Forum Post: The Billionaires' Tea Party
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 19, 2013, 9:08 p.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Equishift Recommended Content: The Billionaires' Tea Party
Please watch, comment on and evaluate this as it relates to the following (Rating scale is 1-5: 1=Not even close, 5=Totally):
A) Relevance: i. Democracy and Politics ii. Koch heads and whores
B) Motivational - inspires you to take action
C) Critical - needs immediate attention
Is it also relevant to another subject?
Back to Equishift Resources: Koch
Thanks, I linked to the article from a few different places.
OK thanks
how does the tea party define freedom?
the internet has not been controlled by liars campaign
I watched some of it again. Realized something. Equishift Resources probably needs a new branch: propaganda.
This video is just as relavent to propaganda as it is to Koch. The Koch heads have been able to create more Koch whores than they could possibly hire, and the dumb fucks who support them probably have never heard of Koch.
Not exactly sure what you're referring to, I'll have to watch again. A specific part of the video?
yea, a bit about down voting media on the internet to control google
Oh right, yea
At about 29:20
"These guys have been able to delay action on climate change for two decades, all along making billions and billions of dollars in dirty energy."
That's what neolibe(R)tarians do.
Give it 5 C for me.
Doesn't it just make you want to flip the board upside down and kick the pieces?
Yeah, but it's not a game.
For some, it's life or death.
Thanks for reminding that the teabagge(R)s are a creation of the neolibe(R)tarians.
delaying action is not an ability
please elaborate