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Forum Post: The American Charter

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 9:57 p.m. EST by Kickinthenuts (212)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  • You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
  • You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
  • You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
  • You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
  • You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
  • You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
  • You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
  • You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
  • You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
  • You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

Except for coins all of our money our money comes into circulation as bank loans, and it comes with an interest charge attached.

“The eyes of our citizens are not sufficiently open to the true cause of our distress. They ascribe them to everything but their true cause, the banking system; The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution.” – Thomas Jefferson

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago



[-] theghostofthomasjefferson 3 points 4 days ago

No, I wrote the Declaration of Desperation. I believe the 99% Declaration is an ineffective document. The Occupy Movement will fail if it is adopted. For it will alienate the American People. This is not a question of politics, of right or wrong. This is a question of intelligence. We must be smart. We enjoy popular support, for now. But to preserve America's good will, we must keep our demands narrow: end the corrupting influence of money in politics. That is something a majority of Americans can get behind. That is something a social movement can achieve. And then, and only then, can the other issues be successfully pursued.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

The U.S. Constitution binds government to represent the interests of the American people – “to promote the General Welfare” and empowers our Federal Government to create, issue and regulate our money (Article I, Section 8, Clause 5). We must hold our officeholders responsible to the laws. Do you want us to deny the Constitution? In favor of who? Enron? Bear Stearns? J.P. Morgan? Goldman Sachs? Lehman Brothers? Please get real! Our choice is to let those pirates continue to control our money system or to intelligently constitute the MONEY POWER within our government.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Feel bad for you. I control my own money. If I need more, I work harder. I own my own business. I don't depend on those you name. They control nothing of mine. Quit whining. Be productive. Get a job, start a business. Mine was started from scratch. I was my first client. You really want the government to manage your money. If so, you'll find you have less than you have now. Go live in Greece if you want to experience a socialist society of money control. How are they doing today?

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

I want the government to follow our laws. The first law that no other can leglly supercede is the U.S. Constitution.

(Article I, Section 8, Clause 5). Congress SHALL coin and regulate the currency . . .

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

THE MONEY MASTERS is a NON-FICTION, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure.

The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth.


[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

What's your point? We have a central bank. How's it work? The great thing about this country is that YOU can dictate your success. Stop blaming others. Don't like the banks, move you money. Don't like the oil companies, ride a bike. Minimize your use. Companies will only change their behavior if people stop buying their goods and services. Make yourself a success.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

My point is we must hold our officeholders accountable to the laws of our nation.

You stated: You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

I agree, but except for coins OUR MONEY comes into circulation as a bank loan.

I just want to point out that fact. We are suffering serious problems and following our own laws would solve most of them.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Mostly agree with you. However, I'm telling you,nobody needs our government to be a success. This is the one country in the world that good ideas and hard work will allow success. Pay attention to yourself and your money. I never invested in enron because I couldn't figure out what they did. Most of our issues are generated by greed. Really has little to do with rich or poor. Imcertainly not one of the 1%, but I'm sure not one the 99% the bums camping in our cities purport themselves to be. Don't like the government, make sure you vote.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

And mostly I agree with you, too. I love this country, but am fearful for our future as a nation, and that is why I post here on OWS.

I'm not camping out and thankfully am employed. But this recession/depression is very deep and most of it was caused by criminal actions. As yet, not one has been arrested.

I never bought mortgage backed securities because I couldn't understand them.

As far as voting, I have always voted but recently have decided that I will not cast a vote for President without conviction.

Will never give in - while I have breath.