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Forum Post: ....................The BUSH BOYS and decades of Criminal activity coming this Spring.....

Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 1, 2015, 1:38 p.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe ()
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James Evanhoe • 35 minutes ago on....Disqus now on OWS-NYC

IS....... Jebbie Bush weasel #3..? Absolutely #3 !!!

JEB Bush aka John Ellis Bush, LLC....just one more financial failure...if he even gets near the job at the White House.....proof of Bush Failures #1 & #2, etc., etc.

George HW Bush = Recession > 1988,89,90,91 & part of 92

Started in large part by Bush buddies at American Savings & Loan, Stockton, CA. which funneled money to GHW Bush through a company in Beverly Hills called Trafalgar. These guys were never prosecuted for their part in the corrupt S&L Scandal. American S&L became Washington Mutual during GW Bush years of financial corruption.

George W. Bush = Recession > 2008, 09,10,11,12,13,14...

...........Son(s).Like.Father........and their Society of Financial Chaos.............

The largest Global financial ripoff by Bush buddies at GoldmanSachs; AIG, Standard & Poors and Moody's. Bringing down the financial systems of Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Spain and the USA...etc.....100 times greater the failure than that of his Father GHW Bush.

Spring 2015: Newspapers and television commercials will start running Nationally about the decades of BUSH Criminal Activities - "GHW-GW & JEBBIE Bush Corruption this Spring".....with....3 separate websites showing in detail those in direct relations with all the Bush Boy's criminal activity, including Dan Cook the III, Alan Greenspan, Kenneth Lay, Sun Myung Moon, Alex G. Spanos, Frank Fitzsimmons, Richard M. Nixon, Moe Dalitz, Meyer Lansky, Henry Paulson (GHW Bush & Henry Paulson worked together with Richard M. Nixon), Walter Scott Jr., Arthur Levitt, Bill & Hillary Clinton 1995, Penny Pritzker 2005, Philippe de Rothschild & James Wolfensohn, Dick Cheney, Lloyd Blankfein, HSBC-the Windsors, Bill Gates & GoldmanSachs, Manuel Noriega, American S&L-Trafalgar, the National Banks of Panama, Iran-Contra, bribes from Saudi Arabia & Central and Southern American Drug Cartels, dates, places, deposits and amounts.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

I'm lovin' the elites' sooooo deserved public exposure!!! And posted in the MSM too!

The HSBC ~ Awww...couldn't have happened to a nicer bank. :-)

~ "A global investigation based on leaked banking documents has opened a crack of sunlight into the exclusive and highly-secretive world of Swiss banking and the manner in which the world’s criminal elite hide their vast wealth, launder their profits, and avoid tax payments from governments around the globe.

Published by a consortium of international media outlets on Sunday, the trove of leaked banking documents—considered to be the largest of its kind in history—reveals how a Swiss division of the U.K.-based HSBC bank colluded with clients from around the globe to shield billions of dollars in assets as a way to maintain secrecy and avoid taxes in the clients’ home countries." ~

Full sweet article...


[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 10 years ago

Thank you for post.


[-] 5 points by Nevada1 (5843) 10 years ago

Hi shadz, As always, good article, that everyone should see. Maybe we will visit again on another forum.

Best of everything to you and yours.


[-] 4 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 10 years ago

Good to remember and learn. Hope were still lit up here.


[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

It's "Been a Long way to the light." Waterboys.



[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Occupy Wall Street has been the best thing to happen to this country in my lifetime. Though this forum is closing, the movement continues on in other venues and in the minds of the American people and people all over the globe. This forum has been very important to me and I'm sad to see it go but I will forge on and never give up on the 99%. I'll see you on twitter...@4beautifulworld.


[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

inches and not abstract


[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

"Private bankers create money out of thin air and the rest of you destroy each other and your planet in order to repay them???" says, the Positive Money Alien about us humans here on Planet Earth.

And, worth repeating from your comment:

"Money is like inches and ounces ... an abstract, arbitrary, yet commonly accepted metric for measuring 'wealth' - but it is NOT 'wealth' per se & Banks create money with computer keystrokes & with that 'loan' to a Debtor become Creditors demanding Compounded Interest !!!

Furthermore, consider what Albert Einstein said : ''Compound Interest is The Eighth Wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ; he who doesn't, pays it'' !! "

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Where is your massive anti war movement in the UK?


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

See ; Spasm ; Brain-fart

I'd rather not see you spasm and brain fart - reading your comments can be bad enough.

I see you are still being totally impartial (not) = "references the U$A because ... you know .. it is The Main proponent of 'MASSIVE WARS' ?!"

I mean you do live in the empire of conquest - you know - the UK

Now why don't you go spend time with your fellow Hamas terrorism supporter.


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Of course British Imperialists were greedy, violent War Mongers but that doesn't excuse the USA now !!!

Nor does it excuse the UK now or the EU or the UN or anyone else.

Face it your governments over there are just as fucked up as the governments of the USA (state and federal) - you are just as set upon by the 1% as the USA is. The fuckers are world wide not just located in the USA. Not just originating in the USA.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Funny that you would compare Hamas terrorism to the Jews fighting the Nazis. I don't think the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were ever attacking civilians - I do believe that the fighting in the Warsaw Gehtto was against the Nazi Military.

BTW - I have already condemned the Israeli military terrorism of Gaza - I condemn all terrorism - I don't pick and choose as to what terrorism is OK - as - none of it is OK.

[-] 3 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

No, NOT ''funny'' at all !!! It was 'ironic' but I'm not surprised that it was lost on you & 'Jewish Resistance Tunnels' - was my additional 'Warsaw Ghetto' point !! I'm even less surprised that you just didn't get that point either ! + fyi :

Then again - you are pathologically unable to discern 'David from Goliath' ! When you merely condemn both sides ... without 'picking or choosing' .. you do just as The Primary Aggressor desires by equating pea-shooters & glorified fireworks with Industrial Human Slaughter !! And thAt is Absolutely NOT ''OK'' !!!

70% of the 2100+ Dead & 10,000 plus injured in Gaza were killed & hurt in Their Own Homes & again ...

Please do let me know when you have some facts & figures or video to share & falsely equate with that from your Likudnik, uber-Zionist sources. It's pretty poor how you removed my previous reply too, whilst leaving your own still there, right ?

fiat justitia ruat caelum ...


[-] 1 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

''Hamas terrorism supporter'' ?!!! Is that all that you've got, you back-stabbing, fellow-poster-banning, no-explanation, sad sack o' shit ?!! Your treacherous nature is self-exposed & is all too indicative of - a sly, heavily-propagandised, reactionary ignoramus ! It's a shame that I'm going to be busy right now - but I'll be back and you can count on that - irrespective of just how eager you are for this forum to shut down :

cf : https://occupywallst.org/forum/occupy-forum-will-be-shutting-down/#comment-1056179

Fyi - ''terrorism'' IS as 'Terrorism' does ! Have you ever heard of 'The Warsaw Ghetto' in WWII or how The Resistance fought back there ?!! Ever hear of The Haganah, Irgun, Stern Gang / Lehi Underground or did you know that both Menachem Begin & Yitzkak Smahir were wanted 'terrorists' - u amnesiac Zio-shill ?!

From much more recently, let's all look at some 'terrorism' as actually experienced by people shall we?!!

Of course British Imperialists were greedy, violent War Mongers but that doesn't excuse the USA now !!!

anguis in herba - temet nosce ...

S (& a repeat of my slyly removed initial reply .. warts n' all)

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Funny that you would try to compare Hamas terrorism to the Jews fighting the Nazis. I don't think the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were ever attacking Polish civilians - I do believe that the fighting in the Warsaw Gehtto was against the Nazi Military who were shipping the Jews off to the death camps.

BTW - I have already condemned the Israeli military terrorism of Gaza - I condemn all terrorism - I don't pick and choose as to what terrorism is OK - as - none of it is OK.

[-] 1 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

''Ironic'' & highly historically relevant was what it was ! NOT ''funny'' !! You can ''believe'' wtf you like but you can't make up your own facts with Propagandist False Equivalence !!!

Re. your repeated reply above .. I won't cut & paste my reply to your own 'c&p' b-s but you can re-read here if you like Daniel :

multum in parvo ..


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Hamas is not Palestine - Hamas is a terrorist group. You can not factually compare the Jews fighting in the Warsaw Ghetto of World War II as being the same as the terrorist activities of Hamas operating out of the Gaza Strip in these present times.

What a brain fart comparison for you to try to forward shit heels.

[-] 0 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

Paralells are not comparisons Daniel but yes, I do ''compare'' Gaza to a surrounded ghetto & 'concentration camp' & can find you strong links from people of real renown who do the same.

You just keep on being the big noise in your very own echo-chamber and becoming so paralysed by the word ''terrorist'' - there's no point any substantive replies from me any longer because you will just delete them anyway, so - despite you not opening or reading links because they may make you question your affiliations to Nutty-yahoo's - Likudnik, Uber-Nationalist, Right-Wing 'Zionist-Apartheid Entity', I append :

veritas vos liberabit ...


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Your view of reality is fantasy - I condemn ALL terrorism and you say that I support one of the terrorists. Did someone adulterate your pot with acid?

[-] 1 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

You do seem pathologically unable to discern .. 'David from Goliath' ! When you merely condemn both sides ... without 'picking or choosing' .. you do just as The Primary Aggressor desires by equating pea-shooters & glorified fireworks with Industrial Human Slaughter !! And thAt is Absolutely Never .. ''OK'' !!!

70% of the 2100+ Dead & 10,000 plus injured in Gaza were killed & hurt in Their Own Homes & again :

Please do let me know when you have some facts & figures or video to share & falsely equate with that from your Likudnik, uber-Zionist sources. It's pretty poor how you removed my previous reply too, whilst leaving your own still there, right ? A dude needs acid to relate to you but I gave it up years ago & can now see people for what they really are without it ;-)

fiat justitia ruat caelum ...


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

There is no picking sides in terrorism - terrorism is terrorism - but HEY your OK with picking a terrorist to support - how sick does that make you?

[-] 2 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

"Israel=A brutal terrorist state'' - as per sff80's thread. where my reply (link below) will illuminate a li'l maybe BUT only IF you read it Danny ...

The 'Removed' comments there are mainly ZionDog's but a few from snooz too as I recall.The deleted comments are mainly yours & are evidence of yet another one of your (drunken?) melt-downs on this forum. You've been getting away with this kind of behaviour for waaaay too long but the gig is up now.

Your empty-headed. faux platitudes fool no one any more & no fkn wonder you can't wait for the forum to vanish ! You're fully self-exposed as a DNC/Likud loving/siding/tolerating - 'reactionary conservative' plant on this ostensibly & still trying to be - 'Revolutionary Forum' !! But we both know just how vewy fwightened you aRe of the 'R' woRd - RRRrrright ?!!! + fyi ...

Read them IF you dare but please do keep brain-farting Dan as I've put time aside to take on all comers today but don't imagine that every reply you make to me won't be treated any differently & btw, what did your deleted comment at me on jart's thread say here: https://occupywallst.org/forum/occupy-forum-will-be-shutting-down/#comment-1056383 & why don't you repeat it now ?

temet nosce et fallaces sunt rerum species ...


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

[ EDIT ] There is no picking sides in terrorism - terrorism is terrorism - but HEY your OK with picking a terrorist to support - how sick does that make you?

EDIT-> Considering your David and Goliath stance in your choosing to support Hamas terrorism - I suppose you are supporting ISIS/ISIL in the same manner/reasoning.

Like I said terrorism is criminal - whoever chooses to use terrorism.

Your support for any terrorist - makes you one sick individual.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

BTW - Hitlary should already be in prison with her hubby just because of white water if for no other reasons. She ain't mine. I don't want her.


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Hitlary ''owns you'' - as George Carlin'd say !!! She's your candidate

She is not my candidate.

I do not belong to the democratic party - just because I point out the fact that every single republican in office is completely owned by the 1% and it is not the same currently with the dems - what it "IS" is just a plain statement of FACT.

No-one is trying to sell the dems as the answer/cure to all evil - it is just a plain fact that they have not yet been totally owned by the 1%.

Let the public - the 2/3 who have opted out - bring forward alternative candidates - neither rep or dem - and I will look at them and if they are worthy I will support them.

Do I want to continue with a representative government? HELL NO. But it is what we have right now and the only way to change that is to get the 1%ers and the 1% owned out of office - and push forward such initiatives as Move To Amend and create other initiatives to push forward One Subject At A Time Legislation and to push forward Direct Participation Of The Public In The Process Of Government and so much more.

Meanwhile Banks, Corporations, the US-MIC & the Imperial War Machine send you their love !

As do they to you as well as the UK & the EU military Industrial complexes and Business and Financial structures.

(F)acts no longer play a role in American political life.


''The United States government and the American people cannot contend with reality, because they do not know what the reality is.

And as usual you leave out the UK and the EU and the whole rest of the world. Is that a failing of yours? Are you unable to see the reality that everywhere is the same - but all you can point to is the USA.

''In effect, America is both blind and deaf. It lives in delusions.''

Your reality falls short - as failure to deal with the whole of reality is not a failing just of the USA - you continue to deny the fact that where you live is no different.

[-] 1 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

If you delete my comments & then make attenuated, puerile, pedantic replies .. why and how should I reply ? However, re. your shallow, ill-thought out and repetitive brainfart from the bottom of this thread :

  • ''There is no picking sides in terrorism - terrorism is terrorism - but HEY your OK with picking a terrorist to support - how sick does that make you?''

Well you sure 'picked your sides' Daniel & like it or not - that was/is the side of The Democraps-On-The-Hill and The DNC ('Hitlary'll Killtons' & 'Keystone Pipeline' voters) AND Likudnik Israell (Bibi Nutty-yahoo, Avigdor Lieberman, Naftali Bennet et al) & so fyi :

Furthermore, from my 'Removed Reply' above, the salient comment & links were :

  • ''The US electorate is opting out of the whole voting process because they feel that they have no stake as whatever happens and whoever gets in .. The (Deep) Corporate Govt. always gets in. The US 99% are not represented and are atomised & alienated. Kshama Sawant is what happens when people get organised & that is what OWS & this forum are/were all about. Anything else is just variations on the theme of 'reactionary conservatism'.'' + ...

  • 'G.I.A,B.O.' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGRu1uqJGkY & ..

  • ''Delusional America'', by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40864.htm .

e tenebris, lux ...


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

So you are liking the fact that the repubs invited nutters yahoo to come and speak to both houses of congress - Hey?

Like I said - your view of reality is twisted to say the least.

You choose to overlook the fact that I am not a supporter of Hitlary nor am I a die hard dem. You choose to ignore the very real differences in the members of government - that there is in fact ONE GROUP that is in total servitude to the 1% and another group which is not in complete servitude to the 1%.

You choose to try to throw shit and make it stick - because I advocate for the removal of evil from office and in that process to start with the very worst = the completely sold out repubs. I support and urge the 2/3 who have opted out - to find and bring forward good people to replace the evil that is in office - to start an independent presence in government.

I support Bernie Sanders as a candidate for president as well as support Elizabeth Warren as candidate for president.

You are a willful disinformationalist who supports terrorism - as well as the total take over of the USA governments by the 1% by urging everyone to opt out.

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

what happened with that vote to export moire weapons in congress ?

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

97-1 Senate Vote Blocks Arms Package for Jordan October 25, 1985|DOYLE McMANUS and KAREN TUMULTY | T


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

"YOU" self-exposed numpty and worse = admitted supporter of terrorism. YOU are so full of shit - that I would not doubt that it sprays out your ears under high pressure during your constant spasm-ing brain farting diarrhea attacks.

[-] 2 points by mayda (285) 10 years ago

Just keep on Projecting there Danny DKhead but you're as transparent and useless as a used condom, imo. I'll better use my time now watching 'The Keiser Report' on RT here. Oooooooooh, scary huh ?! Not scarier than this tho ..

verum ex absurdo ...


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Keep throwing your shit - you may as well as it is already spraying out of your ears ya insane supporter of terrorism.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Keep throwing your shit - you may as well as it is already spraying out of your ears ya insane supporter of terrorism.

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

it's ok