Forum Post: The Big and Dandy Tear Gas Thread
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:47 a.m. EST by justfuckingthink
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I went through Army basic training, and was tear gassed 4 times, in a gas chamber, outside during exercises twice, and once while I was sleeping in a tent after 5 days living outside.
Tear gas, or CS gas, is pure gaseous get the fuck away from here. If you get too much in your lungs, you will loose control, and instinctively run away from the gas. That's why it's used to disperse crowds.
Here is what you need to know to minimize nastiness and maximize your functional time in the gas.
DON'T WEAR CONTACT LENSES. They can react with the gas and possibly fuse to your eye, requiring medical attention.
Mask or Goggles. Obviously, if you can get a surplus mask, get one. If you can't, the next best thing is swim or fashion goggles and a vinegar or baking soda and water soaked cloth. Even just goggles by themselves can make a HUGE difference in how long you can stand exposure to the gas. Sunglasses will stop direct spray, but not diffuse gas.
If you can steal one, take a big breath before the gas gets to you and hold it as long as you can. Once the gas is upon you, take shallow breaths through your MOUTH ONLY. The idea is to minimize exposure to the soft tissue in your lungs and nasal passages. If you cough and/or take a deep breath, it's all over.
DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE!!!! You will regret it.
Cover all possible skin. Any exposed skin is a liability.
Don't touch the canisters. They are fucking hot. Kick them away from crowded areas with a heavy boot. DO NOT KICK THEM BACK TOWARDS THE POLICE. That is aggression with a weapon, and you could be shot.
Stay calm. The calmer you are, the less oxygen you use, and the less you have to breathe.
Carry a bottle of baking soda and water to wash away any that gets on your skin or eyes.
Watch the fuckers. If you can see a canister coming towards your area, it is best to not be there unless you absolutely have to be.
Don't be an asshole. Don't push. If you see someone that has fallen, help them up. Things can get crazy when a giant group of people gets tear gassed and it takes some time to evacuate an area. People can be trapped in the gas and panic, shoving and striking anything in their way to get out. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you.
I also wanna add a good way to deal with pepper spray. Pepper spray is an oil-based solution, so the best way to treat it is with soapy water. Use baby shampoo (no more tears) mixed with water to flush the eyes. Wash your hands and face as soon as possible to avoid getting it back in your eyes.
"DO NOT KICK THEM BACK TOWARDS THE POLICE. That is aggression with a weapon, and you could be shot." I guess that can go both ways...
Anyway, great post. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.'re on someones list now.
Yeah, I'm sure I've been on a few lists for years now. They know where I live, they're more than welcome to come visit anytime.
Will a hazmat respirator (something like a P100 cartridge) help?
I'm actually not sure. Gas masks usually use activated carbon filters. If the hazmat masks do to, I would think so, but don't quote me, lol.
I've actually got an NBC escape hood at home. Think I might start packin it.
Might not be a bad idea. Bring a helmet too...
Wash tear gas away with Lye.
And that was a joke. DON"T DO IT!