Forum Post: The death of new ideas: Change the forum please
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 9:30 a.m. EST by Hambil
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The 'like' to make it rise and 'dislike' to make it fall seems great in theory, but what I see is chaos, and the creation of a closed society (people like those they know, which makes them more know, thus more likes, etc.) the end result being that new ideas often die unread, or barely noticed. It is also extremely vulnerable to trolls.
I don't claim to have all the solutions, but I don't think that's necessary to say this one isn't working, and to get people thinking (hopefully).
What do you suggest as a better way to organize the material?
I think as it was before the "like" and "dislike" a lot of good comments were unread as well. I think its a good show of who cares about the forum. If more of the negative comments are near the top then the website has more avid supporters from anti-occupy people than from occupiers. I notice that each forum is different depending on the topic, but since I don't know anyone on here yet, I might be less biased in that sense.
Well I'd like the welcome you. For the record I don't support OWS just believe in a few of their ideas.
My gut tells me we should try to organize on line similar to how we organize on the ground. The board could be a 'spokes council'. Each subboard reporting topics (automatically) up to a larger 'GA' board when it reaches a certain number of 'likes'.
This would allow for searching, better organization, people being able to focus their efforts in areas that interest them, better control of trolls, etc.
I would not recommend we use the exact structure of the spokes council, as I don't think working groups will map well to peoples interests online.
However, the general idea, that you cannot create a discussion in the 'GA' forum (other than by automatic bubble up or if you are a mod/admin), combined with focused sub-forums, and improved searching, could provide great benefits.
Here is a search engine for what we already have, btw, in case you haven't come across it:
I like your ideas! It would be interesting to see them in action.
You might want to add an 'approval' layer to the automatic bubble up, to help deal with possible mass troll actions, with perhaps a automatic post to the 'GA' forum after a certain amount of time, if it's not 'blocked'.
Again, just trying to start the process here. There would/will be other issues to discuss I'm sure. :)
Speaking on the behalf of the government please continue doing what you all do. We have collected more IP's and logged more potential leads in the past 2 years than all my years working in the Federal Government. You can bitch and moan about money, but your ass literally belongs to us. We don't discriminate anyone, we fuck everyone.
I haven't said anything on here I haven't been saying online for years. If it was that easy to get the governments attention, we wouldn't need OWS :)
Getting our attention and getting what you want are mutually exclusive. My agency wants your money. Perhaps another agency wants your ass. Another your children. Don't worry you have our attention. But what are you in expectation of? If you don't have anything worth taking we'll not bother with you. If your not a threat to our way of life we'll not bother with you. If you wish for some kind of contact you must show us a reward, otherwise we're busy.
this from the guy who cried about only white people being fucked on another thread... get out of your moms basement and get a fucking life
This mean that OWS isn't going to be co-opted by the IRS? My understand is every other agency in the federal government is already fucking OWS in the ass, I just want my turn at your orifice.
Do you laugh when you think up these childish posts? Because I assure you those of us laughing while reading them are laughing at you not with you. Having said that I will now add you to my personal ignore list. Such is the price of ignorance.
Glad to hear it!
OWS isn't about white people any more, now they got people of all colors to fuck :)