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Forum Post: The Destructive Keynesian Continuum - Part 3

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 10:58 a.m. EST by Republicae (81)
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Remember, the goal is worker productivity, full employment that allows the system to continue maintains control, particularly social control; without it the flaws in the system quickly become apparent. The focus therefore, is jobs; even the most useless jobs are considered vital to the entire complexion of the system. To understand just how far this ideology goes the words of Theodore Morgan explains the extent that the government will take in order to maintain the system: “. Even from the point of view of output, it is better to employ men in digging holes and filling them up than not to employ them at all; it is better to employ men to make products which we thereupon dump in the middle of the ocean than to leave them idle."

Of course, all of this was seen during The Great Depression, the government followed the recommendations of Keynes to "do something". This rather strange concept can be found throughout the economic theories of those who espoused the "new economy". While it is apparent that those who follow such economic thought must have considered their proposals and theories logical, the following example should show just how irrational these people were, and still are: "Giving money to foreigners is a form of "investment," even though we get nothing in return. If we could only export one of the printing presses used for the manufacture of Federal Reserve Notes to, let us say, China, our foreign investment would be enormously higher."

Keynesian lunacy has run rampant in our country and still, to this very day, influences our government in ways that few understand. According to these ideologues, government spending, obviously of any type, stimulates private employment and economic stability, yet it is all financed through taxing or inflationary monetary policy which drains and strains the entire "private sector" within the mixed economy. As we have seen, this government, along with its partner in managed finance: the Federal Reserve Bank, has effectively manufactured the monetary system needed to achieve the socialization of this country, without the use of a fiat monetary system none of this would be possible. It is also a mistake to believe that the Federal Reserve Banking system serves an economic purpose, it does not, its purpose is political in nature and the directors of the Federal Reserve are completely faithful to the political trust of those who appointed them and the legislation that allows the bank to continue functioning in a political capacity that promotes very specific socio-economic agendas.

Those who followed Keynes were well aware that sound money had to be destroyed otherwise there would simply be no way to implement the complete core socialist pattern in this country. The various proposals of Keynes and his subsequent disciples, who advocated "compensatory fiscal and monetary policies", by implication, necessitated the abandonment of sound money and this was accomplished by the introduction of inconvertible currency. Once the currency became inconvertible it was merely a formality to then create a total fiat system, which was accomplished in 1971. As Nixon said when he cut all ties between the U.S. Federal Reserve Note [once known as the Dollar] and gold: "We are all Keynesians now!"



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[-] 1 points by Republicae (81) 13 years ago

I agree, after all, Keynes was a member of the Fabian Socialist Party and was welcomed in the circles of both Marxist and Fascists alike.

[-] 0 points by VivaLaRev (120) 13 years ago

All the communists, Marxists and socialists who think they represent the 99% should fall in love with the Fed all over again after reading this. I think it's high time to start distancing ourselves from the enemies of freedom and liberty.