create or vote for or against. The political candidate running under the American Citizens' Vote party must vote or create policies, laws, procedures, and bills the way majority of the American citizens them him or her to do by their votes to them. The American citizens control our political candidates votes on bills and laws by having American citizens voting on the bills, or laws that represent them the best. Our political party demands that our political candidates follow the opinion of the American citizens even if our political candidates disagree. Finally The American citizens can vote for or against, laws, bills, and policies that affect their daily life. American public Are given the decision to vote on a bill or law and decide if they want to vote for or against the bill or law The American public would have a decision to create and vote for what of bills or laws should be introduced into the House of Representatives The American Citizens Vote political representative will make all of his or her decisions on bills and laws from the votes from the people that live in the state he or she represents The citizens in America will be able to vote on every bill or law concerning America The citizens in America will be able to create their own bills or laws and have them voted on in the House of Representatives Every 4 months American citizens will be able to vote on all types of issues and these votes are given to their The American Citizens Vote political representative The American Citizens' Vote political party will be controlled by the votes of the American public The American people would be able to create and pass bills or laws that stops free trade and outsourcing jobs. That will provide many more new jobs in our country. This will also keep many of the present jobs in our country to stay in America and not to go overseas where workers are paid less. The American Citizens' Vote main purpose is to give the American people a chance to vote and to decide how American politicians run the American government. Our political party is trying to give the American people a chance to control their own government with their own votes for bills, policies, and laws that effects how America government is ran. Our political party is different than other political parties because we want the American peoples' vote to tell our political representative how they should vote for a bill, policy, or law. The American Citizens' Vote is in the process of registering our political party in all 50 states in America.  The American Citizens' Vote political party was created to represent the American Citizens. This party allows the American citizens to choose and create the policies, procedures, and bills that controls how the American government is ran. Our party will take the power to control America away from corrupt politicians, corporations, lobbyist, the wealthiest people, and other countries and give the power to control America back to the American citizens where it was always meant to be withThe American Citizens' Vote

Billy Jetland CEO

James Jetland

Website: http://theamericancitizensvote.com

Skype: theamericancitizensvote

Email: thecitizensvote@ymail.com

Phone Number: 702-445-4782

Email: Jetlandjimmy@yahoo.com

Email: Jetlandbill@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by MechanicalMoney (208) 13 years ago

Yep, but It does not prevent from spinning WASP...