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Forum Post: The Entire System Is Beyond Rpair

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 12:09 a.m. EST by Idaltu (662)
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I keep seeing political posts which either support or ridicule political parties and those people attached to them. What does it take to get people to understand that the entire system is corrupt? There is no salvation in voting for anyone! The government, ALL of it, is owned by the wealthy elite of the world. No debate on politics is going to fix this. And those who like the current system are not going to like where all this is heading. Either total tyranny or something so different you will feel like you are on a different planet.



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[-] 2 points by Falcus (81) 13 years ago

Scout's already said, it but why exactly is the system broken? Why are so many people ready to forget that this system worked for over a Century and a half? The wheels only fell off the wagon at the begining of the 20th century, and many people, both roosevelts, Truman, even Carter and most recently Clinton managed either push back on the problems that developed (Though admittedly never really eliminated them), or at least stuck their fingers in the damn to prevent things from going critical.....

But two things (Primarly these two, IMHO) have happened since the founding fathers created this system: 1: Corporations, and the money they generate and are able to throw around have, which the fore-fathers never forsaw to the best of my knowledge, have gained the ability to corrupt the system top to bottom

2: The masses have stopped caring about their own system, and even themselves, in pursuit of the opiate's of electronic media and "happier feelings" that the corporations are able to provide..... 40% voter turn out? at the national level? If were lucky? And local races are an even bigger joke, with numbers as low as the single digits in places.....

The system isn't broken, our society is.... The system was designed with rigid goals in mind, for a far more rigid society then we live in now..... We've let people do this, not our system.... We've let them bend and break the rules.... We've let them NOT educate us about our rights, responsibilities, and abilities when it comes to information, and our own voice of concerns.

If everything is best in moderation, then the opposite side of the coin of eating too much McDonalds and watching too much TV, or playing games, is the ignorance of the real life problems these behaviors create and foster, and everything else that goes on outside of our senses......

Encourage your friends to educate themselves and do something, and we can take back our system, and our society......

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Yes, the act of occupying is only "the shot across the bow" of The Powers That Be (TPTB). "We Are The 99%" has to stand up and move OWS forward now. (You will stay warm moving and the police will be thankful they don't have to stand around all winter too ; ) Please read the 99% Declaration and you might especially enjoy the "committees of correspondence" link which points to the wiki of the Suffolk Resolves (1774)

[-] 2 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

it's not the system needs changing its people's internal values. How do you stop people from being dishonest and greedy? No government system can do that whatever shape it is. but I think the first positive step would be to stop people thinking consumerism is the only answer to every problem.

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

You're going to change human nature?

[-] 1 points by NotAPuppet (8) 13 years ago

Hence evolution.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

@Idaltu: There are tools to fix this machine : ) OK it's not an out of this world machine like the venus project but it will keep on serving us while we work on the new model. would enjoy hearing what you think. Take care. You can find a link to this on the Adbusters website as well: https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/?tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

I read the document. Nice words and targets the problem areas. Now, just which part of our government would even consider acting on any of this? The answer: none. I know you want a nice smooth transition....but it has already erupted into us and them. They (the elite as an example Mayor Bloomberg) are now in the process of trying to head this off. You can't stop an awakening...They will try with violence but it will not work. We are about to enter those 'interesting times' we so often have heard about.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

the answer: the part you call the congress, because if they don't act:

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that IF the PETITION OF GRIEVANCES approved by the 870 Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY in consultation with the PEOPLE, is not acted upon within a reasonable time and to the satisfaction of the Delegates of the NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY, said Delegates shall organize a new INDEPENDENT POLITICAL PARTY to run candidates for every available Congressional seat in the mid-term election of 2014 and again in 2016 until all vestiges of the existing corrupt corporatocracy have been removed by the power of the ballot box.


[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Maybe Rpair is appropriate. LOL