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Forum Post: The bigger our government, the smaller we are as citizens

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:16 p.m. EST by hemajang (23)
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The bigger our government gets, the smaller I am as a citizen. We need to get the word out.



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[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

That's right, we are better off restoring power to the states and municipalities. They are much closer to the people and are more accountable.
D.C. is an inequitable den of thieves.

[-] 1 points by gadflydigital (180) from Wantagh, NY 13 years ago

Big government and big corporations are both the problem.

How do we make both smaller?

[-] 1 points by L0tech (79) 13 years ago

This is just the problem. Why are people arguing about the size of government? Isn't the problem that the government has lost its way?

Get big money out of government. Take back our democracy

[-] 2 points by hemajang (23) 13 years ago

Um, that's the problem, when the government gets too big somebody has to pay for it. We--all Americans--have been spoiled by this false high lifestyle and living standards funded by racking up huge amounts of public debt--$14 Trillion and counting.

Size of government IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN a problem. Surely, government has lost its way, but our society--like it or not--is based upon economics and something called a financial system. The entire underpinnings of our society is fiscal. So if you cannot pay for it then eventually it collapses.

You cannot ignore the size of government--is is in FISCAL disarray now.

I prefer to take back our Republic, for that is what we are, not a democracy.