Forum Post: The 99% Stand up: Spread the Word
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 10:16 a.m. EST by lilyj
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What about the following idea to maintain or enhance the symbolic power of the Occupy movement, be relatively easy for people to participate in, and (potentially) have a powerful media and, who knows, political impact?
What if at the same time and on the same day – perhaps prior to the 11/23 vote of the Congressional Super Committee – everyone in the U.S. who considered her/himself part of the “99%” stopped what s/he was doing and stood outside on the sidewalk for 3 minutes in silence. If we did it at noon, people could step out of work, their homes, their classes, or pull over their cars and just STOP what they were doing. The theme would be something like “Stand up for the 99%.” If the media were alerted, photographs or videos could go viral on the internet.
This could either be organized one city at a time or – ideally – at the same time in each time zone (i.e., noon on a specific day). If the latter were selected, there could be “rolling” numbers of persons in each time zone declaring their solidarity. I think if it were held prior to the vote of the “committee of 12” it could be effective.