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Forum Post: Call To Action: The Coke 16 Needs Your Help, Update June 06-09-2012

Posted 12 years ago on April 22, 2012, 11:53 a.m. EST by BoycottCoke (275)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Coke 16 On The Radio City Watch WBAI 99.5 FM, NY City.

The Coke 16′s Guillermo Nunez and Yavette Butler talk about the racial discrimination lawsuit against Coca Cola Sit back and enjoy, also support them at http://facebook.com/Thecoke16

Here is the link to listen to the show: http://thecoke16.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/the-coke-16-on-the-radio-city-watch-wbai-99-5-fm-ny-city/

===================================== Together with another member of The Coke 16, for those interested in hearing the latest, here is a link, you can also listen from your smart phone with their app.

http://prn.fm PRN: The #1 Station for Progressive Minds

Thank you.

Emergency Call To Action!

Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent is coming to New York City this week, Join "Coke 16" racial discrimination lawsuit plaintiffs and the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke in welcoming him.

Who: Muhtar Kent is being honored by the Americas Society on Tuesday.

Where: Cipriani Wall Street (55 Wall Street, Manhattan. Take A, C, 2, 3, 4 or 5 trains)

When: Tuesday, May 22nd. Please arrive by 6:45pm. The event starts at 7:30.

Why: To let Muhtar Kent know what you think of his lies and his company!

For more information and media inquiries, email info@killercoke.org or call 718-852-2808 .

The Coca-Cola Company has devastated workers in Latin America – complicity in the murder of union leaders in Colombia; benefiting from child labor in the sugar cane fields of El Salvador; murder, attempted murder of union leaders and gang rape of a family member in Guatemala, and cheating Coca-Cola workers out of millions in Mexico. This award is a slap in the face of all workers in Latin America.

Muhtar Kent is being honored with another phony award by the America's Society. The award is for his "Commitment to social and environmental responsibility ." Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Coca-Cola director Maria Lagomasino serves on the Society's board of directors.


I want to ask all the decent people of OWS to please head over to


and sign this petition in solidarity with the guys involved in this fight against one of the most racist and ruthless corporations in the world today, Coca Cola.

This petition is just to the public to follow closely this case which will reveal some serious concerns about business practices of corporations unknown to the public and specially to shareholders. I invite everyone to gives their support, just by signing the petition, and if you so desire and wish to get involved even mired then by all means, help spread the word so others can sign also.

You can keep your signatures private if you wish. Our aim is to show public interest in this case, so that the intimidation tactics, which already started, stop, and we can get to exposing the truth to the world. As i have mentioned before this case will touch a lot of other issues and will be a kind of " Pandora's Box " of useful information for all Occupy movements to use as tools against corruption and corporate greed.

So please don't leave it for later, head over now and get involved. Also stay tuned for dates of rallies in NY City, coming soon, real soon. The first one is already set in Atlanta with the folks of Occupy Atlanta and Killercoke.org, our message will be spread by them at the Coca Cola annual shareholder's meeting.

That's the start, now let us get busy here and all over this great nation, let's take back our this nation from greedy corrupt corporations.

God bless you all, thank you for your support and I hope to see you at the rallies. BC



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Demonstration was a SUCCESS! We had some of the people from OWS show up, so BIG THANKS to those who stopped by in solidarity with what we are doing.

We did record some video, as soon as they are up, I'll post the links here.

One thing that I must mention is that at one point I looked behind me and there were more Caucasian Americans shouting than minorities. It was very moving for me to see that, and to see that it is possible to come together in a good cause, despite all the racist rhetoric we have been subjected to all these years.

Suddenly, this is taking a shape of its own, as more people wake up to the fact that racism is a tool to keep us all in submission.

Time to wake up America, and see that we are all in this TOGETHER. ONE race the Human race.

[-] 3 points by Lucho1970 (12) 12 years ago

C,mon people we should have more than 44 comments , remember the more together we come the stronger we get , please leave your comments about THE COCA COLA COMPANY ,it only destroy Families , they do me so wrong. Please People don't waste your hard earn money on a company that only destroy families and destroy the world.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Something went down today in Atlanta, the only thing I can say is that BIG things are going to happen, I'll post here before it goes on the air, its gonna be huge. Stay tuned and please sign the petition and if you have a Facebook account like us there. The links are in my profile. God bless


[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I'm going to be interviewed tomorrow Friday May 25th on the program The News Dissector w/ Danny Schechter When Fri, May 25, 1pm – 2pm

Together with another member of The Coke 16, for those interested in hearing the latest, here is a link, you can also listen from your smart phone with their app.

http://prn.fm PRN: The #1 Station for Progressive Minds

Thank you.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Be careful with that. There is a strong anti progressive invasion happening on this forum.

I will bookmark any try to listen in.

Congrats on the interview.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I noticed the change lately, thought for a minute it was me imagining things, lol

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Nope, it wasn't in your head.

Thanks for your good work and I hope the interview goes well .........:)

[-] 3 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Even though our time was cut due to the other guests, at least I got to call the Coke CEO for what he is a coward. Hopefully we can come back and get more time to start exposing what is really going on behind coke's walls, and how they use racism as a weapon to keep workers under control. Thank you all for your support.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago


Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent is coming to New York City this week, Join "Coke 16" racial discrimination lawsuit plaintiffs and the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke in welcoming him.

Who: Muhtar Kent is being honored by the Americas Society on Tuesday.

Where: Cipriani Wall Street (55 Wall Street, Manhattan. Take A, C, 2, 3, 4 or 5 trains)

When: Tuesday, May 22nd. Please arrive by 6:45pm. The event starts at 7:30.

Why: To let Muhtar Kent know what you think of his lies and his company!

For more information and media inquiries, email info@killercoke.org or call 718-852-2808 .

The Coca-Cola Company has devastated workers in Latin America – complicity in the murder of union leaders in Colombia; benefiting from child labor in the sugar cane fields of El Salvador; murder, attempted murder of union leaders and gang rape of a family member in Guatemala, and cheating Coca-Cola workers out of millions in Mexico. This award is a slap in the face of all workers in Latin America.

Muhtar Kent is being honored with another phony award by the America's Society. The award is for his "Commitment to social and environmental responsibility ." Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Coca-Cola director Maria Lagomasino serves on the Society's board of directors.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Cool - Go Get em. Let the corrupt have no peace.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

It's gonna be nice, the timing of this award is suspect...let me see....racial discrimination....oh yes! let's buy an award!

they are so obvious. I had the video of him lying about the racial discrimination lawsuit, and they forced me to take it down, but thankfully someone else has it lol

Maybe I get to ask him a question or two tomorrow...

I'll keep you posted as to what happens, maybe we get locked up, but if we do, big deal! We are all in jail already, that is what this system is a giant jail, and we are all the inmates.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Love your attitude and am in awe of your commitment. Hope you have the chance to rain on their parade.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank you my brother. Slowly but surely, things are falling into place. I hope to see some of the occupy people down there tomorrow night. I'll bring my camera....

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Make a general announcement Post Here on the forum. That may help in getting the action noticed for some last minute support. Send off a notice to the forum site as well: ( E-Mail )

General Inquiries general@occupywallst.org

Press Inquiries press@occupywallst.org

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

This post needs more visibility.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Man, I've been looking for this post for a while lol. I'm writing something, and wanted to just copy it over. Well my friends I think a bunch of us are going to arrested on Tuesday. There's a big party on wall street and we are going to crash it, or at least try to. I'll post here if I don't get arrested, if i do, when i get out I'll let you know how it went. Thank you my friend, God bless.

[-] 3 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi Boycott, Will be thinking about you and your friends. Your effort is an inspiration and help to all of us. Thank You. (also, you can bookmark a post)

[-] 2 points by Lucho1970 (12) 12 years ago

we are getting stronger and stronger ,GOD BLESS everyone that is supporting this great fight , remember if GOD with us ,who? against us?

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Against us is that evil corporation, but God has a way of addressing such corporations and even corrupt officials and entire oppressive government system "be still and know that I am God ", so their time is coming, what went down today in Atlanta was the straw that broke the camel's back. I will not stop, I will not be intimidated, what they are doing to that single mother in our group is just not right, and they will have to pay dearly for that. That too will come to light, their arrogance in thinking they can actually get away with their Nazi style tactics of intimidation by proxy, in today's world. Thank you and let us continue to bring light into thus situation. God bless.

[-] 2 points by Lucho1970 (12) 12 years ago

I used to work for the Coca cola company and after 61/2 years, now i am at home desperate and wondering how am i going to pay my bills. I have been out of work for almost a year now , I call the COCA COLA HEADQUARTERS ,HR, LOCAL812 and no one seem to care , But the truth will come out , how a company like COCA COLA can leave a FAMILY MAN , OUT IN THE STREETS.


[-] 2 points by Lucho1970 (12) 12 years ago

Please help us putting a stop to this GIANT , and worry more about the HUMAN RIGHTS.

[-] 2 points by Lucho1970 (12) 12 years ago

My family and i are victims of this company , after i worked 61/2 years with this company i was TERMINATED after a manager and supervisor retaliated against me for DEFENDING my self , now My family and i we don,t have medical insurance or my income to support my Family . The Coca cola Company doesn,t care about FAMILY they only care about how much profit that can make.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

God willing we will prevail, and the truth is going to come out, time goes by fast, I remember it took me 5 months just to get an interview, then I found out why.... it's going to be interesting. Please, make sure you sign our petition and tell everyone you know about this, the public needs to know before they buy another can of soda, how this evil company deals not just with its employees but how they conduct themselves business wise. God bless you my brother and stay strong, the road ahead is a most difficult one, but we have the truth on our side.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi BoycottCoke, Signed. Best Regards

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank YOU my brother.

People like you will be the driving force behind this revolt against the oppressor. We will just be the tools, at the end without the support of the people, most likely they will buy their way out of this, I was reading that other post I made about how they get even judges to go along with everything and it got me thinking, what good is solid evidence if it never sees the ligh of day?

We need help and we need a lot of it. Hopefully, more decent people like the ones who have given us their support come out and do the right thing, if not for us, for justice and the respect of human rights. God bless you and yours.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi BoycottCoke,

We will continue to spread the truth, and build unity.

Best Regards

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

At the end, it is the help of decent people such as the friends I have found here, who will destroy the power of influence that coca cola has been buying all these years, we have been blackballed by the media in NY, evidence of that is the fact that the daily mail in the UK reported our fight, and yahoo India did the same, while just one single newspaper, the daily news in NY has reported, I've sent numerous emails to all kinds of media outlets, one said they would think about it, even the Spanish television, the one we would think would be interested in something like this due to the numbers of Hispanics involved in this case, not even a reply email from them. They seem to be afraid of losing all the advertising money coming from coke.

But like I said, it is going to take the involvement of good decent people to open their eyes, and lead them into doing the right thing. Thank you my friend and God bless.

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi BoycottCoke, The media blackout thing is a serious problem. So many critical issues hidden from the people. The internet has helped so much, which is why it is in jeopardy. We must be vigilant on so many fronts. Best Regards

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Coca cola had YouTube take our videos down. They seem to be in desperation mode. I received an email from YouTube telling me they ( coke ) complained about my two videos, they took one down and had me take the one with Spanish subtitles down, or lose my account with all my other videos. This is why people never get to know the truth. They supress it. I had my first physical threat, it claims all my first bones will be broken, LOL. Seriously? Who makes threats like that in 2012 Oh well. Thanks to everyone who has supported us, to them God bless. To the rest, have a good day.


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Yes, this is what brings me hope, the fact that even with them ignoring us, we are slowly but surely moving forward, and more and more people are beginning to see this lawsuit as a revolution obeyed of just a suit.

Hopefully, after the rally today in Atlanta, the news media begins to do its job, and cover the events, in an impartial form.

Thank you, and God bless.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Agree. Best Regards

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Signed. Keep up the noble work.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank you friend. God bless you.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Down with criminals and corruption in all of their guises.

Keep-on Keeping-on.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank you my brother BC

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

We are all in this together though some do not seem to realize it. YET. Perhaps some may even experience a Saul/Paul moment.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I haven't thought of that, I think you are correct. I look at coke as a wall with a crack in it, and we are w metal wedge. If we are driven hard enough, we will bring it down. God bless you

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Whistle Blowers come from somewhere.

And May God Bless You, your family, friends and all of the movements against greed and corruption.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Shhhh......I can't talk about that.....

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

No problem. . . . many won't {:-)

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I like that face, never saw it, just learnt something new. Just made to back to ny from Indianapolis, finally. Ling day tomorrow, gotta start planning for the rally in NY City. Trying to out something nice together with our tight budget. Hopefully we can get good advice from people with experience in these matters, as far as what permits to get and stuff, like I had no idea you needed a permit to use a megaphone, but thank God I was talking to an activist who gave me that info. I wanted to have it at zuccotti park, but I wanna make sure it does not interfere with any of your activities, otherwise we'll just have to find another spot. God bless you my friend, and thanks for the dedication, I am surely learning good stuff from a lot of people in here, and frankly you guys were my inspiration to go about this and as hard as I'm going at it.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I thank you for your kind and considered words - I have always been looking to join these movements against corruption - I just did not fully realize it until I came across this Forum. As for bothering activity - I think you will find that as they find out what you are representing you will be welcomed with open arms and likely asked if you would like to talk to the various groups. We are all going in the same direction - a healthy and prosperous world for all.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Great, I'll see if there's a way to coordinate with someone fibers the best date, we need to do this ASAP, as there's a sense of urgency, some of our people are getting physical threats from the goons they have in place, and i don't want anybody in any danger, I think once we get media attention or at least on YouTube, they'll back down, I don't work there, so its them I'm concerned about, specially the single mother that keeps getting threaten, and another older gentleman who they are trying to intimidate. It's funny how slick they are while presenting such a fresh clean image to the public, but I guess that is our cross, and we must bare it, in order to make some changes for the next generation. Most of us are already in the decline, so it is our children and our children's children who might inherit a better world, if we are willing to sacrifice for them TODAY. As i mentioned in my last post, I got inspiration to love forward from right here, reading posts from you and guys like GypsyKing, made le realize that there was hope, there was hope even with Coke's never-ending resources, if the people caught a smell of the stench they hide behind their walls, maybe, just maybe we could be the David that brings down that big bully Goliath. God bless you all.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

And you.

The mask must be removed and that is why there is no MSM coverage from the USA ( Corpo-ulant-rat owned and operated ). That is why I am so pleased to see there is going to be a 4hr documentary on the subject of Money power and corruption on PBS Frontline 1st half of the documentary to be aired on the night of 4/24. This is about as mainstream as coverage is gonna get until the dam bursts.

There will be people moderately in charge at the gatherings - ask around you should be able to locate them fairly easily.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I want to see that. I'll ask the the boss lady to record it for me.

I'll do my homework and see who I can contact. There's a great documentary on YouTube called " the Coca Cola case " I think only pbs showed it in the USA, coke has so much money it has been blocked on mainstream, but someone out it up on YouTube in about 9 parts. Good stuff, shows the level of corruption these people have, and how far they are willing to go to make a profit. We will be addressing most of the stuff in that film, since everything seems to be connected. Our good friend Ray Rogers is in it also.

we have been blackballed also, only the DailyNews has shown our story, and the biggest irony of all yahoo-india reported on us, but yahoo USA has not even mention our struggle. The power of advertisement is too strong, but thank God, people are starting to pay attention, then they'll come knocking at our doors...DailyNews will always get first shots at any story related to us, they were honorable enough to listen to our story and publish it.

If anybody wants to follow the developments of this story my Twitter account is @Boycott_Coke, just send me a request and I'll approve it. I made it private cause all I was getting on it were lawfirms...sharks Ouch! God bless.


[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Another awesome documentary which you have probably already heard about and seen, is Inside Job. Excellent documentary takes you through the whole damn mess of the economic meltdown from events leading up to the dump - it shows where the bodies are buried and names names of those involved at the very top. I am hoping this Frontline special will be at least half as good and hopefully better. This is the kind of stuff that if seen by the general public will foster an immediate awakening. So I will try to remember to always advertise that they be seen and shared. These types of efforts are always in my prayers.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I'll see if I can find it now that I'm home, wow took me 11 hours from just inside the Indiana state line to ny, usually takes me 10, but the weather is horrendous tonight. Thanks

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Glad your back home. You should message shadzz as I think he has a link handy for an on-line viewing. I keep forgetting to copy the link when I have a chance to. Boy am I glad that there are some really organized individuals here.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

If you're looking for a link for "Inside Job," I have it:


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

OWS can be the sledgehammer which drives this WEDGE deeper into that crack. We become a tool, in this case, due to the nature of what we are made of ( solid truth ) we are hardened metal, this makes us super strong, so the harder we are driven into that wall, the deeper and wider that crack in it will get.

As I mentioned before to another person, even our lawyer is afraid we might do too much damage to Coca Cola, God is my witness that I am not exaggerating, the people that know me well know I do not speak for the sake of speaking.

But it is not up to us, it is up to them, we will continue until change, real change is attained. No more empty promises, as they had done in the past, no more double tongue speech.

We want plane written compromises, which will lead to permanent, significant changes in the way they do business, not just here but worldwide, and all human and civil rights issues resolved, and the major stuff I can't mention, at this time, that they MUST address with all deliberate speed.

Then, and only then we will let up. Our intention is not to bully the bully, but to bring him down to ground level and get him to change his ways.


[-] 2 points by Apodictic (2) 12 years ago

I support this movement.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago


It's gonna take people power to defeat money power, and that's all they have, we, in turn have the truth.

God bless you, and again, thanks

[-] 2 points by bestmom96 (4) 12 years ago

You can count on my full support. I will be following u closely.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank you so much, it is the solidarity of the decent people of this country that will drive this thing home. People need to start realizing that the evils of racism affect whites negatively just like it does other minorities.

The day racist whites ( Racism is not a should never be used as blanket statement to cover the white race ) realize that they have been tricked into believing in superiority based on the color of skin, they will realize that racism has been institutionalize as the most powerful weapon of evil capitalism. I'll explain why right now, why wait?

In order to keep a society under control, the oppressor must use divide and conquer, simply cause if the oppressor was the only one oppressing, then the people would unite and revolt for change. That is when racism comes in. You make a portion of the population believe that they are better then the other one, and that even if things are not going well, at least they are better than the "other" group, thus receiving some consolation, this way they concentrate on keeping the "other" group down in order to get the FALSE sense that they are on top.

Then the other group is busy keeping an eye on the one that feels superior, thus both groups are being oppressed, but their attention is fixated on one another, due to the distrust that has been deeply planted in each other by the oppressor.

Look at the house slave and the field slave example. The House Slave thought himself to be better cause he was getting better treatment from master, and he even looked down to the Field Slave, since he saw himself superior to him, due to the trickery played by master, to the point that if the House Slave found out of a possible escape, he would be the first one to go to master and informed him about those Field Slaves who were searching to be free, thus slavery was perpetuated. Cause the house slave allowed himself to be tricked into supporting his oppressor.

We can say that this is still going on today, we are all oppressed under this system, but if you look at who are the ones fighting those who want to make a change, you will find, sadly enough, those who have been fooled into believing they have it better than the rest, and he too is tricked into supporting his oppressor.

The same forces that oppressed blacks, oppress poor whites, but this feeling of superiority keeps him calm, and blind to the fact that he too is a slave.

The fact is that in todays society we are all oppressed by the powers that be, and only waking people up to this universal truth:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

The truth is that a lot of whites have been awaken to this truth, but we need to wake all of them up, once we eliminate this divisive wall in the midst of us, then we will materialize all our dreams, and Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness will pass from its present state of being merely a dream to an actual reality.

I ask that anybody who reads this, support what we are doing, I look at this as the fuse that will ignite an explosion of change, and an opening of real dialog. At the end it will be what we make of it. Join our fight, we need numbers, sign the petition and like us on facebook.com/Thecoke16, also follow us on twitter @Boycott_Coke, by keeping the chatter going we will get the attention we need to make a difference. If we allow Coca Cola to silence us and keep this under the covers as Walmart is doing, then we will have wasted a precious opportunity to open a breach in the walls of Corporate corruption.

Will you support this and join this movement? The choice is yours. God bless you.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

The Coke 16 On The Radio City Watch WBAI 99.5 FM, NY City.

The Coke 16′s Guillermo Nunez and Yavette Butler talk about the racial discrimination lawsuit against Coca Cola Sit back and enjoy, also support them at


Here is the link to listen to the show:


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

The Coke 16, Bill Still and OWS's Cat Watters on The News Dissector Radio show with Danny Schechter. Friday 05-25-2012 on PRN.fm


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

The radio show at http:/prn.fm was extremely good., everyone should listen to the podcast by visiting the site and listening to the podcast of "The news dissecter", the show was great not because I was a guest, but because of the other guests which were: Dan Rather, Bill Still, and OWS own, the lovely Cat Watters.

The information out out, was something The Coke 16 has been speaking about, on how the main stream media is controlled by corporations.

It is good to know this, so we can come up with a plan to fight this type of corruption. As other have mentioned here, the key is unity. But it has to be a precise unity, where everyone knows what we are going after. I hope everyone gets to listen to the show. Thanks.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

http://justiceequality.org/node/7 I tried putting the post together making more sense. We all need to get involved with this, and educate the public about the devide and conquer techniques used to keep not just employees 'in check" but also the population. We can all use The Coke 16 as a wedge that breaks down the walls of big corrupt corporations, but we need your support for this.

Those who want to unite under a common cause, here is a great opportunity to do so, please read this article and participate. Together we can do wonderful things, but the big question is : Will we get together?"

I think we can, we just have to do it. I'm available through Twitter @Boycott_Coke and also @thecoke16.

Let us use all tool available, I used to boycott facebook, until I realized it can be a very useful tool, since it has over 600 million users, therefore it is a great tool to diseminate information. I speak fluent Spanish, I also travel on my job to 17 states in the east coast, this makes me realize that the potential to spread information is there, I just need to tap into it.

I ask you all to create accounts on facebook, and support us by visiting http://facebook.com/Thecoke16 and cliking "like" once at that page. Once this is done, we can start spreading our message of justice and equality for all.

Join this revolution and let's take back this great country. God bless.

[-] 1 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

devoid of fact

there's a lot of inuendo and not a single fact in this post. would you mind giving a single fact? the link doesn't have a single fact either. I'm not even doubting the case I just want something to work with

[-] 0 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

p.s. I'm not signing till I get something to work with

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Do you think Divide and Conquer has been ever used against the population? If you do, then there is your first fact. If you think Divide and Conquer is a myth and it does not exist, then there is no fact to show you.

Coca Cola uses racism to keep their employees in check, this in turn keeps wages low, since employees are at each other's throats, instead of uniting for better pay, and or better treatment from managers.

Corporations act as their father ( the system ) and what they see their father do, they do also, racism is kept in place, cause those in charge know that if the population unite, then they and their corrupt ways would be out the window, So instead of educating the people, they perpetuate racism to keep us all in check. Together with entertainment, some talk show hosts etc.

Think about this, Coca Cola has paid millions of dollars as parts of settlements for racism, and still after all that money, they continue their ways. This is simply cause, they save more money by using racism as a tool to keep wages down (plus certain benefits for management that I can not get into here), and they rather save on wages and so often pay settlements, than eliminating racism completely.

It is our intention to prove how this is done in court. It would be unwise to provide you here with recordings and videos of what we are going to prove, since it would give them an early heads up, but I will say, this, our prove can not be fought against.

As far as racism goes: As we look at things, we have to take into consideration that "concrete" proof (or facts) of a thought can be difficult if not impossible to demonstrate.

For example how can a person give proof that he loves someone? To do that we would have to look at the fruits of his/her actions in order to get to the conclusion that that person, does or does not love the other person.

So what I am trying to say to you, is that we have to look at the thought of divide and conquer, and then look at the fruits of it (racism) in order to use "Divide and Conquer" as our evidence or proof of it. I don't want to make this post too long, so I'll wait for your response to expound on it more if need be. Be well.

[-] 2 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

divide and conquer is not a fact it's an action. this is what a fact looks like

joe worked for coke for 10yrs he applies for a supervisory position in the company. He doesn't get the position instead a guy who has worked there 3yrs gets the job.

that is what a fact looks like

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

ok. I worked for Coca Cola for 15 years, then was put in a position where I was able to see how the work and allotment of hours was being distributed unfairly to minority workers, then when I raised my concerned about the situation, I was offered to make more money to be quiet, then when that did not work, cause I turned it down, everything went down hill, culminating with the fabrication of an incident that did not take place, in order for me to be fired. My eye witness was not questioned, and when he testified on my behalf, his testimony was not even included in the decision making about my case. I hope this is enough. Be well.

[-] 2 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 12 years ago

actually I found some fact on the killercoke site similar to what you just described

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Excellent. Thank you for your interest. The interest of people who want to find out the truth is what is going to propel this issue forward. mainstream media does not want to touch it. Thank you again, and I hope you end up signing the petition or participating in whatever way you decide to get involved in this. Be well

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago



This man can't even read the releprompter....I guess that is what the weight of the truth can do on you.

Big Thanks to Occupy Atlanta for suporting us.

God bless them.


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I've just finished watching the Coca Cola shareholder's meeting online, what a disgrace!

With their lies all what they did was to add more fuel to the fire. I will say this, our lawyer wants us to take it easy and gave us a whole bullshit (excuse my language please) speech on how we should not seek to destroy Coca Cola, frankly I couldn't care less, not after this display of disregard for human dignity.

They had their stooges set up ready to blast anybody who dared raise a voice of concern, the rule to speak was: Speak only once and about one topic, that way Ray Rogers could not get up and doa rebuttal of anything they said after him, how stupid do they thing we are????

The whole thing seem to be designed to be a corporate circle jerk, where everybody was having a good time, massagin each other's egos, and to hell with the truth.

Maybe I'll change my mind later and I'm just venting, but the way I feel if their stocks went down to a penny, it would not cause me to lose any sleep. I go forward and whatever happens, happens.

Thank you all, I need some sleep, driving to the midwest tomorrow after stopping in NJ.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

http://occupyatlanta.org/ and http://Killercoke.org are joining forces tomorrow April 25th in an effort to bring attention to the crimes this company is accused of internationally as well as the racism on the national front. The Coke 16 will be represented in the form of leaflets and banners, anybody reading this from the Atlanta area, please add yourself to the number of people demonstrating and take a stand against corruption and racism, being the latter, the strongest weapon used in America to keep us all divided and away from uniting with a common purpose.

Once we all understand that this is a disease then we can draw out a plan to eradicate this disease and get our nation in a path a spiritual wellness, which in turn will finally turn America into the place the forefathers envisioned.

Help us get closer to it, we need to support of all people specially Caucasians, since they ultimately will be the ones more effective in the propagation of this message, being they are the majority and can reach far more family members and friends than minorities can. Stand up in solidarity and help your brethren!

Don't be like the two who walked past the man who fell amongst thieves in the lonely road to Jericho, be like the Samaritan who took a chance for humanity and understood that, this man on the road was also his brother., that man was called the good man by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

Let us all follow that example and lend a hand in the our of need. Even if you are not religious, do it on a moral basis, let us build, together a better world. But that mindset has to start with you, don't let someone else get involved cause you think you are only one person and your participation is inconsequential, YOU are the most important person in this, so yes your involvement is needed greatly.

God bless you to all and thanks for those who have and will get involved in the future. BC

[-] 1 points by MachineShopHippie (216) from Louisville, KY 12 years ago

Signed. Emphatically. Keep up the good work. I haven't bought a Coke product in 2 weeks since I first read about this.

Bourbon goes just fine with sweet tea anyway. Bastards.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Thank you my friend. After reading on the website http://www.justiceb4greed.com/
the article about the Corporate Ace in The Hole, my hope for justice took a minor hit, but if we continue to spread the word and more people come out willing to support us then they will have no choice but to act fairly. This is where support from concerned citizens comes in and why it is so needed. Thank you again, and please all, read the allegations in that website you can even read the documents filed in court to remove those alleged corrupt Federal Judges. God bless you all. BC

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I had a good conversation today with a person whom I have in very high regard, not just because if his age, but also cause the guy has lived through a lot of conflicts even a civil war and an actual US invasion of his country, so his observations are important to me. As we discussed the situations, he pointed out, how plans always look good when laid out on a table, but actually getting people to get off their asses and doing something, can prove to be more difficult than the actual conflict. As i see what is going on everywhere, it is not hard to understand what he is saying. A lot of people is "down" with doing something up to the point of actually doing it. Then all kinds of excuses come up. They get scared of their own shadows, and before you know it, there you stand alone in front of a fight, that most of the times, is not even your own to begin with. This happens to a lot of revolutionaries, they get involved in something they did not start and end up being the ones who get cut down. Let me now use what is going on with us at the coke 16, many guys are happy that I'm sticking my neck out for the movement, but if you go see our petition on change.org you would see that there are only 29 signatures, our group is about 34 men and women at this point, and I know that at least 7 of the signatures at change.org came from real revolutionaries from OWS, and i have about 10 friends and relatives who have signed also, so most of the signatures are not even from the guys directly involved in this struggle!, what I am getting at, is that when it comes to revolution, people get excited about it while planning, but they get real timid when the call for action goes out. We need to keep things in mind, when we decide to move forward. Signing a petition takes a few seconds, and it can be done privately, yet people is afraid or indifferent, and choose not to get bothered when someone else needs the help, sometimes they themselves are the ones who need the help, and not even for that, they spring into action. I want to thank those of you who have signed the petition at change.org, and those of you in the fence, I can really use your help, so please, head over to change.org, look for the petition "the coke 16" and sign it, again keep your name private, the link is also up, if you want to go forward. God bless you! BC

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

UPDATE 04-23-2012

Just in case people think that "The system" provides you with justice without action on your part, read this article and judge for yourself: This is from the website http://justiceb4greed.com, please read this in case you do not know how far money power can reach.

CORPORATE EXECUTIVES’ ACE IN THE HOLE . In the event plaintiffs and their attorney(s) refused to play the corporate game, Coke had the Superior Court of Georgia and the Northern District Court of Georgia in its pocket. If a lawsuit is filed against Coke in Superior Court, it is transferred to the Northern District Court of GA. If someone other than Presiding Judge Richard Story and Magistrate Judge Scofield are assigned a case against Coke, the assigned judge will recuse himself/herself until the case is assigned to Story and Scofield (See Case No. 1:01-CV-2866, Motion to Disqualify, pp. 3-5). More... http://www.justiceb4greed.com/The-Scam.html

We as a people must stay vigilant and not go blindly into a situation where decisions have already been determined by forces outside of the law.

[-] 1 points by MikeInOhio (13) 12 years ago

I think that if all you 99%ers pool your money you can buy a controlling interest in Coke. That would make great television!

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Why buy it when you can control it through the chokehold method discussed here the other day? And that method is free by the way.

[-] 1 points by MikeInOhio (13) 12 years ago

Good point, but it won't work. Your method is cheaper, but will prove ineffective. You need to get together with a marketing person. You can have a big impact with a minimal budget.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Actually coke themselves have proved that it does work....remember ALEC, that was nothing compared to what 99% together could do. Imagine 99% say " we will not buy your sugar water unless you stop your corrupt behavior " and follow this by actually not buying their water with lots of sugar or their other water with lots of... You don't wanna know.

[-] 1 points by MikeInOhio (13) 12 years ago

I'm with you, and I don't think it would take much to find a marketing guy/woman to help you out. Make some phone calls. You'll be amazed, I think, at how helpful people are.

I'm a conservative and I'd help you. I just don't have the skills you need.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Sign the petition and keep your name private, that would be enough, so the good ole boys won't chastise you, and if they do, come to the dark side, we will welcome you indiscriminately. God bless you my friend, and thank you for the advice BC

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

And to all others, you can sign the petition privately so your name won't show, it is that easy, and it is going to a good cause. God bless you all and thank you before hand. BC

[-] -1 points by JIFFYSQUID92 (-994) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Drop the religion, please.

[-] 3 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Does it really offend you? In that case don't read it. You being a non believer doesn't bother me at all. If we are for freedom, then you have the freedom to believe or not to believe. So again, if it bothers you, please don't read it.

Unless the freedom you want, is only limited to your thinking, in that case, it doesn't bother me at all, and you are free to pursuit that. Just tolerate others the same way you expect to be tolerated.

My saying God bless you goes to the ones who believe if you don't, then don't lose sleep over it, to the point you have to ask me to change the way I communicate with my fellow man.

Have a good day.

[-] -2 points by JIFFYSQUID92 (-994) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Don't get high and mighty with me, we don't believe in fairytales, YOU DO!

We are being consistent with the constitution: separation of church and state... and business.

Coke has been a bad product for a long time. Where have you been?

Did you get a message from Ala? Easter Bunny? or Satan?

Do YOU want to hear about what I "BELIEVE" in??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm??????

[-] 3 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I see where this is going.

Like I said, believe what you want, It's your right, and frankly I don't care. Just like it shouldn't bother you what I believe in. Underwear too tight maybe ?

[-] -3 points by JIFFYSQUID92 (-994) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Oh, do you "see" or believe? We want to think, not just believe!

In a political setting, religion is "inappropriate." And NO, you never said anything about anybody else's beliefs.

I think you assume too much, and I'd like it to stop.

Underwear? Why do you pious pricks always go there? It's so homophobic. Just go. You make me sick having to deal with your psychology that you mistakenly call religion.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Your communication skills are superb. Have a good day!

[-] -1 points by JIFFYSQUID92 (-994) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Inconvenient truth.