Forum Post: The 99% Conglomerate BECOMES Libertarian Socialism
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 2, 2013, 4:12 p.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What I think Chomsky and perhaps everyone else is missing is the key. It would have happened by now otherwise. I appreciate that cooperatives and worker owned businesses are growing in numbers. These things take a long time.
There's just a bunch of stuff in the way, like the greedy power-hungry capitalists and elite. There is the ignorance of the indoctrinated populace. There is this device of elections and political parties keeping the people divided. One could go on and on.
Maybe it doesn't need to take much time, and maybe all that was ever needed was really hard times - times like these.
What is different today from evolutions of the past is that the world is at risk, not just freedom and liberty. The impacts of capitalism and industrialization have been devastating. The powers that be are not willing to lose what they have and stand to gain. Never before have TPTB been so weaponized and sophisticated. Hopefully they don't become more ambitious.
The Conglomerate is simply the grease that can rapidly swing the distribution of power and wealth. The strategy is being defined. It doesn't have to take much time, relatively speaking, and it by design should flourish without much effort or resistance.
What would the world look like if the Conglomerate was in Phase 3 maturity? There would be a lot of worker owned and operated businesses, which prior to their acquisition (consumption) by the Conglomerate were typical irresponsible capitalist corporations. Expect a significant increase in worker ownership, and a great emancipation of workers.
A post Conglomerate world (as it has a "suicide gene" built in) would look like anything the world's people desire, as most/all corporate money and corruption will be weeded out of government. There will systemic evolution. With the values and virtues of the 99% and our domination of world influence and power, the best decisions will be made.
I'm rooting for libertarian socialism, in the form of Departmental Governance, but that's just me. (Referenced )
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"I appreciate that cooperatives and worker owned businesses are growing in numbers. These things take a long time.
There's just a bunch of stuff in the way, like the greedy power-hungry capitalists and elite. There is the ignorance of the indoctrinated populace."
Im rooting for the same thing you are, for the most part. The thing is, there isnt a whole lot from people starting coops and worker owned businesses right now. Ya its tough, and decentralization would help, but its far from impossible.
Exactly, that's why I say the power is there but the key is not.
There is increasing activity of coops and worker owned businesses, or at least much talk of increase from speakers I listen to.
It would be very easy for us to get started with the plans already in place. A little fun effort and the pebble is cast into the pond.