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Forum Post: The Corporate Screw or Ode to the CEO Anonymous 9/20/11

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:54 p.m. EST by sigmund22 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Profits down and business slow---Pay more money to the CEO Value your years of service- Hell No! ---Pay more money to the CEO Called you in and let you go---Pay more money to the CEO Temps and contractors are cheaper, you know---Pay more money to the CEO Outsourced to China or Mexico---Pay more money to the CEO Unemployment money gone away---Give the CEO more pay Fed your family from your IRA ---Give the CEO more pay No health insurance for your family today--- give the CEO more pay Foreclosed your home, with in-laws you stay---give the CEO more pay Cut your Social Security politicians say---give the CEO more pay Fat cats and politicians in bed together lay--- give the CEO more pay Crooked bankers making hay--- give the CEO more pay No more taxes, for the rich to pay--- give the CEO more pay Cut social services for the poor today--- give the CEO more pay Perks and bonus for the CEO to stay--- give the CEO more pay Wonder how this could be true? --- guess it’s just the Corporate Screw Home from service no job for you---guess it’s just the Corporate Screw “Corporations are people, too” ---guess it’s just the Corporate Screw Is this democracy for me and you? ---guess it’s just the Corporate Screw Life, liberty, happiness we all pursue---guess it’s just the Corporate Screw Justice, fairness, the right thing to do--- guess it’s just the Corporate Screw Corporate Solution we all know--- pay more money to the CEO



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[-] 1 points by debdaveandpets (34) from Ironwood, MI 13 years ago

Please use credit unions because one person one share in the credit union. Also try to buy from cooperatives like ocean spray. co-ops are good because one person can not control it again one person one share, the 1% could not be that if most all companies were cooperatives, start buying, working, and banking with cooperatives and credit unions, if most of us do the power of the 1% will shrink. Please pass this message on!