Forum Post: The Banker
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 7:29 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 7:29 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The directors and board members of the 12 Federal Reserve banks are also running the top financial institutions. They just printed 26 trillion dollars of American money and gave it to themselves.
There’s nothing “natural” about this at all.
No it's far from natural..
Take the time to go to the link and read all about it. It's a lot of reading, but it reaches to the heart of the issue.
Washington -Is- Wallstreet /// Wallstreet -Is- Washington ((In 2000, the Banker -Is- 'The Man'))
::::::::::::::::Why 308,127,404 Americans Are Going To Get Hosed::::::::::::::::
Last week, the US government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), an agency of the US Treasury Department, published its 2011 annual report... ...There are a few numbers that are pretty startling.
We’ve discussed before that FinCEN is the executive agency tasked with ensuring that every US banker is an unpaid government spy through Suspicious Activity Reports.
A Suspicious Activity Report, or SAR, includes details of any transaction that may be deemed ‘suspicious’. Naturally, there’s no clear guidance on what is/is not considered suspicious. Banks, brokerages, money service businesses, precious metals dealers… even casinos are required by law to fill them out.
If you withdraw an unusual amount of cash from your bank account, that could be deemed suspicious. If you set up a new payee in your billpay service, that could be deemed suspicious. Anything and everything is fair game.
Banks and other businesses who do not fill out SARs face hefty penalties, including imprisonment. If they disclose to a customer that s/he is the subject of a SAR, they have hefty penalties, including imprisonment.
When push comes to shove and they have to choose between a nasty penalty, or submitting a SAR about your unusual cash withdrawal, which option do you think they’ll pick?
Unsurprisingly, nearly 1.5 million ‘suspicious activity reports’ were filed across the US banking system in 2011, well over twice the number reported in 2004. On top of this, there were an additional -14.8 million- ‘currency transaction reports’ filed in 2011, a 6% jump over last year.
It’s an unfortunate trend which highlights not only the end of financial privacy, but also the massive amount of data being collected by the government to keep tabs on its citizens.
According to this year’s report, a full 36 distinct federal law enforcement agencies requested information from FinCEN (and even more who haven’t). Three dozen. And that doesn’t include state or local law enforcement.
That there are this many federal law enforcement agencies to begin with is mind-boggling… let alone the thought that some knucklehead at the Fish and Wildlife Service has access to bank records.
This is one reason why international diversification is so important– the likelihood of such collection and monitoring is greatly reduced when you bank overseas. Moreover, should one of these dozens of agencies or courts decide that your ‘suspicious activity’ warrants locking you out of your accounts, they have zero jurisdiction overseas.
This is a common tactic in the US; financial activity is one of the many, many areas with a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ burden of proof. You don’t even need to be doing anything wrong (which is the case most of the time this happens) for one of these agencies to freeze your account ‘pending investigation’ with a simple phone call. Good luck getting it unfrozen.....
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Just get the banksters out of charge.
Now we expose them ...
Did I accidentally bump this post?
Are you accusing me?
Of course not!
Entertaining and insightful.
I hate these people....I really do..
Which people?
The Bankers...The Elite...
Sorry. I just wanted to be clear. It could have been taken the other way. Hope you watched the video. Certainly safer than the average Deek Jackson vid.
It's OK..I've been doing this for years, following these money changers...They are criminals who feel that their position entitles them to all the resources of the world..They are worse than any welfare queen...
Their whole thing is to ensure there are enough people in debt as a way to guarantee their place in this paradigm..People in debt are easy to control and many people are usually in debt for most of their lives...
It's a nice little trick..
What's mind boggling is that there is an entire network of illusion set up to reinforce and protect the kleptocracy.
I wrote this decades ago without any real understanding of how this power works, other than the evident psychological mechanism.
I like it too ...
I like it! Now you just need some music to go along with it..
Thanks. I am rather proud of it. I never developed my music skills enough to actually make it a song. I really do think it captures something very important about how this whole nightmare is perpetuated. ;-)
Got that one! Go Max Keiser!.
He is a doom monger. That makes you feel better.
Actually he's realistic...From a financial perspective, most of the world is pretty much doomed..
If the power elite are left in charge the only solution they seem to have is destructive...They'll be war with Iran soon enough...
Well, you understand the smear talk. I doubt the developed world is doomed.
and why do you think it isn't?
Because it happened before. The Soviet System collapsed for instance. Today Russia seems ok. Japan went into crisis.
I believe developed nations would be better off. The Egyptian uprising for instance is directly related to the nutrition speculation crisis. The Asian bubble still has to burst.
I guess we'll see...
Compare and contrast George Carlin Bankers. I think George says it really well too.
Thanks for sharing your video!
George Carlin knew what was about to happen...A Genius....During that show he was being very serious, everyone was laughing...The truth, right there, in your face, and people just were not aware, not at all.
Here's George Carlin on Why he doesn't vote:
I've known of a few people who no longer vote and their reasons were similar. I think though that if you vote all of your local elections there is some effect but when it's a presidential election each time I feel it's a lost cause for most of George's reasons and I am registered as an Independent/No Party since I know now that if you vote for an R or a D with the current corruption in place either/or will be a S-elected Republicrat...
a ridiculous it for the suckers.
It's making a point..You don't think there is a so called "Elite" out there that controls supposedly sovereign nations? Why have bankers taken over Greece and Italy?
Strange how bankers "money changers" have really come to rule the world...Before, they just hid away and you'd only hear about them seldomly as part of what TPTB would label a "conspiracy theory"..Now it's in your face..Still you refuse to see.
We are all suckers right now...Until people like Jon Corzine face justice..We are all being played...
touche....But all of this finger pointing, class war fare BS...appears to be a big Obama strategy to just get him back in office...
The class warfare has been ongoing...Has little to do with Obama..He just talks it up. He is a liar and will do what TPTB want him to do..
He'll talk about how the rich need to pay their fair share...Blah Blah Blah...But you'll see that the Bush Tax Cuts won't be let to expire...You'll see the same government outlay as before, and even more WAR...Then real austerity measures for the US "citizen" . Why?..Well in the end, our leaders really admire how China operates and would like our citizens to compete with well, how can I say this..slavery...
Oh slavery is alive and well!
We must make the working class compete...and if you got a freaking problem with it...Well obviously, you are a dissenter not to be trusted and hauled away if you become too popular, too dangerous to the system..The NDAA should have shown everyone what is going to happen here..
The class warfare has been against the working class by the "elites". This has been a struggle that has gone on before there was even a United States...They've been winning and the only time you hear about class warfare is when the poor people start fighting back against their slavery.
It's funny how the people who make decisions, don't actually have to pay for them, but expect you to...Personally I've had enough of this. what? blah, blah...complain...complain...spend endless time in these forums
Well, when we had our last revolution..Lot's of talking and writing went on...
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession
It would sound like complaining or sour grapes to a loyalist or English Monarch..
OWS does not bear any resemblance to Thomas Paine or the American Revolution. Do not sully the names of real patriotic Americans, with these comparisons.
OWS is just the beginning....Soon the austerity measures being pushed onto the working class by TPTB will hit more and more of the naysayers..Turning more and more people radical..
go tell your congressman. bankers are not accountable to you except in the form of a customer & service provider. The Govt is accountable to you so go occupy them.
No one who is in charge is accountable..That is until "We the people" of this country, make them accountable...
No election is going to do that and no Congressmen is going to bring it up because our Congressmen, The President and these Bank$ter are working together against the American populace.
We'll see how much austerity people are willing to go through, how much freedom they are willing to lose (As if the NDAA wasn't enough) before they actually start doing something in a more substantial way..
Gee - it seems in 2010 the Tea Party was rather effective. More to come in 2012.
Not really...
really? Took control of the house with an 80 seat majority. added 7 senate seats & the biggest sweep in history if you count all the local levels. Stopped the bleeding on spending as much as they could with one branch of govt. more to come in Nov. does the Tea Party help the working class?
lower taxes shrink government , reduce debt. Stop the threat of raising taxes on people & small businesses who make over 200K.
So where are they going to shrink government..How about getting rid of the newly formed Brown Shirt/Gestapo TSA? Dump Obamacare? Stop the f*cking continual wars? How about getting our troops out of Europe and the Middle east? How about cutting tax loopholes for everyone? How about shinking CONgress' pay, since they don't represent anyone anymore?
I totally agree
Love the way in which you fools take youtube videos so seriously.
God you're still hear...seems the only people we should take seriously is you and your fucking banker friends who are busy destroying the world to keep your fucking Ponzi schemes going...
Everyone sees it, this little game we play.. When the pawns know they are pawns the game gets harder and soon the game can't be played at all...Because you need the pawns to play, but they won't anymore...
It's going to be interesting to see what happens next....To see what sort of disgusting event we will have to be witness to...
All so the current players in this paradigm can keep going...Even though they, in no way, deserve to keep going..
"Smart" Capitalist, it is you who are the fool, because you think by blathering on about how everyone on this forum is stupid..That that will somehow change peoples minds about what people like you are...
They won't...On a worldwide basis the game is pretty much done...The only think left is to bomb a country like Iran to distract people once again from the ongoing economic issue...
Which the bankers created in the first place....
Who should the peasants point their cannon at? Better smarten up ...Before you end up with your ass looking at the business end of a pitchfork and torch..
Frankly, I don't give a damn about changing anyone's mind here, not unless your net worth is over a few hundred million in which you would be a client. But until then, I will just make fun of you. Why? Because I don't see much content in your protest. I don't have a lot of money but even if I did, I would not give a dime to Occutards. I would much rather donate the whole thing to CRY or some other charity that is doing some good work for people who really are in need of help. But not you whiners. Have I made myself clear.
Of course you don't see "much content in this protest" that's probably because there's something going on here that you refuse to see..You can't, not in the business you are in...
It would be like Philip Morris finally coming out and saying, Hey those Marlboro's that we sell are no good for you..So we have discontinued their production!
Of course someone like you could never see that their actions actually may have caused someone else pain...In the case of you folks...You're pathological, so I don't expect much...
One day you might actually do something good for someone who doesn't have 100M ..But probably not..Where would that get you?
Your the one who's whining...Oh OWS, please don't take my Crony Capitalism away from me...Yes Crony Capitalism, real Capitalism was slowly euthanized about 40 years ago..We are still looking for the body.
"Smart Capitalist" Do something more than being a fucking money changer...That's all you are...A parasite on the back of humanity....
Lot of jibber jabber, not much content. I could tell you that many of my colleagues take out time for social causes despite their crazy working hours and sleep deprived lives, I could also tell you that people like Buffet, Gates and even Zuckerberg among other have pledged 95% of their wealth to charity unlike some of the rich spoilt brats who claim they are part of the 99%. I could tell you that most of my colleagues are from humble middle class background who are happy that they are now able to provide a comfortable lives to their families and are happy to be in an industry where your smartness rather than family connections counts.
But that would of course not fit into your sensationalist polarized view of the world, a view that you cling to either because you are too naive and obstinate or may be because it makes you feel comfortable in blaming your miseries on others.
I could also tell you that this alleged money changing business that I am in takes far more brains and far more hard work on a day to day basis than most other jobs in America, let alone studying for and getting a liberal arts degree. While most jobs would have an easy Monday or a relaxed Friday, we have no such luxury. We deal with our clients money, and lots of it, and excuses like headache, hangover etc do not count; you take a crap and come back and see you lost a few millions.
I could also tell you that it is us and our constant monitoring of the performances of corporations that ensure that these corporations and their executives do what is best for their shareholders and do not squander their money uselessly. Our acts do not just benefit our clients who may hold a million dollar stake in an entity but also the average Joe who holds shares worth a few thousand. We keep these companies disciplined and ensure they serve their stakeholder's best interest.
I could also tell you that with the taxes that we pay we ensure that the government has money to spend on such things as health care, a messy war, roads, schools etc. We earn a lot and we also pay that much more tax than the other guy. I could argue that, if anything, it is those other 50% Americans who don't pay taxes, and of course the OWS hippies who sits, craps, pukes and fucks in a park meant for the public, that are the parasites in the system. While people like us managed to put ourselves through good universities and get useful degrees, it is OWS that wants jobs disproportionate to the worth and usefulness of their academic, professional and intellectual capability.
As for Philip Morris, I don't smoke and I drink sparingly. If it were to me, I would have closed them down. But I can neither make all smokers quit smokers and nor can my single vote make Big Government end it's affair with Big Tobacco.
But I don't see much use in talking sense with you or most OWS ppl for that matter. You guys are driven by emotions and there is no amount of facts that can measure up to emotions.
So Nick, like I said, I do not give a damn.
No I'm not driven by emotions...I just see what goes on in the world and who is causing it, half the trouble with all you "smart" guys is that you and your clients think that "making" money is the same as earning it...It isn't and it never will be...
If money is energy, any sort of arbitrage that can be made to you and your clients comes from somewhere..
You may be smart but you also may still be wrong and unethical and immoral...
The only reason your degree means anything is that what you do benefits the people who are trying to make a quick buck without putting in labor "energy" also known in other circles as stealing..
You are stealing, one day you'll realize this...
BTW I work for the same system you do...Part of the Ponz..But at least I know it.
You are part of the wetiko tribe my friend...
You'll eat your own tail for a buck...That's after you destroy everything else...
Our "Acts" Ha Ha...all I can say is keep thinking as though you are doing "God's Work". It will help you sleep at night...
I already knew you didn't give a damn..
You are nobody to tell me what i should be earning. You guys are simply jealous. And what makes you and whiny friends think they have earned the right to free college education or a house that they clearly can't afford?
And I didnt get you 'if money is energy' thing.
You quite obviously do not understand the whole concept of investing else you would not be making such stupid statements. And I am not at all bothered to correct you. Go think whatever you want, your opinion is not worth a penny to me, literally.
The problem with OWS losers is that they never figured how to succeed or at least never understood the amount of efforts it takes to succeed; so when they see others prosper they don't see the hard work, they just see they glitz and burn in envy.'s all on the chopping block...I'm not jealous..My situation is very good..I don't even have to drive very far to go to work..Gas prices? Not a biggy. for me..No I'm not jealous of you..Just as I'm not jelous of people in the Mafia..
You didn't get my money is energy thing?
Are you stupid?
I've succeeded sir, without having to deal with you "kind"...
Don't be jealous..
Now that you provided me with that link, I am very certain of your high intellectual caliber and incredible financial success. Please pardon my indiscretions, O Wise One.
Thank You,
I do try to live as best I can to live within and without these systems...It would be "wise" for anyone to try to reduce their dependance on these systems. All systems.
You can call me Nick though, people only refer to me as O' Wise One during our sacrificial rights ceremony.. Yes, this is the part where we drink Christian babies blood..Yum..