Forum Post: The BIG CLUB - George Carlin lays it all bare
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 11:49 p.m. EST by aquainted
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1) Get internet voting going constantly on all issues 2) Get a new law forcing government to follow the damn vote, 3) Organize tax withholding until we get this new law, 4) Demand a complete audit on government and the Fed Reserve, plus a public budget so we can vote correctly.
"...a new law to force government to..."
Yeah, you said that already, shill. If people withhold taxes they can get this, shill. You can't laugh this one off, shill. It actually makes sense, shill, thanks for calling attention to it, shill.
If people withold taxes (failure to pay/tax avoidance) they go to jail. Just ask Wesley Snipes.
This has to be done in numbers, at least 25 million at a time.
And the movement needs to make clear that we stand behind withholders. If the government goes after them, we interfere and the fight only grows worse. Everything is possible if we have courage and hold together in our basic goals or running our own government's spending of our money. This fight is over who will direct the trillions in taxpayer money.
25 million at a time?
Keep dreaming.
I will. That's what made this country great, people dreaming and doing the impossible. 25 million is nothing once people realize how much they are going to save by taking over the spending. They would be stupid to pass up the opportunity!
You are deluding yourself. You want to answer the problem of dysfunctional government, by expanding the size of the government.
Oh, and "internet voting on all issues" HAHAHA You can't be serious.
Beware the tyranny of the majority. <-- that is why democracies fail.
The tyranny of the majority is preferable to the tyranny of bankers, military and industrialists. You are the dreamer here not me.
"The tyranny of the majority is preferable to..."
Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.
--Benjamin Franklin
Be careful what you wish for.
Democracy is not 2 wolves. It is millions of genetically similar people who must share a planet rationally.
What we have now is fascism which is the 1% eating everyone through a system of lying, intimidation, bribery, propaganda, taxation, scams, fake charities like in Haiti, black ops, and other nefarious influences.
Ben Franklin would die if he saw this mess
Democracy is very adequately described by that Franklin quote. That is why the United States is NOT a democracy, but instead a representative republic.
What we have now, that you are failing to grasp, is crony-capitalism. Corrupted government picking the winners and losers based on political power.
What you are advocating "direct democracy" invariably devolves into dictatorship. History is your friend, you should heed it's lessons.
Direct democracy has never been practiced, except in Indian Tribes, to some extent. It is representative democracy that is gradually bribed by business to support profits over people. You are completely wrong.
Power needs to be decentralized, as our political fathers tried to do with the 3 branches of government.
The only reason the US is not a direct democracy is because they had no internet in 1770. There was no way to do it.
Go eat your nachos, shill
nom nom nom
You're idea still rests on a faulty premise (as if the govt wouldn't just change that law the moment it became inconvenient).
Think about it like this; Why do you think Congress loves to Due the politically expedient thing now, but always leaves the difficult parts to future fiscal years (like spending cuts)?
Because they know (what apparently you do not) the current Congress can place no obligations on future Congresses.
Only comedians are able to tell the truth.
What if Rush Limbaugh convinces enough voters to enact a law we don't like? What if he somehow got people to vote for a defense spending increase by 500%
There will lots of people trying to influence the vote, nothing new about that, but the people are smart and use to that. They will be cautious with their own money. - help convince people to become occupiers by using these talking points!