Forum Post: The Debate On Killing Americans Keeps Going
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 15, 2014, 10:58 a.m. EST by JGriff99mph
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"Set aside the Constitution for minute. Shelve the U.N. Charter for a second. Lay down your human rights manifestoes that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have suggested may indicate our drone strikes are war crimes. Put down your humanitarian legal tomes and your laws of armed conflict. Close the Geneva Conventions and that dusty World Court charter. Put aside even the President’s own protocols for such strikes.
Just listen to the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Rogers, fulminate about how all this “self-imposed red tape” and judicious deliberation over whom should do the killing is “endangering Americans at home and our military overseas.” Indeed, Rogers salivates, these “individuals” (terrorists) would otherwise have already been “removed” (slaughtered) from the battlefield, perhaps keeping safe the fine folks of Michigan (alarmed) whom Rogers proudly represents (poorly). "
What a sick sick world we live in.
Killing by other means : !!
multum in parvo ...
merican's wouldn't like drones killing in their neighborhood
hey Hey HEY - that drone just took out the crack-house next door - AWESOME - but - SHIT - even though My family and I were fortunately in the basement when it happened - SHIT - now we are trapped in the basement of our burning house - fuck Fuck FUCK!!!