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Forum Post: The 99 Percent Party

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 3:40 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
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"Further Argument;

gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago

I'm not missing the big picture i see it fine. Obama being in a cage is again very much related to being in power as a democrat in the dem party, and being ignorant himself. The lies obama believes are the things that truly kill him. He trusts evil people, we all get shafted.

Either way we arrive at the same end. Obama is just grease under the foot of a giant shafting machine, The road kill just like we are under the giant corporate oligarchy corruption.

There ARE things he could have done to stand up to that corruption, but he didn't. And yes, they hold the presidents family essentially hostage. Duh. So?

Again, as we follow the power upstream its very clear. Remove all oligarchs from power. Remove the rich from public office. Conflict of interest. If you are a millionaire you can't get into government theres an inherent conflict of interest there between cronyism and being a servant of the people.

Obviously these truths lead inescapably to removing all of these rich oligarchs from office. Party affiliation means nothing. Caste membership means everything. "Elites" are already financially elite, it is not in the public interest to then allow them to have any kind of office in government.

That leads to a government of, by and for the elites- such as we have now.

The only way to restore civility, sanity, democracy, or stop the assorted emergencies our civilization faces is to end the corruption and to do that you must remove the corrupted.

"When times are very uncertain, people tend to turn to strongmen and dictators. Working withing the electoral process helps prevent that endless violence and repression."

Working inside of false dualism and for it is quite the opposite, working within the electoral process AS YOU REPRESENT IT- that false dualism; is simply and merely and only itself a direct assault on the people and is how violence and opression WORK on a MECHANISTIC level.

So please don't do this. I don't really have time to argue in circles with you.

What is really going on is ANY argument pro the democratic party is both an argument in treason to many members of our real coalition who joined in good faith and are now on the ground with boots down but whom are previously republican. Similarly and in opposite, the same goes for any argument pro Ron or Cain or etc. No democrats, no republicans, our electoral system DOES allow for third parties its been gamed by oligarchs to make that very much harder than joining them... but thats just their way of always co-opting the revolution.

You can not splice new genes into and onto an evil animal. The Democratic party must die; and be replaced after by something which is NOT the OLIGARCHIC (democrats)

As long as you siren song us out to have a relationship with the MASK you are being a dupe and pwn and a soldier for the wrong side; and blinding everyone to absolutely necessary right action.

The only REAL relationship here is the oligarchy has a party it uses as a tool to rule over us. That is an inherently evil and fascist and deceptive meta entity and so that meta entity MUST DIE. "



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i'd really like to see us do this. whos with me?
