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Forum Post: The Co-operative Group, from the United Kingdom: look how it works

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 1:04 p.m. EST by Cooperativist (29)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Co-operative Group Limited is a United Kingdom consumer cooperative with a diverse range of business interests. It is co-operatively run and owned by its members. It is the largest organisation of this type in the world, with over 5.5 million members, who all have a say in how the business is run and how its social goals are achieved. The group comprises a family of businesses, including: Food, Travel, Financial Services, Healthcare, Funeral care, Legal Services, Motors and Online Electricals.

Membership is open to everyone, provided that they share the values and principles upon which the group was founded. Every year members receive a share of the group's profit, based on the total amount of profit made, and the amount of money they spent with the organization in that year. Its slogans are 'Good for everyone' and 'Good with food'.

Read more at Wikipedia:


Cooperatives are the way to go! Not only Consumers' cooperatives, but also Workers' cooperatives, and Credit Unions. Share this idea!



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[-] 1 points by athertonjohn (2) 13 years ago

The co-operative economy worldwide has 1bn members and employs over 100 million people. http://www.uk.coop/2012/economy/worldwide

There are actually quite a lot in the US already ($194bn) but there could always be more. http://www.thenews.coop/article/us-cooperatives-post-revenues-194-bn

[-] 1 points by Cooperativist (29) 13 years ago

Read also about Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, from the Basque Country, the largest Worker Cooperative of the world:


Consumers' cooperatives + Workers' cooperatives = freedom from the big private corporations

[-] 1 points by Cooperativist (29) 13 years ago

Stop the private corporations. Join the cooperatives.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

sort of an economic government

[-] 1 points by Cooperativist (29) 13 years ago

Your point is?

Nobody is forced to participate in a cooperative. You participate if you want to.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

government is a system of people cooperating

[-] 1 points by Cooperativist (29) 13 years ago
