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Forum Post: The End of Capitalism.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 2:58 p.m. EST by Marek (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The time for destroying the destroyers of the earth has come. The Book of Revelation 11:18.

In the new society there is no need for money.

The only peoples who benefit from these financial conversions are; bankers, stockbrokers, merchants, merchandisers, investors, shipmasters and all the companies and private persons involved so called in trade – the capitalists (1%).

The End of Capitalism. Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010).

18 “And the nations were angry and your anger has come,

and the time of the dead to be judged, and you shall give reward to your Servants the Prophets and to The Holy Ones and to those who reverence your name, to the small with the great,

and you shall destroy those who have corrupted The Earth.”.

Redistribution Of Wealth Need No Money (99%).

For detailed explanation click at Sequel Box, Sequel 8 link to: http://www.visutech.net/peace365/index.asp?pageID=86.



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[-] 1 points by SMACKDOWN58 (7) 13 years ago

I liked that Thor movie is was cool

[-] 1 points by chuck1al (1074) from Flomaton, AL 13 years ago

@ Marek ......what makes your God right, how about Thor.

[-] 1 points by arcticaardvark (54) 13 years ago

the bible says a lot of things


[-] 0 points by theaveng (602) 13 years ago

The only peoples who benefit from these financial conversions are; bankers, stockbrokers, merchants, merchandisers, investors, shipmasters and all the companies and private persons involved so called in trade – the capitalists (1%).

Oh I don't know about that.

Instead of slaving-away on a farm 14 hours a day (like my great-grandparents did), I only work 9 or 10. And I get paid well. I make more money in a year then they made in an entire lifetime of subsistence farming.

I have things my great-grandparents had to do by hand. A machine does my wash. A machine does my dishes. A machine keeps my food cold (instead of having to carve ice out of a lake and drag it into the icebox). I can drive to the nearby city in half-an-hour instead of by horse (an all day trip). My food is made with a nice clean electric oven, rather than filthy, filthy coal stove like my great-grandma had.

Plus I have things they never could have imagined. Music out of a box called a radio. Movies out of a box called a TV. A computer to communicate and send mail or pay my bills.

I am fortunate to live in the wealthiest country ever to have existed, and in the top ~15% of the wealthiest human beings.

Instead of whining how about giving thanks.