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Forum Post: The Chosen Few by the Chosen Few

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 11:29 a.m. EST by greed (2)
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Greedalitism is the New Capitalism.



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[-] 1 points by Mariannka (63) 13 years ago

I am amased at how Occupy works and would like to have your input on the movement to understaqnd it better. Can you answer 10 questions, please. I am happy to send results if you are interested. Thank you! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q3NF7QB

[-] 1 points by greed (2) 13 years ago

The Financial System is Well Heeled and Protected by the Chosen Few on Wall Street and their Feeders publicly traded stocks.

Financial Institutions got bailed out and so did the NYSE Publicly Traded New Home Builders who received HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in REBATES on the taxes they Paid on the Obscene Profits they Made during the Liar Loan Era.

While Hundreds of Millions of Dollars were returned to these NYSE HOME BUILDERS , I have not seen nor Heard of any Blue, White Collar Middle Class FAMILY making under $250,000 a Year in the GOOD YEARS get a refund on the TAXES they paid in GOOD TIMES, during the Hard Economic Times they are enduring Now. I am sure most of Us Would and Could use the Refunds and Welcome the Fairness of the TAX REBATES.

[-] 1 points by greed (2) 13 years ago

The Financial System is Well Heeled and Protected by the Chosen Few on Wall Street and their Feeders publicly traded stocks.

Financial Institutions got bailed out and so did the NYSE Publicly Traded New Home Builders who received HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in REBATES on the taxes they Paid on the Obscene Profits they Made during the Liar Loan Era.

While Hundreds of Millions of Dollars were returned to these NYSE HOME BUILDERS , I have not seen nor Heard of any Blue, White Collar Middle Class FAMILY making under $250,000 a Year in the GOOD YEARS get a refund on the TAXES they paid in GOOD TIMES, during the Hard Economic Times they are enduring Now. I am sure most of Us Would and Could use the Refunds and Welcome the Fairness of the TAX REBATES.