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Forum Post: THE Demand: Sane Optimism

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 9:19 a.m. EST by zahid (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The latest buzz: Occupy Wall Street is the left wing version of the Tea Party movement. Politically this comes with it's promise of something bigger, more credible, something the media can sink it's teeth into and as it's a media aberration it's just the value meal they ordered in their own little you are as two dimensional as you eat world. But as the Occupy Wall Street movement grows it should also be intensifying in its direction not its dissipation.

So please remember.Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are not the new bi partisan corner of the world. If you talk/talked to any Tea Party people their platform was as much, if not more, about "you can't" as much as "you can". Even their motto was/is "don't tread on me", and their mascot, a snake who represents some sort of "you can't do anything that interferes with my interestssss" attitude, or I'll inject you with my venom. I'm sorry but that is part of the problem not the solution.

The Big Banks will never get it. They don't even think they have to. When your belly is always full you don't ever think about being hungry, or about the people who go along bewildered at what their world is coming to. These are the people who need more than rhetoric and frustration. Of the 99%, these are the people who are multiplying. Maybe you’re familiar with these numbers, behind the spread sheets it's a thing called humanity.

There is a story the Arab spring population might be familiar with. It is about a land that the Islamic empire took control of long ago. The infrastructure and leadership was left intact, as Islamic Law dictates (whether it's some sort of socialism, a monarchy or a democracy). The leader of that land however was reported to the Muslim Khalif to be exercising a closed door policy while the citizens had social problems with nowhere to turn. So the Muslim Khalif simply sent a delegation to burn down his door...literally. While we may see tactics like that as being "archaic" the metaphor is as relevant today as ever, and it obviously lives on.

The importance of the JUST TRUTH not "just enough truth" lives on as well! The Occupy Wall Street Movement is America's civil/lucid version of "burning down" Wall Streets closed door policy. And the very nature of the movement is clearly stating it's demands: 1.Sane Optimism, not false hope/hopelessness. This need not be too detailed because it's just too simple to fail. The people must be instilled with a will manifesting benefits for the people. We the people must be part of the solution not the problem. We the people must be allowed recourse of empowerment not dependency on a system that fails to recognize the future of true recompense. We the people must be allowed to act to act so true recompense is a means to our well being.



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[-] 2 points by Reigne (175) 13 years ago

The "don't tread on me" flag is much more than what you THINK it is. The true meaning of "don't tread on me" is 'do not infringe upon or violate my rights/property OR I will DEFEND myself/mine to whatever means necessary.'

The REAL problem is that the majority of Americans waive their rights for privileges/benefits, and refuse to hold our public servants Accountable.

I have been working with many others (around the world) to ensure Liberty and Justice for All. However, I cannot make/force anyone to Reserve, exercise, & enjoy their Rights.