Forum Post: The applications of ideas - identifying conditions of usefulness.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:48 a.m. EST by VindicatedVigilante
from Fort Worth, TX
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Im looking for insights on this topic, yes it is relevant, but not immediately apparent.
You're talking about "praxis" - theory into practice? What types of ideas are you talking about?
Yes! praxis, however Im looking to identify principles or conditions of usefulness that can be applied to a broad spectrum of ideas.
The essence of pragmatic application is that there are no "one size fits all" solutions. The creative approach lies sleeping within the context itself. Think of a particular idea, and a particular situation in which you want to engage it, and ideas will emerge. Research the actions of visionaries in similar contexts to your own. Think about it.
This is where what I am looking for obviously diverges from praxis. Another thing to consider is Im not actually using praxis, but something similar with the individual or mind as a central element.