Forum Post: the 99%'s simple 10 years plan!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 3:33 a.m. EST by happymonkey8d
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Get rid of money and currency all together! Really not as hard as it sounds. All around social genius Jacques Fresco has outlined an entire ten year plan since the 1970's. THIS IS OUR ANSWER!! Go to or
The short-term goal should be to get rid of money's invisibility. it is something physical and easily hideable. we should implement a currency, worldwide (gets rid of offshore accounts), which is based on visibility and traceability.
With all due respect, you guys need to stop pushing the zeitgeist/rbe agenda on this website. Nothing against the movement, it's just the wrong place for it. OWS will never get behind it. OWS is merely about fixing our PRESENT government problems. And please don't start rambling about what the movement's all about, I spent an hour or two Saturday doing a small bit of research on it just so I'd know what the hell it was. And with all due respect, there are a lot of people like me that would never get behind a guy who has been quoted as saying, "Never give people the right to their own opinion." How arrogant.
yes of everything they do pick one and only one quote which happens to be a negative sounding one and reply with that. Fixing our current governmental issues will solve nothing they will just overturn any positive change. There is one thing they crave and you have to take that one thing out of the equation. Money. No more money no more theft lies and no more wall street no more shady government deals no more 1%.
The problem with this stuff is that it is way to radical for the vast majority of America. While some are struggling, most Americans still live a fairly comfortable life. They would never go for something so radical. So why would OWS want to get behind something that would only apply to a small numbers of Americans?
Money is not the problem, my friend. Money is merely a tool. It's GREED that is the problem. There's a big difference. And lack of accountability and responsibility in the government. Like I said, I'm not against the zeitgeist movement, I've heard both good and bad. However, someone on this site a few days ago (with an engineering degree and lots of experience) said he tried numerous times to help out the movement and they were not in any way receptive to any outside ideas. As if Fresco already knows all the answers. It goes hand in hand with the quote. It sounds like an extreme power trip to me. It reeks of cultism (Jim Jones, anyone?). Railing against anyone who disagrees (Scientology)? That's not utopia. If you want total credibility Fresco should start a completely self-sustaining community down there in Venus, FL or wherever he would choose to set it up, then see if the concept is actually doable. It it's still totally self-sufficient five or ten years down the road, you'll see your numbers skyrocket. But what I think is missing from his ideas is factoring in human nature. He's not the first that's tried the concept of a utopian society. Nor the first to try a self-sustaining community. You aren't on this website to help promote the OWS' plans, and that's my main point. You are here to promote your own agenda and recruit members. Yet another faction trying to co-opt the movement.
We need to keep it simple, get money out of politics. That's the 1st step, the rest will be a work in progress. Until money is taken out of the political machine we have little hope.
Fully agree. And I believe that is one of the top two or three things on OWS' agenda. Get a few important things done first and it will open the door for a whole host of improvements down the road. I think that's their plan.