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Forum Post: the "American Dream" can be true

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 11:17 p.m. EST by poltergist22 (159)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I agree with most of the demands on here.I agree that what the financial institutions did with home loans wasn't much better than 'loan sharking' I think you should collect signatures and pressure the district Attorneys to investigate and prosecute. I think the same of Wall Street it has turned into a system of bookies betting on bookies with other peoples money. Again I think you should pressure the legal system. I agree that big business has a disproportionate influence on the Gov't and it seems your only weapon 'your vote' seems to get lost in the quagmire of politics/power. I think the election process should only be financed by us not some corporation. i do not agree with occupying foreclosed homes that's trespassing and breaking the law it doesn't make sense to me to break a law to try and get the establishment to enforce one. I don't agree with blocking any work place , people are striving to make ends meet and any work is welcome. I especially don't like all the posts and rabble on here about wealthy people. I understand someone not respecting a person who has not done anything but be born and having money(heiress etc etc) and even then it would depend on the context of their character. And I understand about some wealthy people who became wealthy dishonestly. But the majority of these people have become successful from long hours.sacrifice,luck,or sacrifice. In America these people are the people who we admire they are successful they have achieved the 'American Dream' and these hard working achieving people are the ones you need to help get rid of the corruption in the system and they would help if they see common sense and accountability (law abiding accountability) within OWS. www.nationalday911.org



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[-] 0 points by chestRockwell (-4) 13 years ago

your a faggot

[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 13 years ago
