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Forum Post: The Euro is crashing,millions without jobs,Poverty is common ,Would this help?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 7:24 a.m. EST by poltergist22 (159)
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[-] 2 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Its coming here soon, and when it does, it will be much greater due to our immature nature..

[-] 2 points by Danaan (96) 13 years ago

Well in Ireland they have cheese hand outs same as the people in Afrika get rice handouts. It has a big Euro sticker on it. It is of course one of those food handout schemes where lots of people earn a lot of money. We have these poverty houses where people get free lunch. Great for the people but it is of course again a money raking scandal. government monies is used to buy expensive food from only one shop to cater for the poor. Over half the monies gathered is going to the top guys who have big mansions and are never there because Hawai is so much nicer this time of year. The people actually working there are all volunteers and earn nothing. Wonder why the euro is crashing? Banks. Wonder how the masses are kept in line? Make em walk for miles to get their food every day. Breakfast in handoutpoint one is 5 miles from lunch in handout point 2 and then it is 2 miles to the handoutpoint 3 for the evening bread and tea.

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 13 years ago

It's a commonplace fact that people try to avoid stress and hardship often being willing to put up with harsh methods of avoidance. We've let the doom and gloom crowd let us 'see' the result of a financial collapse, but we all forget, it is not the 18th century; it is the early 21st century and many, many things have changed. Efficiency is nearly paramount and If anything, we need a severe shock to a complacent and apathetic system. We need people to come to depend on each other again, instead of a bloated and overcharged government. I, personally, would welcome eating in a rice line, if it meant a widespread awakening of the American people. For now, let the world deal with itself, we have our own country and lost freedoms to worry about!