Forum Post: The American people have the right to disband any corporation doing business in this country
Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 7:45 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Any Corporation doing land grabs in Africa or partnering with despotic regimes for resources needs to be dis-banded and jailed
Our government works like this - a corporate memo is issued by companies and banks - then the government enforces it against the people - scary!!!!!
We dont have the authority to disband corporations, nor should we. Corporations are separate economic entities represented by their owners that can behave in any way they see fit within the bounds of law. Outside the bounds of course, they should be punished and aren't exempt from the laws of this country. Holy crap everyone assumes that corporations get away with everything. Go look in the news and you will see dozens of stories of corporations being punished by lawsuits, injunctions, fines etc.
There's a vast difference in punishment we're talking about here - If I were to participate in mass murder via my actions by polluting a town with chemicals or commit treasonous acts by partnering with despotic regimes and governments - I'd go to jail - I don't have the luxury of paying a fine or losing a financial suit if I were committing such crimes but corporations do. Here's an idea for a new law - There's only a fine for killing treasonous murdering CEO's - I'll start the petition today... anyone with me? Seems fair. Also seems like if a company is doing something overseas to people that would normally be a crime here then they should be punished. And you are 100 percent wrong - the people have the right to disband and have done it before - they only need enough signatures on a petition - what company do you own ... you seem scared.
You're absolutely right. We do not have to accept corporate tyranny.
Any republican owned corporations should be dissolved democratically.
Democrats are the only hope for our nation and republicans are the only evil which undermines their steadfast, valiant and honorable efforts.
1 Republican can derail and wreck 40 Democrats.
Government is the Corporations/ Corporations are the Government - they have melded into one .. so no I don't want that anymore than you do (unless you get rid of corruption because originally government was us - the people ...we and our government were supposed to be one) Is a Democratic Republic still democratic if the people are not represented? Right now they just dictate what we will do. It's like a corporate memo issued by companies and banks - then the government enforces it - scary!!!!!
Petitions ? Let's get them going
The ameriKKKan People have the Right to Abolish their Government anytime they wish
You have that right,
But then the OWS is status quo and wants more government, more cops, more prisons and more fake teachers.
More public unions and more gulags, and more hangmen.
More acne!!