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Forum Post: The beginning of the end for OWS. Media Black Out.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 6:35 p.m. EST by percness (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You know there's a media black out when an inconsequential storm that affected the affluent in Connecticut, a stranded JetBlue flight, and snapping trees pushes OWS out of the 6 oclock news.

Vacate Zuccotti Park - save what is left of your movement.



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[-] 2 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

Just like flash mobs...

[-] 1 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

I stand corrected - Keith Olbermann and Elliot Spitzer are covering OWS and offering ideas to boot. Focus on and protest those politicians who oppose what OWS stands for. Good advice.

[-] 1 points by owsartist39 (11) 13 years ago

As a 60's Protestor, now Senior Citizen & Florida Supporter of OWS Manhattan may I suggest the following:

A 2nd offensive must be started, now that the weather will dwindle the numbers of outside participants. All citizens of conscience and support who work for corporate America (e.g., banking, big pharma, insurance, oil, police departments, political operatives, and any other major industry who impacts the quality of our lives) should start to divulge the "dirty little secrets of their bosses/industry" anonymously (e.g., deliberate and trained lies told to the public about products; violations of the law within their industry/company; cheating of the public with specific tactics; training designed to deceive the public, etc.).

We need to expose corporate America for who they really are...ONLY then will they start to bring some modicum of fair play to their dealings with the 99% of us. Much like http://wikileaks.org - JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS WILL ONLY COME BY EXPOSING THE WRONGS. It no longer is acceptable to say "I was just doing my job." If our supporters can understand this, all of the politicians and lobbyist in the country won't be able to stop this tide.

[-] 1 points by owsartist39 (11) 13 years ago

As a 60's Protestor, now Senior Citizen & Florida Supporter of OWS Manhattan may I suggest the following:

A 2nd offensive must be started, now that the weather will dwindle the numbers of outside participants. All citizens of conscience and support who work for corporate America (e.g., banking, big pharma, insurance, oil, police departments, political operatives, and any other major industry who impacts the quality of our lives) should start to divulge the "dirty little secrets of their bosses/industry" anonymously (e.g., deliberate and trained lies told to the public about products; violations of the law within their industry/company; cheating of the public with specific tactics; training designed to deceive the public, etc.).

We need to expose corporate America for who they really are...ONLY then will they start to bring some modicum of fair play to their dealings with the 99% of us. Much like http://wikileaks.org - JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS WILL ONLY COME BY EXPOSING THE WRONGS. It no longer is acceptable to say "I was just doing my job." If our supporters can understand this, all of the politicians and lobbyist in the country won't be able to stop this tide.

[-] 1 points by Adversus (83) 13 years ago

Stories need to be created to keep the movement in the media.

The movement should hire a PR firm. Ironic isn't it.

What I would do is shine the light on Wall Street individual's excess and political corruption by hiring private detective to go after them and then publicising that.

This would then get the media interested.

Plus by going after individuals you may provoke a reaction from the other side escalating the problem but to your advantage. Gandhi's movement only started really taking off when the British started to brutally clamping down on them. This would improve public oppion and increase public pressure.

Calls for strikes or anything that will make life harder or cost money for the normal American will put the movement backwards.

[-] 1 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

Well put.

[-] 1 points by skinny (44) 13 years ago

"An innovative new tactic in civil resistance is the Smart Mob (Flash Mob), wherein a smaller group of activists is covertly dispatched to stage a coordinated creative action at a specific public or semi-public location within a comparatively brief window of time. The advantages of this tactic, used in support of the ongoing Occupy actions, would be that would allow the temporary occupancy of a larger territory of the social and physical landscape."

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

This was not an inconsequential storm where I live.

[-] 1 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

OWS, you've made your point, but the masses have begun to not care anymore. Leave now, vacate Zuccotti Park, you've won a significant battle... Don't be the forgotten war.

[-] 1 points by JessicaDeer (2) 13 years ago

I hardly think people have committed themselves to living in Zuccotti because they want "camera/media" time. Media certainly is the most efficient way to spread ideas/news...it's also part of the problem. Coverage or no coverage the presence of a group of people standing for what they believe will cause a ripple effect and eventually all those little waves will reach the ears- hearts- purse strings of the ones that need it.

[-] 1 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

If its results OWS is seeking, the media is needed. Otherwise, the movement loses it's voice.

[-] 1 points by JessicaDeer (2) 13 years ago

I hardly think people have committed themselves to living in Zuccotti because they want "camera/media" time. Media certainly is the most efficient way to spread ideas/news...it's also part of the problem. Coverage or no coverage the presence of a group of people standing for what they believe will cause a ripple effect and eventually all those little waves will reach the ears- hearts- purse strings of the ones that need it.

[-] 1 points by tac (7) 13 years ago

its not the 6 o clock news that impotant

[-] 1 points by Uriah (218) 13 years ago

I come here to learn about OWS, and other then then the news on my homepage, that's about all the info I get unless I'm in search mode.

[-] 1 points by EasterRising (35) 13 years ago

When the OWS behaved badly at the BoE, that was the death bow.

[-] 1 points by adamaecompton (32) 13 years ago

what is BoE, and what are you referring to? (just curious) thx.

[-] 1 points by EasterRising (35) 13 years ago

The Board of Education display with OWS. Truly sickening behavior.

[-] 1 points by crappyrainbows (20) from Flat Top, WV 13 years ago

What about Facebook, Twitter, local TV? Do you not see any of these a viable media sources? A lot more people are wired in this day and age, now even grandmas can read about #occupy via grandchildren on facebook. Social Media is the game changer

[-] 1 points by percness (9) 13 years ago

... Social Media? The same one that brought us flash mobs, jail house thriller dances, and 2010 elections.

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

At least it's not MTV anymore. We don't have to "Rock the Movement".

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Sorry, it's dying there too.


Check Twitter trends and you'll see the same. OWS hasn't been anywhere in the picture lately. Even during the Oakland trouble it got only a small bump. Interest in McDonald's McRib was stomping it the other day. Today Kim Kardashian absolutely destroys it.