Forum Post: The Enemy Expatriation Act (S.1698/H.R.3166) - A Statement From Anonymous
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 4:28 p.m. EST by ironboltbruce
from Miami, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act (#EEA)
The Enemy Expatriation Act is yet another treasonous bill similar to the National Defense Authorization Act that was signed into law by President Obama on New Years' Eve. The NDAA, which authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens on U.S. soil, was met with outrage from the American public. The media largely refused to cover the NDAA until it was too late, and the bill had been signed into law. We are now faced with a similar situation. The Enemy Expatriation Act has been introduced in the House, and again, the media refuses to cover it. The American public have the right to know about a bill that could revoke their United States citizenship, and the continuing media blackout poses a serious threat to the freedoms this country pledges to provide its citizens.
The Enemy Expatriation Act is a short, yet dangerous bill. The purpose of the bill is "to add engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality" [ ]. Put simply, this bill gives the U.S. government the power to revoke your citizenship, thereby nullifying your RIGHTS as an American citizen, if they believe you are even merely SUPPORTING acts against the United States. The Obama administration has pledged not to use the NDAA against American citizens [THIS IS NOT CORRECT: SEE P.S. BELOW]. However, if this bill passes, you could be stripped of your citizenship, and subjected to the full, treacherous acts of the NDAA. You will no longer have your rights as a citizen to protect you.
Who introduced this abomination to the House of Representatives? Charles Dent, a Republican from Pennsylvania's 15th District [ ], and the sponsor of the Enemy Expatriation Act, posted the following YouTube video about his proposed legislation: . One thing you should notice immediately is the dislike bar. This video has 9 LIKES, and over 1,000 DISLIKES at the time of this statement. In addition, an ongoing poll from shows that 92% OPPOSE this legislation [ ]. Charles Dent is no Representative of the American public by ANY meaning of the word. This bill is yet another act by the government designed to give them the ultimate authority over us. The last time I checked, the Constitution reads WE THE PEOPLE. Clearly, the government has no intention of serving its citizens if our lawmakers take no consideration of our opinions or our rights before attempting to pass legislation such as the NDAA and the Enemy Expatriation Act.
In order to stop the Enemy Expatriation Act and all future acts of the U.S. government which revoke our freedoms and attempt to shred the last remnants of our Constitution, it begins with you - with all of us. The media refuses to provide us with the information we need to play a part in our own futures. The government refuses to allow any consideration of the direction we, the people, wish for this country to go. We must be the ones to inform the people. We must play an active role in our future. We are trained to be divided by the media, by the government, told that it's all about petty issues when it's not. Occupiers, Tea Partiers, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, this is not a partisan issue. The issue at hand is our future, and the reality of the present is that the government is slowly revoking our freedoms and our voice. Inform everyone you know about these acts of Congress, and the government as a whole. Make sure they are getting the information they NEED, and not just what they want us to know. Knowledge is power, and the freedom of information is the key to uniting all of us around the issues that really matter. Spread this message to everyone you know. Speak out against these acts, contact your representatives, senators, congressmen and make sure that they know that these injustices will not be tolerated. United, we will restore the power back to the People.
Related Image:
IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( | @vvvpr )
Impeach the authors of the bill. It's clearly unconstitutional and they are enemies of our country. At lease try to take some legal action to get publicity since the corp-run media is on their side. Many of us went to war to protect our rights, to prevent a take-over by "the commies" or "the nazis" because their citizens lived in fear of their government. We never wanted to end up like them so there was much money spent and lives lost to keep us free back home, to keep us from losing our freedom. So what are these people doing to us right in our own government? Impeach them! They should have their freedom taken away for attempting such a thing that would trash the sacrifices of all those who fought to protect our constitutional rights and keep our homeland free.
OK, what do we do? I feel like I'm a passenger on a train looking out the window, unable to affect events.
I once was talking to a German restauranter who was a lad during WWII, he described people crying on the street upon learning Hitler was invading Russia. People running around saying "our leaders have gone mad, what do we do?"
What are we doing now? We're piling tinder, hoping for a popular spark. Is that enough?
Impeach the authors of the bill. It's clearly unconstitutional and they are enemies of our country. At lease try to take some legal action to get publicity since the corp-run media is on their side. Many of us went to war to protect our rights, to prevent a take-over by "the commies" or "the nazis" because their citizens lived in fear of their government. We never wanted to end up like them so there was much money spent and lives lost to keep us free back home, to keep us from losing our freedom. So what are these people doing to us right in our own government? Impeach them! They should have their freedom taken away for attempting such a thing that would trash the sacrifices of all those who fought to protect our constitutional rights and keep our homeland free.
I suggest starting here:
(1) Fcuk Fear. Either learn to control your fear, or "they" will use it to control you:
(2) Take Action:
It seems we can't prevent these illegal/unconstitutional laws. Will they become our enabling laws and slam the door on our freedoms or are they an overreach which will expose and turn on their creators? I know that's not much to base hope on but I've never seen things look so bad.
We need to ask our congressmen to insert an amendment on to HR 3166 and S. 1698 also known as the Enemy Expatriation Act, sponsored by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Charles Dent (R-PA) that once one gets strip of citizenship one get at least the right to cross the Rio Grande into Mexico. Yes, I'm joking, but only to make a point... those who cross into Rio Grande in the other direction (and enter our country illegally) actually have more rights now then do our own US citizens. It is time to declare our independence from (and withdraw our support for) this criminal government.
All this plus the FEMA camps. Have asked our representatives not to back these things, and get back letters saying they will.
So what do we do next sounds like were F**ED
Time to vote everyone out. Stop voting for Democrats or Republicans. Start voting for people that won't accept anything from companies or lobbies.
American Elections: False Choices Hiding Other False Choices:
no video this time?