Forum Post: The 99% Political Party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:46 a.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There's a lot of talk about OccupyWallSt launching a third political party...
I agree with the sentiments... but can we not take a step further ?...
Why do we want a Party so to speak... Why become the same type of institution that has caused the mess?
Why not organize "Independence" from any party affiliation?.... In the 60's the original meaning of the word "groupie" was "someone who would blindly follow their leaders"...
The media hated this.. and changed the definition to "someone who followed rock bands"....
But we all knew the truth...
how about "The 99% Political Party Independence Movement" ....
and organize everyone signing on to stand on their own... elect & support on their own... as an individual... supporting no party... that would be much more in allignment with the OccupyWallSt movement... no ?