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Forum Post: The Bloomberg Council

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 6:47 a.m. EST by stephenadler (118)
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You have organized more councils that I can throw a stick at... The Library Council, the Food Council, the medical council. You even have a spoke council. But even then your movement seems disorganized. A quote from the NYTimes editorial


"Members of the editorial staff and I spoke to Mayor Bloomberg and some of his advisers this afternoon. Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson said he had tried to talk to the protesters directly and indirectly, but without success. That’s not shocking since the protesters are not that organized."

So why doesn't the occupy movement form a mayor's council. The task of the mayor's council is to meet with representatives of the mayor's office and open a dialogue with them. This channel of communication should be used to inform the Major of all events, grievances, (the treatment of occupiers in prison for example), etc. All meetings of the mayors council with members of Bloomberg's staff have to be livestreamed.

If you manage to create such a council, and make it effective in engaging with the city, you will have pushed your movement further than before, which could end up achieving concrete goals.

Now if you could just tell us what your goals are.... (beyond peace love and prosperity for everyone.)



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[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago
