Forum Post: the elites blood is not sacred reptilian, but red like everyones
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 1:08 a.m. EST by jarett
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SUN DAY in this new age of enLIGHTenment the masses need to know that god is nature and nature molded man from dust and water and he is personified nature, a nature deity, and jesus is not his only SUN but the elites, the sun shines on their money. the peoples money through they inherited slave taxes. I stand and say that their blood is not reptilian and that they only inbreed to keep money in the family, and not because their blood is sacred.. i challenge that and say people are a product of their priviledges, elite education, healthcare, money to make more money. I bet if the elite adopted a child that that child could prosper even better than their inbred children.. they have been privy to secret knowledge that proves God and heaven and hell aren't real, and this gives them freedom of guilt or punishment from an afterlife or from their fellow man, they are above the law.. but still slaves to their own bodies.. they call us useless eaters, hippocrits, they are useless eaters., they are money changers, who's history involves borrowing money and murdering the lender, or extorting unmoral interest on money they inherited, tax money. They are useless to society and have some nerve.
I am the .01 percent and it is ridiculous think this. i am not imbreed.. in fact the product of a black parent and a white parent.. both of which have very high religious morales whether wrong or right(i dont agree with them on the christian god). they are not selfish(in fact donate much of their wealth) whatsoever and only try to provide a life of comfort to my family of seven. They are not excessive or opulent and do not chase wealth they only work hard and are intelligent. although there are some greedy, selfish, self centered assholes.. that is not nearly the majority and it is incredibly ignorant to demonize everyone who is financially succesful
They are a sad lot, this 1%, we must free them as well!!!
You say you want a revoulution, well you know, we all want to change the world. You say you want a contribution, well you know, we do all we can, but if you want money for minds that hate, all I can tell you brother your gonna have to wait.
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