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Forum Post: The battle of good and evil.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by Gonderizon (2) from Quebec, QC
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The situation to me is this; either we do something to stop systematized unfairness now, or we all die out of it. I've been studying exactly this subject for the last 12 years 8 hours or more a day as a monk, I'm just finishing a brick of a million words on the subject, I'm absolutely and totally revolted about democracy-capitalism, to the point that i set the base of another system altogether, so for me there is no discussion as if the movement is justified or not, it is not only necessary, but it may even be too late to change things for the better. The goal of my book is in part to start something like this, and i can tell you my heart started beating when this movement started, i felt like i was synchronized in spirit, like humanity was waking up to redefine good and evil before things went to hell, and that boosted me to work harder, and I'll be done for around the 15 of December. Now, i will add, even if I'm out of reach, that this movement should care for itself, the start is done, there is a winter coming, peoples should try to take a break and come back stronger when the snow melt, after mulling over their experience, but know that one way or the other, the system will have to be replaced because everything is interrelated and interdependent, and the life and left thing mean nothing in that, you won't make things better by going left or right, and you can't remove money from the rich to put it in the hands of the poor in this system, but i won't explain why, too long, what you are starting to fight against is the fundamental ideology that hold everything together, religions, governments, the economic system, all institutions, i baptized the monster, but I'll let you think about it, i don't want to sound psychotic just yet, but i ask you to be sure if you really want to continue on this track, because this battle will last for as long as another system is not made, and after a few years, it will end-up in war, nothing less, because the cops and the army are mercenaries. Now, i ain't got time to waste here, i just wanted to say a few word about it to someone, i got to finish my book, ah, and one last thing, i would be very careful of democrats trying to infiltrate and transform the movement to a democratic thing; they always do that, but that is without saying there are peoples who see democracy everywhere, personally, i see democracy as the prettiest coat of capitalism, just be careful with principles, those have been twisted to serve any causes...like liberty.



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[-] 1 points by Gonderizon (2) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago

excellent movie, a bit too scientific and utopist, i wouldn't live in such a city, and no monetary system is skipping a fundamental fairness function of being human, you can't give the same value to everybody, and you can't make robots of peoples, but the view of how to deal with limited resources seems to be good.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

finish your book..

[-] 1 points by Gonderizon (2) from Quebec, QC 13 years ago

My book have been finished for over 6 months, my problem is that i'm too poor to get published, i knew nothing of the internet 6 months ago since i never had the money to pay for it, but as i finished the book it became evident that i wouldn't get the thing published by mail, so i squeezed my means to plug the net, and for 6 months I've been fooling around with publishers and agent to end-up abandoning, why? because they want big profits, they got a market for any "fast food" book, but not for a revolutionary book, anyway, it's too long to read for most or it contain too many mistakes, and i'd have to pay an editor a cent a word they read to correct it, and at a million words, that's kind of ridiculous. Passing by agents is not much better, they receive so many manuscripts, they only read what fit perfectly their desires, so I'm out, all is left is self publishing, but it cost more than a thousands bucks. In the end, they don't care i invested 12 years of my life to poverty to write this, what they want is money, i must prove in advance that my book will sell before they'll take the risk to publish. So, after gaining sufficient knowledge, i decided to launch the book on amazon since that's the only place where i can publish at no cost. if it was just for me the book would be free, and that's what i'll try to do, even if that will eliminate the book from a potential best "seller" place. But i'm almost happy i failed, that way it will be 100% done by me and it will be free as i always wanted it to be, if i can, even if that will eliminate the book from a potential best "seller" place, but i would have made an exception for a publisher. As for why i'm not done, it is because within 6 months i accumulated modifications to do, along with many corrections, next, i had to redo a lot of work to publish it for amazon devices, like removing all the fancy flowers and stars and things because, for whatever reason that doesn't make sense, they interdict the stuff on their devices. Next, i had to redo the whole tabulation of the book and make a "goto" table of content, and to finish, i will have to edit all my city drawings because the text is not clear on the kindle devices. The book will be available the 12 of December or something on amazon, it's called "a flower to life" it got 2 parts, half the book is to invalidate the current system, as the personal revolt of the character, so it is not all pretty stuff, and the other half is about how to change the world, and it have nothing to do with anything that currently exist.