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Forum Post: The 99% Conglomerate may be the best strategy

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 30, 2013, 12:55 a.m. EST by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There is one thing I can think of that everyone has in common. We are all consumers. Most of us depend on the free market. Many of us are afraid to move away from capitalism because we've been trained to think inside a box: that there are no alternatives outside of socialism and communism. Since we are divided politically, geographically, and in so many other ways, a strategy needs to be employed that is able to reach everyone in the 99%, even if they don't know they are.

It's such a simple strategy and so easy to understand, if you really want to. It's so simple that it's unlikely anyone in higher society will defend themselves against it... even if they are reading this right now!

The Conglomerate is just another corporation with the full power and protection of the law. This corporation "owns" a shipload of small business (subsidiaries owned by citizens) at first, and later it acquires (consumes) larger corporations, freeing employees and protecting the environment. Who would try to stop that? Could you imagine supreme court battle between Monsanto and the 99% Conglomerate in Phase 3? The streets would be packed!

You can start a business doing anything and instantly capture a large percent of your target market. When Phase 1 starts, one of the first tasks is getting the Directory of Subsidiaries to supporters of the Occupy movement. Subsidiaries support the Conglomerate by adding the 99% symbol (just a 99% in a circle, any size) to their logo and advertizing.

If we do want to have a government able and willing to change for the better, the people need to be united. Think of all the power of the nation as a pie, and how tiny your piece is without unity. The Conglomerate can become the most influential entity in the world.

It lays out a clear and simple, practically effortless, noble, non-violent resistance-free path to revolution. And it's catchy. What more could you ask for?

Back to Topic References: http://occupywallst.org/forum/conglomerate-and-dgrc-topic-references/



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[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Any takers yet?

[-] 2 points by Nader (74) 12 years ago

I don't understand how this conglomerate comes to "own" the small businesses and start businesses that instantly capture a large percentage of the target market.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

The Conglomerate doesn't exactly own them. Subsidiaries "allow" themselves to be acquired by the Conglomerate. It depends on which phase the Conglomerate is in, and what type of Subsidiary it is. For example P1 Subsidiaries are much different than P3 Subsidiaries.

Capturing a large percentage of the target market... OK, that won't happen when there are only five subscribers to the Ad Recipients list (recipients of the regularly-distributed Directory of Subsidiaries). It will however be true when a large majority of your local population understands what the Conglomerate and its Subsidiaries are about. Consumers will be able to easily distinguish between 99% and 1% corporations soon after Phase 1. It's about solidarity and bolstering local economies.

[-] 2 points by Nader (74) 12 years ago

What would be the benefit then to the subsidiaries that would allow themselves to be acquired.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

They would benefit from free advertizing. They would be increasing their profits and improving their local economy, which allows locals to have more money to spend. If I was looking at two similar hardware stores standing side by side, and could tell one was a Subsidiary, I would not think twice about which one to enter.

[-] 1 points by Nader (74) 12 years ago

You might do that, I often do that, and a bunch of other people on here might but there is a reason that places like WalMart put a place like Al's Hardware out of business. People know that WalMart is a huge coorperation and Al's Hardware is owned by the guy named Al who works there but yet they chose based on price and convenience. Price and convenience trump supporting small businesses. It shouldn't but the proof is in the pudding.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

I agree completely, and wouldn't buy my diapers anywhere else. Walmart and the like will be challenges for sure. Don't let that get in our way, it's a small piece of the puzzle.

[-] -1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

Kavatz seems to think that writing down an idea for a business of your own-like "Air Breather" and making up some contact information is all that is required in order to call something the "Subsidiary Creation Process". No actual paperwork or licensing or even inventory or skills required...you just name your "Subsidiary", link it to one of your online "identities" (doesn't have to be your actual real personal information) and you're good to go.

I cannot imagine why he's not "capturing a large percent of his target market" with this.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

I can point you to the differences between Phase 1, 2 and 3. You will probably retract your statements when you understand them. Or I can take the time to explain them from scratch, which isn't that big a deal.

[-] -2 points by oldJohn (-646) 12 years ago

Dude, this post is three weeks old and you didn't get any comments.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Well, none that weren't deleted.

So you see my point?

[-] 0 points by oldJohn (-646) 12 years ago

I do see your point. A conglomerate is a good idea.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Thank you. I'm receptive to ideas to enhance this one, as well as open minded if someone wishes to point me to something better.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

What Thras means is that s/he bit off more than it can chew today and is feeling a tad bit overwhelmed. It's also evading giving any answer because then it would be all about you and it is really, really, really about Thras.

[-] 2 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

I've been watching the conversations.

[-] 0 points by oldJohn (-646) 12 years ago

Let me think about it in more depth. I'll write my thoughts tomorrow. I'm handling some lame trolls right now. My brain isn't in sharp mode. When I deal with people like GirlFriday, DKAtoday, shooz, and the rest of the resident trolls my mind starts working slowly and sluggishly in order to adapt to their level. It helps me predict their next moves.

[-] -2 points by oldJohn (-646) 12 years ago

How many were deleted, and by who? Have the moderators indulged in more marxist fueled censorship?

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

No no. The people who posted deleted their comments. Been a while, I don't recall who.

[-] 0 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 12 years ago

"The Conglomerate is just another corporation with the full power and protection of the law. "

Now, I don't know where you're from Kavatz, but in order to be protected by the law, you must comply with actual laws. This means you must file the paperwork and follow the requirements of forming a "corporation" that have been established by law.

In order to form a conglomerate, at least two "independent corporations" must merge and each corporation then becomes a "division" within the conglomerate. Now, unless you've set up your own private business or co-op as a "corporation" of some kind-and complied with the state and federal laws regarding establishing that "corporation", you cannot form a conglomerate.

"You can start a business doing anything and instantly capture a large percent of your target market. "

Only if and after this thing takes off.

"Subsidiaries support the Conglomerate by adding the 99% symbol (just a 99% in a circle, any size) to their logo and advertizing."

You clearly know nothing, zip, nada, about marketing anything at all. Adding the symbol 99% in a circle to your logo and advertising doesn't lead anyone anywhere at all. In order for customers to be led to the "conglomerate", they must be given information that actually LEADS TO IT. In order for everyone, everywhere to recognize a specific logo as belonging to a specific entity, requires extensive advertising of it's own AND complete symmetry and repetition of the exact same logo-size, color, etc over and over again. Which means you'll have to create some kind of logo and trademark it.

"The Conglomerate" can't be the name of your master corporation either because you won't be the ONLY conglomerate. Which means creating a name, logo etc and establishing a domain on the internet with that name etc. You know, a place where people can go to "support the Conglomerate" etc.

Now, dealing with the laws of incorporation is not "simple or effortless", it's not FREE, and you have nothing catchy so far.

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

What's that famous saying?

First they criticize you,Then they laugh at you,Then they fight with you,Then you win. - M.K.Gandhi

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

You're being harsh, but at least you're talking. All you have complained about so far has been accounted for in existing plans. More ideas, new and existing, will be dumped into here in time.

Inception-phase planning links:

P1: http://occupywallst.org/forum/p1-incorporation/

P2: http://occupywallst.org/forum/p2-presence/

P3: http://occupywallst.org/forum/p3-consumption/

Anyways, keep your comments Rollin in.
