Forum Post: "The 99% Political Party Independence Movement"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:56 a.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is a lot of talk about OccupyWallSt launching a third political party...
I agree with the sentiments... but can we not take a step further ?...
Why do we want a Party so to speak... Why become the same type of institution that has caused the mess?
Why not organize "Independence" from any party affiliation?.... In the 60's the original meaning of the word "groupie" was "someone who would blindly follow their leaders"...
The media hated this.. and changed the definition to "someone who followed rock bands"....
But we all knew the truth...
how about "The 99% Political Party Independence Movement" ....
and organize everyone signing on to stand on their own... elect & support on their own... as an individual... supporting no party... that would be much more in allignment with the OccupyWallSt movement... no ?
Would love to see OWS become a sort of anti-party. OWS should use the GOP and DEMs gerrymandered system against them, by voting in the primaries to remove the current crop of corrupt politicians. Remember folks, the democratic process starts in the primaries.
;) agree ... and some states let us vote in all primaries
agreed, please come to the wiki and begin organizing the party.
I ran for congress in 1992 as an independent. I couldn't get on the ballot. It was the biggest waste of time and money in my life. Ballot access laws make it almost impossible for independents to get on the ballot. Also, the media ignore you. I ran for state assmbly as a Green in 2000, got 5.3% of the vote.
I ran for congress in 1992 as an independent. I couldn't get on the ballot. It was the biggest waste of time and money in my life. Ballot access laws make it almost impossible for independents to get on the ballot. Also, the media ignore you. I ran for state assmbly as a Green in 2000, got 5.3% of the vote.
I recommend that we push for the "Other" group of political leaders. Meaning anyone NOT affiliated with the Republican or the Democratic parties. Vote them all out! If need be . . . write in "Other" when you cast your vote in the next election.
33% of Americans currently identify as political independents, neither Democrat nor Republican. There are already as many political independents in this country as there are supporters of either major party.
I'm going to vote green if the add ending wars to their platform
how about "Get Profit Out of War" ?
that could be construed either way
get profit out of(from) War
get Profit out of(away from) WAR
hehehe... too true... need to fix that ;)
how about "Get Profit Away from War" ?
that sounds good
but Ending War is simple and direct
money need not be asked to do the task
ok.... here's the dilemma... people have been saying... "End War" for eternity .. so it will be shook off as another pie in the sky thing... so ... little steps .... "Get Profit Away from War" it starts moving in the right dirrection
I agree ... but it does advertise the main problem .. no ?
hmmmm, I got to think about that .... "End War" sounds so much better...
I think letting the money system puts off the issue
when humans are capable of stopping war
I hope so ;)