Forum Post: The 'Corporations Are Not People' Constitutional Amendment
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 11:09 a.m. EST by bobitussin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hello everybody! I'm afraid we are running out of time. i've seen this happen before. We need a simple, well defined, achievable goal for everyone to get behind (including Tea Partiers), or this thing is going to fade and die. Without a singular direction that can be summarized in a single phrase, The media will lose interest. And without the attention, the bulk of Americans will lose their patience, turn on us, and then write us off as dirty hippies. You can hear it starting already. ("ok, you've made your point, time to move out" etc....) We need to get everybody moving in the same direction NOW, or it's over. After the ball is rolling, then we can address other issues.
My Suggestion: A Constitutional Amendment to fight for: THE "CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE AMENDMENT"
I'm not saying my idea is the only way to go, but i know that working class republicans can get behind this issue. (not the ultra rich ones of course) if we can get them on our side then the media won't be able ignore it.
please circulate this idea to the right people thank you Bobby X Anderson
Agree! End corporate person-hood. Support the Human Worth Amendment! Learn more at: