Forum Post: The Age of Ben Parker
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 11:28 p.m. EST by CountOfStGermain
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Most of us are elightened, it happened long enough ago that we ought to be. We are in a state of anomie, directionless, flooded by the images that bombard us every waking moment, overloaded with a subtle knowledge of the corruption and evil of the world, and godless. a very godless generation if you ask me, if were all to be honest with ourselves. we just live and die and since no one has much hope for an afterlife, everyones decided to just do whatever they want in the time they have. we seem to just not give a fuck, and justly so! this is the first time i have seen the coma broken, the people awake as if from slumber, and similarly are blinded by the morning light, dilated eyes must focus, but we are all so fragmented. many want this revolution to be socialist, well i dont trust the government with more power, isn't that something to learn from this? but i dont really trust many things and justly so. i dont really believe wholeheartedly in many things, and justly so! communism is a beautiiful ideal but cannot be implemented because well i dont trust the leaders, whoever they may be, for they are human. Humans who did not have ben parker as their uncle. so what to do when democratic capitalism discontents the people? we are disillusioned and are stagnant, we cannot simultaneously believe in everything and nothing anymore. a path must be taken. what to do with the new power that will be given us when the world is ripe for change? I'd argue we never had a true democratic capitalism because there was never a free market. I would suggest a return to the constitution, a critical look at the future of america. this is the time to do it. anonymous, ben parker, have you guys met before? hes got some great, very marketable, lines of advice.
-Man Can Be More St Germain