Forum Post: The Evil Alphabets Part 1: CIA
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 8:39 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
CIA and Noriega, the dictator and tyrant.
Although the relationship did not become contractual until 1967, Noriega worked with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from the late 1950s until the 1980s.[9] In 1988 grand juries in Tampa and Miami indicted him on U.S. federal drug charges.[10][11] The 1988 Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations concluded that "The saga of Panama's General Manuel Antonio Noriega represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures for the United States. Throughout the 1970s and the 1980s, Noriega was able to manipulate U.S. policy toward his country, while skillfully accumulating near-absolute power in Panama. It is clear that each U.S. government agency which had a relationship with Noriega turned a blind eye to his corruption and drug dealing, even as he was emerging as a key player on behalf of the Medellín Cartel (a member of which was notorious Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar)." Noriega was allowed to establish "the hemisphere's first 'narcokleptocracy'".[12] One of the large financial institutions that he was able to use to launder money was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) which was shut down at the end of the Cold War by the FBI. Noriega shared his cell with ex-BCCI executives in the facility that is known as "Club Fed". In the 1988 U.S. presidential election, Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis highlighted this history in a campaign commercial attacking his opponent, Vice President (and former CIA Director) George H. W. Bush for his close relationship with "Panamanian drug lord Noriega."[13]
The CIA and Osama bin Laden, the Muhajideen, and the Afghan Arabs.
The BBC, in an article published shortly after the 9/11 attacks, stated that bin Laden "received security training from the CIA itself, according to Middle Eastern analyst Hazhir Teimourian."[1] In a 2003 article, Michael Powelson of the Russian journal Demokratizatsiya wrote: It is difficult to believe that the United States played no role in the operations of the son of one of the wealthiest men in Saudi Arabia. Indeed, it is much more likely that the United States knew full-well of bin Laden's operation and gave it all the support they could.[2] In a 2004 BBC article entitled "Al-Qaeda's origins and links", the BBC wrote: During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.[3] In a 2006 InDepth piece on Osama Bin Laden, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published that,[4] Bin Laden apparently received training from the CIA, which was backing the Afghan holy warriors – the mujahedeen – who were tying down Soviet forces in Afghanistan. An article in Der Spiegel, in 2007, entitled "Arming the Middle East", Siegesmund von Ilsemann called Bin Laden "one of the CIA's best weapons customers." [5] According to author Steve Coll, Overall, the U.S. government looked favorably on the Arab recruitment drives. ... Some of the most ardent cold warriors at [CIA headquarters at] Langley thought this program should be formally endorsed and extended. ... [T]he CIA "examined ways to increase their participation, perhaps in the form of some sort of international brigade" ... Robert Gates [then-head of the CIA's Directorate of Intelligence] recalled. ... At the [CIA's] Islamabad station [station chief] Milt Bearden felt that bin Laden himself "actually did some very good things" by putting money into Afghanistan.[6]
Great video on the CIA and Saddam Hussein.
Sorry this post is kind of rushed. It has a lot of copy and paste and I'd like to include much much more but my time is limited and i got to get back to work. Look into the bullshit of the CIA. They had a hand in play with the recent actions in Libya as well and the Libyan rebels are full of Al Qaeda members.
CIA, FBI, HUG, or GHER - their all the us government, and its purpose is to enslave all peoples of the world- its bankers and military is its means. Look to the source of the problem and attract that.
What is HUG? It's kind of hard to google because a bunch of stuff about hugs pops up.
Yeah, the CIA has screwed up (or at the very least drastically underestimated the repercussions of its actions) on numerous occasions. That doesn't make them evil; in fact they can be quite useful to have around and in many cases do our nation a service. They, like pretty much every organization, are comprised of and led by humans. Humans screw up, and the higher the stakes the nastier the consequences when it actually happens. The specific humans who screwed up in each of those cases need to be held accountable, whether they're part of the CIA or not, but decrying the entire organization is ridiculous.
The CIA is essentially a shadow government and they operate around international treaties and laws.
Indeed, it's like saying we should close down hospitals because some doctors are caught up in malpractice scandals.
I think we should close down the KBG because they are essentially a shadow government and they operate around international treaties and laws.
Wait I mean Halibutron ,, yeah... thats the ticket...
Easy mistake.
What's the KBG? I never heard of it.
Russian version of the CIA, I pasted his sentence, but switched CIA for KGB.
Sarcasm it was.
Oh KGB... I was confused because you previously said KBG. I thought it was some US governmental organization I wasn't aware of.
No the CIA and hospitals are in no way equally comparable. That's a horrible comparison. Hospitals don't establish dictators and overthrow governments. Hospitals might accidentally over medicate someone but they don't over medicate someone on purpose in hopes to establish a new reign. The CIA's actions are thought out and done on purpose and done without remorse.
So is your point the CIA sux?
The CIA has done Bad stuff?
My point is they are fucking up our international reputation and creating problems. I think we could abolish the CIA. I don't trust the Bush family and OG Bush used to be at the top of the CIA before he was president. They operate like a shadow government. Their activities are highly questionable and most are unknown. Who knows what they're up to? How would we like it if China had an organization over here operating with these kind of pretenses? The actions of the CIA are wrong in my opinion and have created massive problems that eventually lead to harming our own American citizens through the death of US troops. This is an organization that in my opinion has done more than enough fucked up shit that it shows they need to be stopped because their "intelligence" can't be trusted. We have the best military in the world. Let's just stick with that.
How many directorates are in the CIA?
I wrote directorates, not director.
Let me take you to school. There are 4 Directorates:
National Clandestine Service - sometimes known as the Directorate of operations
Directorate of Science and Technology
Directorate of Intelligence
Directorate of Support
The head of the Directorate of Intelligence has traditionally been called the Director of the CIA. or DCI.
He's a conspiracy theorist. His point is that he has found the answer to calm his paranoia which is the result of his far fetched confabulations. He uses his brain power to draw connections between elements that have none in reality. He's addicted to correlations without causations. There are good chances he's schizophrenic. He needs help.
Evil troll alert!
I wouldn't say that TrevorMnemonic is a troll. I think he's sick and needs help. He has published many posts that contravene forum rules and always seems to be dabbling in conspiracy theory drivel. It's quite sad. I hope he's not alone in life and that his friends and family can encourage him to seek help and guidance. Schizophrenia is a horrible disease and can ravage even the smartest minds if left unchecked.
And I actually thought you were smart enough to know I was refering to you, oh great and powerful Trashymask. Evil troll alert!
Just don't even reply to him. This guy goes around copying people's names and tries to stir trouble because he has a sad and pathetic life where he has nothing better to do. The real person is Thyramasque or something and this guy changes the names. He's done it to a few users that I've noticed. It's quite sad and pathetic really.
I know who he is. I was making fun of him. I am well aware of his motives. We have history.
I have two motives:
Read a book sometime. The CIA connection with the rise of Noriega is documented fact as is everything else posted in this about the CIA. Maybe use that Google search every now and then and learn some truth.
That Google bar? To end up on the same conspiracy theory websites that you do? You know everything on the Internet is not true right?
lol. But Jerry Springer, sadly, is 100% true.
Happy Winter Solstice Thras. It's ok for me to say that to you because it doesn't have anything to do with a sky creature right?
BTW you suck at poker. Lol
Poker's okay, but I much prefer chess.
What conspiracy are you working on today? How's our little MatLock? Making any progress solving the governments' top secrets from your mother's basement?
How's not having a life and spending your free time starting weird internet feuds? What do you do for a living? Fuck it. I don't actually care.
Good day sir.
I'm a computer programmer and a musician. I also write novels. I'm always in front of the computer, so having a screen open for OWS is not too difficult. I have three monitors in my studio.
You are truely showing how little you know about me. I do all of this from work. My job is extremely boring. This is my only chance at creativity throughout the day. Matlock is for octogenarians.
So how's your home research going? Have you cracked the governments inner most secrets yet?
What's your take on project Casandra?
I'm sorry to hear you have a boring job. Perhaps you should educate yourself to find a more exciting one. We only have one life, doing something we find boring on a daily basis is not worth it. Going back to school might open some doors for you. You should consider that option.
Thrasymaque is the real name. Look at the creation dates.
There is no user called Thyramasque. You can check here:
Thrasymaque is the French version of Thrasymachus, a character in Plato's Republic.
It was to be expected. You conspiracy theorists only work with assumptions. You can't even be bothered to check if a username exists before you talk about said user.
So you are a troll. Cool.
I am whatever you call me. If you think I am a troll, that's fine. I think conspiracy theorists are trolls. We all have different opinions and that's good for the discussion. I'm not here to give or receive high-fives. I find it boring when everyone agrees.
Have you cracked any big government secrets yet? How's the MatLock thing going for you? If paranoia is invading your brain, I suggest you use some Lithium. Of course, you should consult a doctor first.
I'm still pretty sure I remember a non asshole version of you. I must have read your name wrong in the past when you were less ridiculous and more reasonable. or maybe it was just a game you were playing. I'm not sure anymore. There is a guy on here who posted something about copying a bunch of people's names just to stir trouble a couple days ago.
You are a waste of time. Good day sir.
i used to be more serious, but have been concentrating on eradicating the conspiracy theorists on these boards who post material that is against the forum rules. Please read rule number 2.
I think you are a waste of time and I'll leave you peacefully so you can go back to your confabulations and being a little basement MatLock trying to uncover the government's deepest secrets. Good luck with that.
Ahhh and didnt know there 4 directorates in the CIA.
Look I'm all up for a good conspiracy theory. I said good one.....
But CIA suX driVeL is just drivel. We all know the CIA has done some bad things. I grew up in the middle of CoIntellPro, I know the Government has done bad things.
This post is just drivel.
That's what conspiracy theorists do here. They post drivel. They waste everyone's time with their lowly form of thought. I don't blame them entirely because they are sick. They need help.
they need help
Who do you think is most qualified?
the psychiatric industry perhaps?
On the issue of MKULTRA and the depth of Psychiatric industries involvement during initial testing:
Ya, they need the help of good honest psychiatrists. I have a friend who is schizophrenic and in one of his fantasy rages he unfortunately killed his grandmother by stabbing her. He has no recollection of the event. He was sent to a mental institution and was treated for schizophrenia. He's out now and on medication. He's much better.
Hollywood was going to produce a movie about a schizophrenic - one who had actually graduated law school.
Brad Pitt was going to play the lead role.
He withdrew from production - and the following day, the real life subject of this movie took a knife and killed his fiancee.
These are the facts.
What you conclude from them is up to you.
My own personal conviction is that were it not for programs like MKULTRA, this event never would have taken place.
I have met psychiatrists.
Not one that I have ever met has ever discussed, in any way shape or form, the issue of something called neural linguistic reprogramming.
Surely they know what it is.
Perhaps what I witnessed was simply a conditioned response. The result of some aversion therapy.
What ever.
Finding coincidences is easy. There's a lot of stuff going on in the world and people get killed everyday. It's pretty easy to make connections from your basement and get high because you feel like a little MatLock cracking the deepest military and government secrets. The addiction to correlations without causations is the biggest brain disease that is taking over America today. Basement research is killing logical thought. You should use the scientific method and not hocus pocus epistemologies. Evidence is important; causation is important.
Just be careful on here. I say this as a friend. The people I work for are pretty high up on the Intel chain. They know where you live, what you've done, and who your third grade teacher was.
So? I accepted that reality over a decade ago - Then came the butterfly ballot of the Florida 2000 election, which saw bushite appointed to the Oval Office. That ballot was vociferously condemned by one Donald Norman, author of Psychology of Everyday Things and an expert in human engineering . . . .
So . . . just what do you think is responsible for that growth in basement theorists? Is it, do you suppose, just some natural evolution? Or is it the result of some environmental malady?
We know coincidence does exist - and that sometimes not only does art imitate life - but that on occasion life imitates art.
Are we to presume that random itself has not been harnessed by that clever ape like hominid that dominates the Earth today?
Do you suggest that accidental engineering is not a field of endeavor?
Lloyd Home [or Holm, I've forgotten] stated in the Psycological Record 18 [1968] most explicitely:
what the fuck does that mean?
where is the proof of such a sweeping statement?
how many times has the demonstration taken place?
and how many lie dead thanks to the demonstration itself, the culture it breeds, and the necessity of silence?
. . . Jared Loughner . . .
do you suppose Loughner is laughing still . . .?
Just shoot me. I don't give a fuck. they can kiss my ass.
kiss my ass I say
and we all know who the butterflies are, don't we?
Of course we do.
they are us.
I'd say the basement bound, arm chair pundit is most likely an outcrop of bad information and lack of trust for our institutions. It seems to me that every time new information is given, such as sun causes cancer, years later the cure is found to be just as bad,. Now, I hear that synthetic vitamin D is bad for one's health when your body consumes too much. Where as, synthetic D builds up in the body like heavy metals. The sun's form of D breaks down when the body receives too much. When info is this obfuscated, pontificatian almost seems safer.
You make a valid point -
yet I would point out as I did further down on this post that there are other environmental factors at play.
These environmental factors include a variety of conspiracy, from aliens to the war on drugs. The fact that you can get stoned in virtually any city in the U.S. is a demonstration of the prevalence of illegal substances - the result of
Coincidences are abound. That is the problem for critical thinkers, and the chocolate for conspiracy theorists. What is important is to establish causation, or else you are only dabbling in pseudo-science which is nothing but an illusion and a waste of time if you are interested in building some form of truth.
I think it has to do with a combination of factors.
More people are "educated" than ever before. I use quotations because many people think they are educated when they are not. There was a time when only a few people in society were literate. They were the thinkers. They wrote books and had serious publishers. Today, we have the problem of information overload. Most anybody can write, and with the Internet most anybody can self-publish. The lose of the editor is a major crisis in my opinion. Some will say this is great because we are free to publish what we want, but I do not believe so. It has become very difficult to get a proper education; not because there are not enough books or that they are hard to come by, but because there are too many and it has become extremely difficult to know which ones are the valuables ones and which ones we should pass up. Everybody has a voice, and that means a lot of crap circulating. If you want a proper education, you really need a good guide.
Years ago, the thinkers knew they were smart and the rest knew they weren't. People played their part. Nowadays, because everybody has a seeming education, everybody wants to partake in research and fact finding. This gives people the sense of power, a sense that they have control in their lives. Add to this the fact that we live in open democracies where most anything can be written, and it becomes natural that a lot of youngsters want to become the next MatLock who cracks the big government secret. This provides the framework for conspiracy theory writers to write their nonsense and find enough gullible people to sell books to. It's a big business.
Critical thought has been pushed aside. It's not cool anymore. Movies portray "smart" people as nerds; as being boring. And, I have to say, the nerds in real life are not the smartest people.
Essentially, what's happening is that a lot people think they have the required tools to be researchers. They can read, and they have access to a lot of information on the Internet. The problem is they don't understand the first thing about research. They don't know what the scientific method is. They don't know about logical fallacies; about problems like correlation without a cause. The only thing they are interested in is breaking the next big government secret; they don't really care if what they say is true or not, and they don't care about publishing their research in the proper peer-reviewed journals. They feel empowered to self-publish on their crappy blogs.
The same is happening in all fields. There are a lot of people recording crappy music now just because you can record an album with a home computer that is of higher quality than the first Beatles albums. Anybody can create posters with Photoshop, etc...
Great musicians, great researchers, great artists still exist, the problem is you have to weed out a lot more crap nowadays to reach them. Without publishers, it's harder than ever before. We are drowning in an overload of information. And, naturally, some people don't have the brains to handle this problem is they become obsessed and deranged with conspiracy theory fantasies. I think it's a way for the brain to cope. It's very similar to the God of the gaps fallacy. The brain needs to patch things up, to make sense of the information. It wants to connect the dots, even if the connections are not real at all. The brain works this way. That's why the scientific method is so important. It keeps us honest. It keeps us from doing the easy and natural type of crappy correlations without causations that we so eagerly want to do.
while it is certainly true that we are indeed suffering information overload, you still fail to address the
of the growth in basement based conspiracy theorists
You allude to it, never address it head on.
I think it's the brain's way of dealing with this information overload. We try to connect the dots naturally. Making correlations without causations is easy and very very natural. The scientific method is difficult to implement and not very natural. It's hard work. Scientists came up with it because they realized they couldn't just "go with their feeling" if they wanted to find the truth.
Conspiracy theorists are people who lack the education necessary to handle all the information out there and instead of realizing this they end up dealing with it in an unproductive way. It's also a question of wanting to be part of a group of "insiders" who know the truth. It's cult like.
I think it's more natural and easy to be a conspiracy theorist than a critical thinker. It's the easy way out, the lazy man's mental masturbation. It's like those who can't enjoy good music because it's too much work. They find their joy in Bieber, not in the Rite of Spring, and certainly not in Boulez or Stockhausen.
so you are suggesting that there is no correlation whatsoever between:
the heaven's gate cult
Art Bell and his radio show - who did, just one day before their mass suicide, allow his show to become a platform that echoed their belief in a flying saucer hiding in the tail of the Hale-Bop Comet
Such events and the book by Festinger When Prophecy Fails 1961
widespread claims of alien abduction during the late 1960s
FBI response today to claims of UFO sightings
there are no aliens
it's just another lie
told by actors
on a stage
Information overloading precedes the Internet. It started a long time ago. The Internet simply increased this problem just like it increased the problem of conspiracy theories. Both these issues can be traced way back.
I'm happy to discuss further, but I have to go to bed right now. It's 7:00am and I haven't slept yet. We should really start a new thread, it doesn't make sense to reply to the wrong comments.
I'm running out of replies and I don't like to confuse comments by replying to the wrong ones, so perhaps we should start a topic on the issue to discuss it further.
I said that there are many factors. A complete study of the issue could take a whole book or a doctorate's thesis. I don't have the time nor the means to do this. You should read what psychologists have said about the issue and a slew of other professionals; sociologists, anthropologists, etc...
I think a major factor is the inability to deal with an overload of information, but it's definitely not the only factor. Paranoia plays a big part, and there are many many more factors; some I don't know about. I suggest you read up on the issue if you want to further your knowledge about it. I'm not an expert in this field. I'm just giving you my opinion.
evolving arguments to never be wrong. the guy with no real position. just like any other con.
On the other thread you just acknowledged the rise of conspiracy theorists seems to predate the internet.
now you return to the theme of information overload.
I'm not sure if you are simply confused . . .
or if perhaps you are inclined to indulge in conspiracy
When did I ever suggest this? You seem to be dancing from one thing to another. I'm really not sure where you extrapolated this idea that I made this suggestion.
I said:
your response:
The implication being that there is nothing in the environment beyond the fact of information overload to explain the growth in conspiracy theorists.
I disagree.
most vehemently.
You thought I was just guna let you fk with me and that would be it pussy boy.
No, I expect you to spam the boards with your nonsense. You have been doing it since day one.
You're a fk fake. Don't act like you give two shits about this movement. Just because people don't call you out doesn't mean they are fooled, it just means they don't want to deal with you. It's easier to pacify. The material I provide is in support of and for the movement, if this forum is the priority and not the movement, you have no reason to post one more word on here. But you do anyway because you aren't here for the movement are you, pussy.
Vice Versa
...and the last shall be first
how many schizophrenic friends do you have?
I have three that I know of.
ohh men. We All need to surround ourselves with better environment. one of my friend is interested in schizophrenia field, cause of his mother. i told him: devide all of your friends by who is crazy who is not. He said,- i can't. Because it is realy hard to stigmatize schizophrenia into social frame. some people deep, some people deeper. And their thoughts is outside the box(frame). (you can't see them through your tunnel vision)
What's important is what people post here. These conspiracy theorists post stuff that is against the forum rules and only lowers the discussion to a form of lame assumption making and cheap connections that are nothing but correlations without causations. They are not wanted on these boards for a reason.
The three friends that I know of have been diagnosed as schizophrenics and would be the first to admit it themselves. They are all taking medication and it helps them a lot. Like I said previously, one of them killed his grandmother and regrets it quite a bit. Without medication, they all suffer from deep paranoia just like the conspiracy theorists you see on these boards.
"These conspiracy theorists post stuff that is against the forum rules and only lowers the discussion to a form of lame assumption making and cheap connections that are nothing but correlations without causations" - but post about conspiracy theory doesn't reduce the truth. As we all know, if conspiracy exist around certain fact, - it could be mean that those present fact wasn't been proved properly. Think. Here is the food for your mind. what they said: belive in God, and you belive in. Assuming that there is no God and humans descended from monkeys. there is no absolute truth about it, and, - here we go! theory is born. don't judge people for their theories. some of them can see futher then horizon. and the same time some of them are blind like a kittens
Darwin never said we descended from monkeys. No science has ever said this. What Darwin said, and what has been proven without a shadow of a doubt is that we and monkeys descend from a common ancestor. Monkeys are our distant cousins, not our ancestors.
The problem with conspiracy theories is that they don't use a proper epistemological method. They promote correlations without causations, and a multitude of other logical fallacies. They are an attack on logic and destroy the mind.
to Thrasymaque::::I had an argument with ex military. He can tell you what is going on in his neighborhood in West Virginia. But he have no clue about World situation. He know how to shot, he know how to follow the orders. You dont need to be smart to love America, to be a patriot!
you completely left out the kennedy assassination their complete usurping of american democracy and good ole george bush that trilateral commission/skull and bones new world piece of shit oversaw it all!!!!!
well ok, since we're here . . .
the movie
which has a central theme of immigration and political corruption, including political assassination
hit store shelves in the Burlington, Vermont area about four days prior to the shooting at Gabrielle Giffords town hall meeting in Tuscon, Arizona, on January 8, 2011; where nineteen people were shot; six of whom died.
From Wiki#Home_media)
What I find really interesting, is that on the way home from purchasing that movie, after the radio played Lady Gaga, I was stopped at a traffic light.
It was a wednesday evening, must have been January fifth.
You've heard the song, right?
Boom Boom Boom Boom
so there I am at the light -
a green cab has a head on with a college girl . . .
bad romance and green cab accidents
4th, 5th, 8th of January.
I didn't like January.
Does is mean meat? DO you welcome people to the meeting? Bravo! Very intelligent
hm? What?
I'm surprised you touched this comment - I'm not sure what that means . . .
Are you speaking in riddles?
meet / meat /
I mean, if you are asking if
human engineering
is a means of producing meat
well then yes
yes I say
it isn't just for elections anymore
Land of Confusion
I'm on dial-up
but I recognize the lyric - by Phil Collins
no way.i didnt know that dial-up still in use. i tell you even more: people are using their cell phones like Wi-Fi hot spot. try it
I do have a cell phone - but it's ancient. I can barely send a text with it - sub menus on submenus.
it doesn't take pics or access the web.
You'll be alright bro
Yeah, I'm not worried.
I've already accepted non of us are ever getting out alive.
i like this post, but yes, this is Absolute Truth ha ha
Once you've really adjusted to the idea, it's like . . . . complete and total liberation somehow.
oop, oop, - it the sound of police
overall we need to flip it and pop it into the gaiety
yea everything you said may be true but also just so you know there is a new breed of CIA and FBI and almost every other federal agency now a day,s and the old protocol is almost gone and the age of the new protocol will soon begin , and it is not nearly a fukd up as the old one ,