Forum Post: The Decemberists Pull Support From Komen, Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 3, 2012, 10:03 a.m. EST by groobiecat2
from Brattleboro, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Band redirects "Team Jenny" funds after breast cancer organization cut off its funding to the women's health organization.
The Decemberists are deeply troubled by Komen for the Cure's recent decision to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood, a vital resource in the battle against breast cancer. Providing cancer screenings to low income women is integral to the prevention and defeat of breast cancer and it is unconscionable that Komen should politicize this very important issue by bowing to the fear campaign being waged against PP by the right. We've decided to redirect the proceeds of the Team Jenny t-shirts and buttons away from Komen for the Cure. 100% of the net profits of these items will be instead donated to Planned Parenthood's Breast Health Emergency Fund.
Please help to support this essential institution. And, if you've supported the Team Jenny effort in the past, please write to Komen for the Cure via their site or via twitter (@komenforthecure) and let them know that undermining women's health for political reasons is unacceptable. (
A boring derivative band issuing boring doctrinaire political press releases. where's Dylan when you need him?
I don't find people doing their civic duty to be boring in the least.
You have again declared more declarations about things that you have handed down to the great unwashed and ignorant masses! Well done and thank you for your insights.
The point was, of course, that a band--regardless of whether you like them or not--made a political statement.
Oh, and btw, here's a newsflash genius:
Buh bye.
Komen's donations have skyrocketed since blowing off PP.
PP raised over $3 mm in three days. Well done SGK!
So have PP's donations...
SGK restored PP funding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, that just proves that Komen is just another greedy ' bought and paid for " by big money. If I were PP, I would tell them to go to you know where. I wouldn't want their damn money! How truly spineless of Koman to reinstate their PP support AFTER they receive such backlash and loss of supporters. They should be ashamed and just close shop.
I personally never supported Komen because of their ties to Big Pharma and other big industry lobbyists that care nothing about ' curing' anything. Do your homework and be careful who you support- Komen is not what it appears to be and never has been. Planned Parenthood on the other hand has been a godsend to me and other women who don't have insurance or who can't afford over-rated, high priced ob/gyn doctors. Besides, my doc at the PP is MUCH better than those in private practice. The right wing are always attempting to paint PP as an abortion clinic ( which it's NOT). It's a clinic specializing in women's health and provides many more discounted services beyond family planning counseling. I'm very happy about all the support that PP received and I'm sure they will receive much more now that Komen has shown ' her' true colors.
No Way!
One would hope so. They were catching a lot of heat and could not really defend their action. Do you have a story link?
Public outcry can make a difference.
Tweet Komen
Tweet 7 Economic Lies Link
A Demonstration of Tongues -Tweet That!!
Corps Do Not Have Tongues Tweet
Gimme the PLIERS!!
Global Warming Is Here - Tweet That
ACTA SUX - Tweet That
Support PP! (because their client list is mostly liberals)
hey goober, you should be happy, Komen reversed its decision. So much for your right wing pressure groups complaining , looks like its left wing pressure groups that have the power.
That was grass roots pressure.
So dig up your communist lawn, Fidel, it's liberal.