Forum Post: The American Dream..............
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:26 p.m. EST by Cherianne
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our American Dream started 18 years ago when we bought a little piece of land after a hurricane had knocked down about 1/4 of the trees...
After sawing, splitting wood and clearing brush...we build a little building with a sink, microwave, toilet & stall shower. We slept on the floor of that building on a mattress for over a year, my husband & I.
During that time we started building our dream home, a log cabin. We lived in that cabin for over 3 years with no electricity, just a dropcord to a saw service, no running water, no bathroom (I took showers in 15 degree weather in that outdoor building on more mornings than I'd like to admit to). Cooking was that outdoor building microwave, where we'd heat something up & run to the house before it got too cold. The only furniture was a wood stove, 2 chairs, and a bed. We paid for everything as we went as we both worked our butts off 40-50 hours a week and then on the house till dark.
18 years later, it's still not done all the way but it's alot further than it was. It's OUR HOME, our AMERICAN DREAM. There's nobody that comes here that doesn't first say, this place is like a piece of heaven and you know what, it is.
I'm only posting to say...there is NOTHING in this world that you can be given that will EVER mean anything to you unless you put your blood, sweat, tears & dreams into it...NOTHING.